
Default controller given when entering annotation creation mode. Used to control annotation creation mode properties and actions.


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abstract fun bindAnnotationInspectorController(@NonNull annotationInspectorController: AnnotationInspectorController)
Binds to the annotation inspector controller for managing annotation inspector.
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abstract fun changeAnnotationCreationMode(@NonNull annotationTool: AnnotationTool, @NonNull annotationToolVariant: AnnotationToolVariant)
Starts an annotation creation mode with different annotation tool selected.
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abstract fun displayScalePicker()
Displays/hides an annotation inspector for the measurement annotation types.
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Returns annotation creation tool that is currently active.
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Returns the variant of the annotation creation tool that is currently active.
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@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
abstract fun getAlpha(): Float
Gets alpha set to the annotation creation mode.
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Returns an annotation manager which you can use to register listeners from the controller.
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Returns an annotation editing preferences.
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Gets border style preset set to the annotation creation mode.
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abstract fun getColor(): Int
Gets current color set to the annotation creation mode.
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Returns an active configuration.
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abstract fun getFillColor(): Int
Gets fill color set to the annotation creation mode.
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abstract fun getFont(): Font
Gets the font set to the annotation creation mode.
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Returns current line ending styles for drawn lines.
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Gets the MeasurementValueConfiguration for measurement annotations.
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abstract fun getOutlineColor(): Int
Gets outline color set to the annotation creation mode.
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abstract fun getOverlayText(): String
Gets the overlay text set to the annotation creation mode.
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Returns whether the overlay text should be repeated or not.
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@FloatRange(from = 1)
abstract fun getTextSize(): Float
Gets text size set to the annotation creation mode.
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@FloatRange(from = 0.0)
abstract fun getThickness(): Float
Gets thickness set to the annotation creation mode.
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abstract fun setAlpha(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) alpha: Float)
Sets alpha to the annotation creation mode.
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abstract fun setBorderStylePreset(@NonNull borderPreset: BorderStylePreset)
Sets border preset to the annotation creation mode.
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abstract fun setColor(@ColorInt color: Int)
Sets color for the annotation creation mode.
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abstract fun setFillColor(@ColorInt fillColor: Int)
Sets fill color for the annotation creation mode.
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abstract fun setFont(@NonNull font: Font)
Sets the font to the annotation creation mode.
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abstract fun setLineEnds(@NonNull lineEnd1: LineEndType, @NonNull lineEnd2: LineEndType)
Sets line ending style for drawn lines.
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Sets the MeasurementValueConfiguration for measurement annotations.
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abstract fun setOutlineColor(@ColorInt outlineColor: Int)
Sets outline color for the annotation creation mode.
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abstract fun setOverlayText(@NonNull overlayText: String)
Sets the overlay text to the annotation creation mode.
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abstract fun setRepeatOverlayText(repeatOverlayText: Boolean)
Sets if the overlay text should be repeated.
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abstract fun setTextSize(@FloatRange(from = 1) textSize: Float)
Sets text size to the annotation creation mode.
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abstract fun setThickness(@FloatRange(from = 0.0) thickness: Float)
Sets thickness to the annotation creation mode.
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Whether annotation inspector toolbar icon should be visible.
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abstract fun showAnnotationEditor(@NonNull annotation: Annotation)
Shows annotation editor for the passed annotation.
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Displays/hides an annotation inspector for the selected annotation type.
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Unbinds from previously bound annotation inspector controller.