Represents a single signature (or signature item). To create an InkAnnotation or StampAnnotation from this signature use the toInkAnnotation and toStampAnnotation methods. You can check the signature annotation type through annotationType.
The annotation type of the signature, which can either be InkAnnotation or StampAnnotation. Useful for getting the correct type through toInkAnnotation and toStampAnnotation.
BiometricSignatureData that was collected with this signature. May return null
if no biometric data was created.
The bitmap identifier used for rendering the image signature, or BITMAP_NOT_SET if the signature is not represented by a bitmap.
Signature id number used in signature database. If not set, the default value is ID_NOT_SET.
The ratio of signature width to width of the drawing view used when drawing the signature.
Builds ink annotation from signature data. This method does not set annotation's bounding box. If you want to create a stamp annotation with bounding box around certain touch point, use .toInkAnnotation instead.
Builds ink annotation from signature data.
Converts a signature into a JSON object. You can use that JSON object to recreate the signature later on via fromJson.
Builds stamp annotation from signature data. If you want to create a stamp annotation with a specific bounding box around certain touch point, use .toStampAnnotation instead.
Builds stamp annotation from signature data.