Transitioning from PSPDFKit Server to Document Engine


PSPDFKit Server has been deprecated and replaced by Document Engine. To migrate to Document Engine and unlock advanced document processing capabilities, refer to our migration guide. Learn more about these enhancements on our blog.

Question: For documents uploaded using an URL, where are annotations and edits to the document stored?


When uploading a document using an URL we don’t persistently store the PDF file in PSPDFKit Server and will fetch it from the URL when necessary. That being said, any annotations existing in the document upon upload, as well as ones created after upload will be stored in your database the same way they are for documents uploaded directly to PSPDFKit Server.

Furthermore, since document operations or digitally signing modify the underlying PDF file, after using any of these operation the resulting PDF will be stored using your configured storage backend and no longer be fetched from the URL the document was originally uploaded from.