
data class BiometricSignatureData(val pressurePoints: List<Float>? = null, val timePoints: List<Long>? = null, val touchRadius: Float? = null, val inputMethod: BiometricSignatureData.InputMethod? = null) : Parcelable

Biometric data of a Signature. Biometric data contains timing, pressure sensitivity, and general input information that was collected while writing the signature. The biometric data can be written to a PDF document while digitally signing using DigitalSignatureMetadata and SigningManager.


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constructor(pressurePoints: List<Float>? = null, timePoints: List<Long>? = null, touchRadius: Float? = null, inputMethod: BiometricSignatureData.InputMethod? = null)


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object Companion
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Types of input devices that for creating a signature.


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Returns input method that was used to create the signature. May be null if the input method is unknown.

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val pressurePoints: List<Float>? = null

Returns pressure points that were collected during signature creation. The returned list is immutable. May be null if no pressure points were collected. The unit and range of values is defined by the input type and may vary. Usually, this will be a value between 0f (no pressure) and 1f (full pressure) as provided by the MotionEvent.getPressure property.

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val timePoints: List<Long>? = null

Returns time points that were registered during signature creation. Time points are milliseconds since the start of drawing the signature (the first time point will be 0). The time points MUST BE NORMALIZED TO FIRST POINT=0 BEFORE SETTING. See normalizeTimePoints. May be null if no time points were collected.

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val touchRadius: Float? = null

Returns touch radius of the input device. The radius is a float value in the interval 0, 1 and represents the "thickness" of the input device or null if the radius is not known.