Credential Center

What is the Credential Center?

The credential center is a centralized console within Integrify where system level credentials can be stored in a secure manner.

Why the Credential Center?

First and foremost, for security purposes. Integrify admins and developers can now avoid exposing credentials in plain text by storing them in the Credential Center which can only be accessed by system admins. The credential center also enables admins to collect and save all credentials in one centralized place rather than having them scattered across the platform.

How do I access the Credential Center?

Click on the gear icon at the upper right corner of your Integrify panel, and select “Credential Center” in the drop-down list.

Add a Credential:

Click on ADD CREDENTIALS, specify “Resource Name”, “Description” (optional) and “Credential Type”. The Credential Type can be Bearer token, API Key, Username/Password or Access/Secret key pair.

Click on SAVE.

Bearer Token and API Key are commonly used for Rest Client or Web Service tasks for making API requests;
Username/Password can be used for Database Sources, or Rest Client/Web Service tasks depending on the authentication method of the API;
Access/Secret key pair can be used for calling AWS Lambda functions.

For existing customers, all existing Database Sources and Lambda credentials have been converted into resources for you automatically. 

How do I invoke the credentials stored in the Credential Center?

  • Database Source

Add a Database Connection.
Enter the information required for a Database connection.
Select a database credential from the drop-down list.
Test connection and Save.

  • AWS Lambda task

In the SETTINGS tab of your AWS Lambda tak, select an AWS key you have pre-defined in the Credential Center.

Note that this AWS key is for your custom Lambda functions. Currently we don’t have a way to store personal credentials that are required for some Integrify public lambda functions such as “Push a File to Sharepoint”.

  • Rest Client Task

In the REQUEST PARAMETERS tab of your Rest Client tak, select “Credential Center” as a source, choose the right credential for the request you attempt to make, be it an API key, Bearer token, or Username/Password based on the Authentication method of the API.