GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPictureImaging Class / BarcodeQRGetSize Method
The data of the barcode to encode.
A member of the BarcodeQREncodingMode enumeration. The encoding mode.
A member of the BarcodeQRErrorCorrectionLevel enumeration. The error correction level.
Ref. parameter. The version of the QrCode. In the range 0 - 40. Specifies the overall dimensions of the symbol.Use 0 to let the engine decide and return the minimum version required to encode all data.
The number of modules composing the quiet zone. The quiet zone defines the margin around the barcode. QR Code requires a four-module wide margin at all sides of a symbol. Consequently a value superior or equal to 4 is highly suggested.
The size of each module, in pixels. A value superior or equal to 4 is recommended.

In This Topic
BarcodeQRGetSize Method (GdPictureImaging)
In This Topic
Returns the size, in pixels, required to render a QrCode on a Bitmap.
Public Function BarcodeQRGetSize( _
   ByVal Data As String, _
   ByVal EncodingMode As BarcodeQREncodingMode, _
   ByVal ErrorCorrectionLevel As BarcodeQRErrorCorrectionLevel, _
   ByRef Version As Integer, _
   ByVal QuietZone As Integer, _
   ByVal ModuleSize As Integer _
) As Integer
public function BarcodeQRGetSize( 
    Data: String;
    EncodingMode: BarcodeQREncodingMode;
    ErrorCorrectionLevel: BarcodeQRErrorCorrectionLevel;
   Out  Version: Integer;
    QuietZone: Integer;
    ModuleSize: Integer
): Integer; 
public function BarcodeQRGetSize( 
   Data : String,
   EncodingMode : BarcodeQREncodingMode,
   ErrorCorrectionLevel : BarcodeQRErrorCorrectionLevel,
   Version : int,
   QuietZone : int,
   ModuleSize : int
) : int;
public: int BarcodeQRGetSize( 
   string* Data,
   BarcodeQREncodingMode EncodingMode,
   BarcodeQRErrorCorrectionLevel ErrorCorrectionLevel,
   [PARAMFLAG::Out] int Version,
   int QuietZone,
   int ModuleSize


The data of the barcode to encode.
A member of the BarcodeQREncodingMode enumeration. The encoding mode.
A member of the BarcodeQRErrorCorrectionLevel enumeration. The error correction level.
Ref. parameter. The version of the QrCode. In the range 0 - 40. Specifies the overall dimensions of the symbol.Use 0 to let the engine decide and return the minimum version required to encode all data.
The number of modules composing the quiet zone. The quiet zone defines the margin around the barcode. QR Code requires a four-module wide margin at all sides of a symbol. Consequently a value superior or equal to 4 is highly suggested.
The size of each module, in pixels. A value superior or equal to 4 is recommended.

Return Value

The size, in pixels, required to render a QrCode.
You can use the GetStat method to determine if the method succeeded.
Rendering a QrCode to a new image and saving the result into a png file.
using (GdPictureImaging gdpictureImaging = new GdPictureImaging())
    // String that have to be encoded into a barcode.
    string data = "Encoding Qr Code";
    BarcodeQREncodingMode encodingMode = BarcodeQREncodingMode.BarcodeQREncodingModeUndefined;
    BarcodeQRErrorCorrectionLevel errorCorrectionLevel = BarcodeQRErrorCorrectionLevel.BarcodeQRErrorCorrectionLevelM;
    int version = 0;
    int moduleSize = 7;
    int quietZone = 4;
    int fillColor = gdpictureImaging.ARGBI(255, 0, 0, 0);
    int backColor = gdpictureImaging.ARGBI(0, 255, 255, 255);
    // Compute size (in pixels), required to render a Qr Code.
    int size = gdpictureImaging.BarcodeQRGetSize(data, encodingMode, errorCorrectionLevel, out version, quietZone, moduleSize);
    int imageID = gdpictureImaging.CreateNewGdPictureImage(size, size, 32, Color.White);
    gdpictureImaging.BarcodeQRWrite(imageID, data, encodingMode, errorCorrectionLevel, version, quietZone, moduleSize, 0, 0, 0, fillColor, backColor);
    gdpictureImaging.SaveAsPNG(imageID, "QrCode.png");
    // Release used resources.
See Also