
Link copied to clipboard
Custom AP stream generator for this annotation.
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Default border width when none is set.
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Default border effect intensity for cloudy borders.
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Annotation that this annotation replies to.
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val OBJECT_NUMBER_NOT_SET: Int = -2147483648
Return value for when the annotation doesn't have a set object number.
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val PAGE_NUMBER_NOT_SET: Int = -2147483648
Return value for when the annotation doesn't have a set page number.


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Attaches a binary instant JSON attachment to the annotation.
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Creates TextBlock from textual annotation.

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open fun equals(o: Any): Boolean
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If this annotation has a binary instant JSON attachment, this will write it into the provided OutputStream.
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Regenerates the annotation's appearance stream if necessary.
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open fun generateAppearanceStreamAsync(): Completable
Regenerates the annotation's appearance stream if necessary.
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@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
open fun getAlpha(): Float
Returns the annotation's main alpha (or stroke alpha).
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Returns currently set blend mode.
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Returns the border color of this annotation or Color#TRANSPARENT if no color is set.
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Returns currently set dash array or null if no pattern is set.
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Returns the current border effect on the annotation or NO_EFFECT if none is set.
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@FloatRange(from = 0.0)
open fun getBorderEffectIntensity(): Float
Returns the current border effect intensity.
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Returns the current border style on the annotation or NONE if none is set.
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open fun getBorderWidth(): Float
Returns the border line width / thickness.
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Position of this annotation on the page.
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open fun getColor(): Int
Returns a color associated with this annotation or Color#TRANSPARENT if no color is set.
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Returns text contents of the annotation.
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open fun getCopy(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): Annotation
Creates a copy of this annotation that isn't attached to the document with the page index set to given index.
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Returns the creation date of the annotation.
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Returns the name of the creator of this annotation.
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Retrieves custom data for the annotation.
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@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
open fun getFillAlpha(): Float
Returns the fill alpha.
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Returns a fill color associated with this object or Color#TRANSPARENT if no color is set.
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Annotation flags set.
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Returns the group string of the annotation.
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Retrieves the annotation this annotation replies to asynchronously.
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Gets instant record group of the annotation, or null if this annotation is detached.
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open fun getInternal(): InternalAnnotationApi
Gets APIs for restricted internal usage only.
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Returns MeasurementInfo when the annotation is a measurement annotation (see isMeasurement, null if not.
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Returns the minimum size of the annotation.
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Returns the date when this annotation was last modified.
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open fun getName(): String
Returns the content of Title/Name field of this annotation.
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open fun getObjectNumber(): Int
The object number of this annotation inside the PDF document file.
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open fun getPageIndex(): Int
The page number to which this annotation belongs.
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Returns rich text contents of the annotation.
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Returns the subject of this annotation.
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Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
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open fun getUuid(): String
A unique in-memory identifier for each annotation.
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Checks if this annotation has a binary instant JSON attachment.
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Test annotation flag.
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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Check if the annotation has locked contents - i.e.
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open fun isAttached(): Boolean
Tells whether this annotation is attached to a document.
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open fun isLocked(): Boolean
Check if the annotation is locked - i.e.
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Returns true when the annotation is a measurement annotation.
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open fun isModified(): Boolean
Returns whether the annotation is modified or not.
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open fun isReply(): Boolean
Whether the annotations is a reply to another annotation.
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open fun isResizable(): Boolean
Check if the annotation is resizable, or if this is a non-resizable annotation.
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open fun isSignature(): Boolean
Returns true when the annotation is a signature annotation.
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Returns true if this Annotation can be rotated in the UI.
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Creates random string to be used as a group name.
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open fun renderToBitmap(@NonNull bitmap: Bitmap)
open fun renderToBitmap(@NonNull bitmap: Bitmap, @NonNull configuration: AnnotationRenderConfiguration)
Renders the appearance of this annotation into the passed bitmap.
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open fun renderToBitmapAsync(@NonNull bitmap: Bitmap): Single<Bitmap>
Asynchronously renders the appearance of this annotation into the passed bitmap.
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open fun setAlpha(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float)
Sets the annotation's alpha (or stroke alpha) value.
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open fun setBlendMode(@NonNull blendMode: BlendMode)
Sets the blend mode used when generating annotation's appearance stream.
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open fun setBorderColor(@ColorInt color: Int)
Sets the border color for this annotation.
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Sets a dash style for the border.
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open fun setBorderEffect(@NonNull borderEffect: BorderEffect)
Sets a border effect for current annotation.
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open fun setBorderEffectIntensity(@FloatRange(from = 0.0) borderEffectIntensity: Float)
Sets border effect intensity.
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open fun setBorderStyle(@NonNull borderStyle: BorderStyle)
Sets a border style for current annotation.
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open fun setBorderWidth(@FloatRange(from = 0.0) borderWidth: Float)
Sets border line width / thickness.
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open fun setBoundingBox(@NonNull newBoundingBox: RectF)
Sets the position and size of this annotation on the page.
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open fun setColor(@ColorInt color: Int)
Sets the color for this annotation.
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open fun setContents(@Nullable contents: String)
Sets text contents of the annotation.
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open fun setContentSize(@Nullable contentSize: RectF, adjustedForPageRotation: Boolean)
Sets the inner bounds that are used when rotating the annotation.
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open fun setCreatedDate(@Nullable createdDate: Date)
Sets created date for this annotation.
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open fun setCreator(@Nullable creator: String)
Sets the creator of this annotation.
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open fun setCustomData(@Nullable customData: JSONObject)
Sets custom data to the annotation.
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open fun setFillAlpha(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float)
Sets the annotation's fill alpha value if supported.
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open fun setFillColor(@ColorInt color: Int)
Sets the fill color for this annotation.
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Sets annotation flags.
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open fun setGroup(@Nullable group: String)
Sets the group of the annotation.
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Set the minimum size for the specified annotation type in PDF points.
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open fun setModifiedDate(@Nullable modifiedDate: Date)
Sets last modified date for this annotation.
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open fun setName(@Nullable name: String)
Sets Title / Name field for this annotation
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open fun setRichText(@Nullable richText: String)
Sets rich text contents of the annotation.
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open fun setSubject(@Nullable subject: String)
Sets the subject of this annotation.
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Produces Instant JSON representation of this annotation.
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open fun toString(): String
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abstract fun updateTransformationProperties(@NonNull newBoundingBox: RectF, @NonNull oldBoundingBox: RectF)
Annotations may override this method to transform their properties (i.e.