The Manage Task Report Column

The Reporting tool provides a special type of report column called Manage Task. The Manage Task column can be included on a Task type report and displays as an icon for each row of the report. The icon allows the user to perform task management operations on a task, such as those provided in Manage Requests, without the user needing the Manage permission for the process. This allows a report designer to give manage task operations to a user, such as a team lead or supervisor, for only a selected list of requests based on the filtering applied to the report. It can also be limited to requests that are currently at a specified task in the process.

The Manage Task operations that are made available to the user are Reset Task, Redo Task Completion (Do Not Reset Data).

Adding a Manage Task Column to a Report

1. While you’re creating your report, go to the Columns tab. Click on ADD COLUMN.

NOTE : This must be the first column of your report.

2. The Add Column dialog box will appear. Give the column an appropriate name, such as Manage Task. From the Source drop-down list, select Current Task.

3. From the Field drop-down list select ID For Manage Task.

4. From the Format drop-down list select Task Manage Link.

5. Then click the SAVE button to save your column definition.

Add any other columns to your report that you want, such as the Current Task Status, and add any Filters needed to limit the requests shown on the report.

Using Manage Task When Viewing a Report

When the Manage Task column is included on a report you’ll see the Manage icon appear on the left side of each row of the report. When you click the Manage icon the Manage Task menu will pop-up. The edit options for a task will be different, depending on the current state of the task, which is why it is useful to include the “Current Task Status” column in all your reports.

The screenshot below shows the options displayed for a task that is already completed. Tasks that are currently in progress will also have options to assign new task recipients and set due dates.

NOTE: The report does not automatically reflect any changes to a request or task resulting from performing a management function. The user must click the report’s REFRESH button to see the updated request data.