
interface PdfUi : PdfActivityListener, OnMenuItemsGenerateListener, PdfActivityMenu.OnPrepareDefaultMenuItemListener, PdfActivityComponentsApi

The API that is shared between PdfActivity and PdfUiFragment.



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Parameter for setScreenTimeout used for restoring screen timeout to its default system value.
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val TIMEOUT_INFINITE: Long = 9223372036854775807
Parameter for setScreenTimeout used for disabling screen timeout.


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Adds the listener for lifecycle changes of the PropertyInspector as it goes through the PropertyInspectorCoordinatorLayout - preparing, displaying, removing.
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Returns the PdfActivityConfiguration that was provided while launching this pdf UI.
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Returns the PdfDocument that is loaded into this pdf UI, or null if no document has been loaded yet.
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Returns the coordinator responsible for displaying documents and switching between multiple loaded documents.
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Simply gets the current PdfUiImpl
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@IntRange(from = "-1")
open fun getPageIndex(): Int
Returns current page index set on the document.
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Returns the PdfFragment that is used to show the document.
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Returns property inspector coordinator layout.
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Returns object with inflated PSPDFKit views.
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Gets screen timeout in milliseconds that has been added to the predefined system timeout, TIMEOUT_DEFAULT or TIMEOUT_INFINITE.
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@IntRange(from = "-1")
open fun getSiblingPageIndex(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): Int
Gets page sibling index (usable in double page mode).
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Return current user interface view mode that activity is using.
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Animates user interface controls out of view.
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Indicates whether interaction with the document is enabled right now.
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Indicates whether the displayed document is an image or not.
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Indicates whether UI is enabled right now.
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Checks whether user interface controls are currently visible.
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open fun onConfigurationChanged(@NonNull newConfiguration: Configuration)
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Removes previously registered listener for lifecycle changes of the PropertyInspector as it goes through the PropertyInspectorCoordinatorLayout - preparing, displaying, removing.
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Returns the PdfFragment that is used to show the document.
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Sets controller of the annotation inspector used when creating annotations.
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Sets controller of the annotation inspector used when editing annotations.
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abstract fun setConfiguration(@NonNull configuration: PdfActivityConfiguration)
Replaces activity configuration.
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open fun setDocumentFromDataProvider(@NonNull dataProvider: DataProvider, @Nullable password: String)
Loads a new document in this activity and replaces the existing one.
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open fun setDocumentFromDataProviders(@NonNull dataProviders: List<DataProvider>, @Nullable passwords: List<String>)
Loads a new document in this pdf UI and replaces the existing one.
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open fun setDocumentFromUri(@NonNull documentUri: Uri, @Nullable password: String)
Loads a new document in this activity and replaces the existing one.
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open fun setDocumentFromUris(@NonNull documentUris: List<Uri>, @Nullable passwords: List<String>)
Loads a new document in this activity and replaces the existing one.
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open fun setDocumentInteractionEnabled(documentInteractionEnabled: Boolean)
Enables or disables interaction with the document.
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Sets the creator for document print dialogs.
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Sets the creator for document sharing dialogs.
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Sets the listener for lifecycle changes of the ContextualToolbar as it goes through the ToolbarCoordinatorLayout - preparing, displaying, removing.
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Sets the listener for ContextualToolbar movements within the layout.
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Sets the listener for ContextualToolbar position changes within the layout.
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open fun setPageIndex(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int)
open fun setPageIndex(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, animate: Boolean)
Sets page to be displayed in the current document.
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Sets the provider for print options.
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open fun setScreenTimeout(screenTimeoutMillis: Long)
Sets screen timeout in milliseconds that will be added to the predefined system timeout (that is usually 1 minute).
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Sets the listener for sharing menu lifecycle and click events.
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Sets the provider for sharing options.
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open fun setUserInterfaceEnabled(userInterfaceEnabled: Boolean)
Enables or disables the user interface.
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open fun setUserInterfaceViewMode(@NonNull userInterfaceViewMode: UserInterfaceViewMode)
Sets the activity user interface view mode at a runtime.
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open fun setUserInterfaceVisible(show: Boolean, animate: Boolean)
Show or hide user interface controls.
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Animates user interface controls into view.
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Toggles the visibility of user interface controls.