Manage Requests

By utilizing roles for any given process, the Integrify Administrators can define themselves or a group of other users with the ability to “Manage” a process. If you are given this capability, it means that you can manage all requests for the process. This includes reassigning or restarting any previously started or completed the task in the process. This gives the user the ability to restart and reassign and delete tasks on the fly.

For example, if there is an approval task and the recipient has ignored his or her open task, the user with Manage permissions can restart and reassign the task to someone else for completion (the reassignment will be captured in the requests’ task history). Select the Manage Requests option in the Navigation pane:

Optional filtering of the requests that you can manage can be accomplished by selecting theSearch option:

If would like to search for a number in the name or description, place an % at the beginning of the search.

After locating the request(s) you want to manage, there are two options:

  • Delete Request(s)

  • Manage Request(Reset Tasks/Reassign Tasks)

Delete Request(s)

By selecting a checkbox for the request that you want to delete and then selecting Delete Request , you will delete the request. This action will perform a soft delete—removing the request from the user’s reports and canceling open tasks but not at the database level.

Manage Request

To reset or reassign tasks, click on the request id number or the magnifying glass icon next to the request you want to reset or reassign tasks for:

There are two choices to manage a reset or reassign tasks, you can select either the ‘Request Management - Flow’ OR the ‘Request Management - List’ tab for the request.

Note: The ‘Request Management - List’ tab will only display the completed and ‘in progress’ tasks.

By selecting the Request Management - Flow tab, you will be presented with the task flow view for the request. You can now hover over any of the tasks within a process and you will be presented with the option toReset Task or Redo Task Completion (do not reset data). By selecting Reset Task , you are setting the status of the task to initialized which will lose any previous data that was completed for the task and if there were recipients of the task, they would receive that open task again. By selecting Redo Task , the task status will still be captured as completed and the data from that task will remain (Use this option if you don’t want to lose the previously captured data of the task but want to re-trigger the subsequent tasks that start based on that task being completed):

If you hover over a completed task (a task icon in green) as shown above, you will only be presented with the Reset and Redo options. If you hover over a task that is Open or ‘In Progress’ (a task icon in yellow), as shown below you will be presented with Reset, Redo, Set Recipients or Change Dates.

Reassign - After selecting Set Recipients , you will be presented with the window below. From here, you can search for the users that you want to be recipients of the task. You can optionally type in the first two letters of a name to search or simply select the search icon and be presented to all users. To add or remove a recipient, click the plus button on the left to add, and the minus button on the right to remove (you can add multiple recipients) and select Close to save your changes:

You can also choose to manage a request by selecting the ‘Request Management - List’ tab for the request.

Note: This will only display the completed and ‘in progress’ tasks.

If you do this you will be presented with the screen below:

From this list view, you can perform the same management options as described above using the icons to the left of the Request.