PSPDFKit 2023.2 migration and updates

PSPDFKit for Web 2023.2 introduces some new APIs and includes several bug fixes. To determine if you need to take action, check your implementation and refer to the information below.

Notable Changes

  • (#38270) Edge 18 is no longer supported starting in PSPDFKit for Web 2023.2.0. As a result, the disableWebassembly configuration property is no longer needed and has been removed.

  • (#39279) The PSPDFKit.Configuration#printMode and PSPDFKit.Configuration#disableHighQualityPrinting configuration properties will be deprecated in version 2023.2.0 in favor of the new PSPDFKit.Configuration#printOptions property, which should be used instead from now on.

    • If any of the deprecated properties are used, a warning will be logged, prompting you to use the new property. However, the old properties will still work until version 2023.3.0. At that point, they’ll be completely removed, and their usage will throw an error.

    • To migrate, replace the properties with the printOption configuration object.

    • The value of printOptions.mode is still PSPDFKit.Configuration.printMode, but PSPDFKit.Configuration.Configuration.disableHighQualityPrinting will now be replaced with printOptions.quality, and PSPDFKit.PrintQuality.LOW is the default. You also have to option to set the print quality to PSPDFKit.PrintQuality.MEDIUM or PSPDFKit.PrintQuality.HIGH.


      printMode: PSPDFKit.PrintMode.DOM,
      disableHighQualityPrinting: true


      printOptions: {
        mode: PSPDFKit.PrintMode.DOM,
        quality: PSPDFKit.PrintQuality.LOW
  • (#39279) The default printing quality has changed: While it formerly printed in high quality by default, it’ll now print in low quality for fast printing by default. If you want to keep the former default behavior, you need to explicitly set high quality in the configuration object:

      printOptions: {
        quality: PSPDFKit.PrintQuality.HIGH

Migrate PSPDFKit Server

For information on PSPDFKit Server migration, see PSPDFKit Server 2023.2 Migration Guide.

For a full list of changes, check out the changelog. For the previous release notes, see Web SDK 2023.1 release notes.