| Name | Description |
 | AddBorderBottom | Overloaded.
Adds border to the bottom of a GdPicture image.
 | AddBorderLeft | Overloaded.
Adds border to the left of a GdPicture image.
 | AddBorderRight | Overloaded.
Adds border to the right of a GdPicture image.
 | AddBorders | Overloaded.
Adds borders around a GdPicture image.
 | AddBorderTop | Overloaded.
Adds border to the top of a GdPicture image.
 | AdjustRGB |
Increase or decrease the color components of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image
defined by SetROI() method.
 | ADRAddGdPictureImageToTemplate |
Adds an image to a Document Identifier Template from a GdPicture image.
 | ADRCreateTemplateEmpty |
Creates a new empty Document Identifier Template. Then, you can add images in this template
using the ADRAddGdPictureImageToTemplate() method.
 | ADRCreateTemplateFromFile |
Creates a new Document Identifier Template from an image file.
 | ADRCreateTemplateFromGdPictureImage |
Creates a new Document Identifier Template from a GdPicture image.
 | ADRDeleteTemplate |
Deletes a Document Identifier Template.
 | ADRGetCloserTemplateForFile |
Performs a Documents Recognition Operation from an image file and returns the Document Identifier
Template ID which has the best similar content.
 | ADRGetCloserTemplateForGdPictureImage |
Performs a Documents Recognition Operation from a GdPicture image and returns the Document
Identifier Template ID which has the best similar content.
 | ADRGetLastConfidence |
Returns the Confidence of the closest template obtained during the last Documents Recognition
 | ADRGetLastConfidenceFromTemplate |
Returns the Confidence from a specific template obtained during the last Documents Recognition
 | ADRGetTemplateCount |
Returns the current number of Document Identifier Templates.
 | ADRGetTemplateID |
Returns a Document Identifier Template ID from his index.
 | ADRGetTemplateImageCount |
Returns the number of images used in a Document Identifier Template.
 | ADRGetTemplateTag |
Gets a TAG to an existing template.
 | ADRLoadTemplateConfig |
Loads a complete Template Configuration From a file previously saved with the ADRSaveTemplateConfig()
 | ADRSaveTemplateConfig |
Saves the current Template Configuration within a file in order to load it later using the ADRLoadTemplateConfig()
 | ADRSetTemplateTag |
Sets a TAG to an existing template.
Tip: this can be the name of the Template Identifier.
 | ADRStartNewTemplateConfig |
Resets the current Template Configuration, if existing (deletes all template identifiers), and
start a new one.
 | AppendToTiff | Overloaded. Appends an image resource to a new or existing single or multipage TIFF file according to what you have specified. |
 | ApplyExifRotation | |
 | ARGB | Overloaded. Returns a Color object, that represents a required color according to your specified parameters. |
 | ARGBI | Returns a 32-bit value, that represents a color composed from a specified set of alpha, red, green and blue color components. |
 | AttachThumbnail |
Attaches a thumbnail bitmap to a GdPicture image. If the GdPicture image already embeds a thumbnail it will be replaced.
 | AutoDeskew | Overloaded.
Tries to deskew a GdPicture image to about ± 15 degrees.
Deskewing an image can help a lot to do OCR, OMR, barcode detection or just improve the readability
of an image.
 | Barcode1DReaderBarcodeHasChecksum |
Returns if a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method has a checksum.
 | Barcode1DReaderClear |
Releases from memory all information about latest 1D barcode detection.
 | Barcode1DReaderCode128IsEAN |
Returns if a recognized code 128 is UCC/EAN-128.
 | Barcode1DReaderDoScan | Overloaded. Starts a barcode recognition process on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image using different parameters according to what you have specified. |
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeCount |
Returns the number of barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method.
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeSkewAngle |
Returns the angle of a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method.
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeType |
Returns the type of a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method.
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeValue | Overloaded.
Returns the value of a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method.
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeValueRAW |
Returns the value of a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method, in its raw format.
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeValueRAWBase64 |
Returns the value of a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method, in its raw format, encoded in a base64 string.
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeX1 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeX2 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeX3 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeX4 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-left corner of a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeY1 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeY2 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeY3 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | Barcode1DReaderGetBarcodeY4 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-left corner of a barcode detected by the Barcode1DReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | Barcode1DWrite | Overloaded.
Draws a 1D barcode on a GdPicture image.
 | Barcode1DWriteGetMinWidth |
Gets for the minimum width required to draw a specific barcode on a GdPicture image using one of the Barcode1DWrite
 | BarcodeAztecGetSize | Returns the size, in pixels, required to render an Aztec barcode on a Bitmap. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderClear | Releases from memory all information about latest Aztec barcode detection. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan | Overloaded. Starts a barcode recognition process on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image using different parameters according to what you have specified. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeConfidence |
Returns the confidence of a barcode detected by the BarcodeAztecReaderReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeCount | Returns the number of barcodes detected by the BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan method. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeValue | Returns the value of a barcode detected by the BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan method. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeValueRAW | Returns the value, as RAW Bytes, of a barcode detected by the BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan method. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeValueRAWBase64 | Returns the value of a barcode detected by the BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan method, in its raw format, encoded in a base64 string. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeX1 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeX2 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeX3 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeX4 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the' BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeY1 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeY2 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeY3 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderGetBarcodeY4 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeAztecWrite | Overloaded. Draws an Aztec barcode on a GdPicture image. |
 | BarcodeDataMatrixGetSize |
Returns the size, in pixels, required to render a DataMatrix barcode on a Bitmap.
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderClear |
Releases from memory all information about latest DataMatrix barcode detection.
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan | Overloaded. Starts a barcode recognition process on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image using different parameters according to what you have specified. |
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeColumns |
Returns the number of columns of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeConfidence |
Returns the confidence of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeCount |
Returns the number of barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeRows |
Returns the number of rows of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeSkewAngle |
Returns the angle of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeValue |
Returns the value of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeValueRAW |
Returns the value, as RAW Bytes, of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeValueRAWBase64 |
Returns the value of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method, in its raw format, encoded in a base64 string.
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeX1 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeX2 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeX3 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeX4 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeY1 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeY2 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeY3 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderGetBarcodeY4 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeDataMatrixReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeDataMatrixWrite | Overloaded.
Draws a DataMatrix barcode on a GdPicture image.
 | BarcodeDataMatrixWrite_Internal | |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeGetSize | Returns the size, in pixels, required to render a MaxiCode on a Bitmap. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderClear | Releases from memory all information about latest MaxiCode detection. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderDoScan | Overloaded. Starts a barcode recognition process on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image using different parameters according to what you have specified. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderGetBarcodeConfidence |
Returns the confidence of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderGetBarcodeCount | Returns the number of barcodes detected by the BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderDoScan method. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderGetBarcodeValue | Returns the value of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderDoScan method. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderGetBarcodeValueRAW | Returns the value, as RAW Bytes, of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderDoScan method. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderGetBarcodeValueRAWBase64 | Returns the value of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderDoScan method, in its raw format, encoded in a base64 string. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderGetBarcodeX1 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderGetBarcodeX2 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderGetBarcodeX3 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderGetBarcodeX4 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the' BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderGetBarcodeY1 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderGetBarcodeY2 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeAztecReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderGetBarcodeY3 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderGetBarcodeY4 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeWrite | Overloaded. Draws a MaxiCode on a GdPicture image. |
 | BarcodeMicroQRGetSize |
Returns the size, in pixels, required to render a Micro QrCode on a Bitmap.
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderClear |
Releases from memory all information about latest Micro QR barcode detection.
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan | Overloaded. Starts a barcode recognition process on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image using different parameters according to what you have specified. |
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderGetBarcodeConfidence |
Returns the confidence of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderGetBarcodeCount |
Returns the number of barcode detected by the BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderGetBarcodeSkewAngle |
Returns the angle of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderGetBarcodeValue |
Returns the value of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderGetBarcodeX1 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderGetBarcodeX2 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderGetBarcodeX3 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderGetBarcodeX4 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderGetBarcodeY1 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderGetBarcodeY2 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderGetBarcodeY3 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderGetBarcodeY4 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeMicroQRReaderGetVersion |
Returns the version of a barcode detected by the BarcodeMicroQRReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeMicroQRWrite | Overloaded.
Draws a Micro QrCode barcode on a GdPicture image.
 | BarcodePDF417GetSize |
Returns the size, in pixels, required to render a PDF417 barcode on a Bitmap.
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderClear |
Releases from memory all information about latest PDF417 barcode detection.
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan | Overloaded. Starts a barcode recognition process on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image using different parameters according to what you have specified. |
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeColumns |
Returns the number of columns of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeConfidence |
Returns the confidence of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeCount |
Returns the number of barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeRows |
Returns the number of rows of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeSkewAngle |
Returns the angle of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeValue |
Returns the value, as string, of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeValueRAW |
Returns the value, as RAW Bytes, of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeValueRAWBase64 |
Returns the value of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method, in its raw format, encoded in a base64 string.
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeX1 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeX2 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeX3 | Returns the X position (in pixel) of the bottom-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeX4 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeY1 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeY2 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeY3 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderGetBarcodeY4 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodePDF417ReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodePDF417Write | Overloaded.
Draws a PDF417 barcode on a GdPicture image.
 | BarcodeQRGetSize |
Returns the size, in pixels, required to render a QrCode on a Bitmap.
 | BarcodeQRReaderClear | Releases from memory all information about latest QR barcode detection. |
 | BarcodeQRReaderDoScan | Overloaded. Starts a barcode recognition process on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image using different parameters according to what you have specified. |
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeConfidence |
Returns the confidence of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeCount |
Returns the number of barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeSkewAngle |
Returns the angle of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeValue |
Returns the value of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeValueRAW |
Returns the value, as RAW Bytes, of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeValueRAWBase64 |
Returns the value of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method, in its raw format, encoded in a base64 string.
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeX1 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeX2 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeX3 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeX4 | Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeY1 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeY2 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeY3 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-left corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetBarcodeY4 | Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
If ROI has been set, this coordinate is relative to the used ROI. |
 | BarcodeQRReaderGetVersion |
Returns the version of a barcode detected by the BarcodeQRReaderDoScan method.
 | BarcodeQRWrite | Overloaded.
Draws a QrCode barcode on a GdPicture image.
 | ClearImage | Overloaded. Paints the whole surface of the specified image, that is represented by its unique image identifier, with the required color. |
 | ColorCMYKtoRGB | Converts the required CMYK color, which is composed of a set of specified Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (Key) color components
to the RGB color composed of a set of resulting red, green, and blue components. |
 | ColorCMYtoRGB | Converts the required CMY color, which is composed of a set of specified Cyan, Magenta and Yellow color components
to the RGB color composed of a set of resulting red, green, and blue components. |
 | ColorDetection |
Performs color detection on an image. Detecting the color scheme can help to dramatically reduce the size of electronically stored documents.
 | ColorHSLtoRGB | Converts the required HSL color, which is composed of a set of specified hue, saturation and lightness color components
to the RGB color composed of a set of resulting red, green and blue components. |
 | ColorRGBtoCMY | Converts the required RGB color, which is composed of a set of specified red, green and blue color components
to the CMY color composed of a set of resulting Cyan, Magenta and Yellow components. |
 | ColorRGBtoCMYK | Converts the required RGB color, which is composed of a set of specified red, green and blue color components
to the CMYK color composed of a set of resulting Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (Key) components. |
 | ColorRGBtoHSL | Converts the required RGB color, which is composed of a set of specified red, green and blue color components
to the HSL color composed of a set of resulting hue, saturation and lightness components. |
 | ConvertBitonalToGrayScale |
Converts bitonal images to an enhanced 8-bit gray-scaled indexed color image.
The color table has 256 entries.
 | ConvertTo16BppRGB555 |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 16-bit RGB555 color image.
5 bits each are used for the red, green, and blue components. The remaining bit is not used.
 | ConvertTo16BppRGB565 |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 16-bit RGB565 color image.
5 bits are used for the red component, 6 bits are used for the green component, and 5 bits are used
for the blue component.
 | ConvertTo1Bpp | Overloaded.
Converts a GdPicture image to a 1-bit BW indexed color image.
The color table has 2 entries: 1 Black & 1 White.
 | ConvertTo1BppAT | Overloaded.
Converts a GdPicture image to a 1-bit (black and white) bitmap using a variant of the Otsu adaptive thresholding method. This method is particularly efficient on documents with contrasted foreground and background.
 | ConvertTo1BppBradley |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 1-bit (black and white) bitmap using a modified Bradley adaptive thresholding method.
 | ConvertTo1BppFast |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 1-bit BW indexed color image specifying a threshold value. This method assumes that the input image is already black and white.
 | ConvertTo1BppSauvola | Overloaded.
Converts a GdPicture image to a 1-bit (black and white) bitmap using the Sauvola local adaptive thresholding method. This method is particularly efficient on documents with poor contrast.
 | ConvertTo1BppWAN |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 1-bit (black and white) bitmap using a variant of the WAN local thresholding method.
 | ConvertTo24BppRGB |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 24-bit color image.
8 bits each are used for the red, green, and blue components.
 | ConvertTo32BppARGB |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 32-bit ARGB color image.
8 bits each are used for the alpha, red, green, and blue components.
 | ConvertTo32BppPARGB |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 32-bit PARGB color image.
8 bits each are used for the alpha, red, green, and blue components. The red, green, and blue
components are premultiplied, according to the alpha component.
 | ConvertTo32BppRGB |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 32-bit RGB color image.
8 bits each are used for the red, green, and blue components, and the last 8 bits are neglected.
 | ConvertTo48BppRGB |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 48-bit RGB color image.
16 bits each are used for the red, green, and blue components.
 | ConvertTo4Bpp16 |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 4-bit indexed color image using a standard color palette.
The color table has 16 entries.
 | ConvertTo4BppPal |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 4-bit indexed color image using custom color palette.
The color table has a maximum of 16 entries.
 | ConvertTo4BppQ |
Quantizes & converts a GdPicture image to a 4-bit indexed color image.
The color table has a maximum of 16 entries.
 | ConvertTo64BppARGB |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 64-bit ARGB color image.
16 bits each are used for the alpha, red, green, and blue components.
 | ConvertTo64BppPARGB |
Converts a GdPicture image to a 64-bit PARGB color image.
16 bits each are used for the alpha, red, green, and blue components. The red, green, and blue
components are premultiplied according to the alpha component.
 | ConvertTo8Bpp216 |
Converts a GdPicture image to an 8-bit indexed color image using a standard color palette.
This method uses an automatic segmentation components algorithm.
The color table has a maximum of 256 entries but only 216 will be used.
 | ConvertTo8BppGrayScale |
Converts a GdPicture image to an 8-bit gray-scaled indexed color image.
The color table has 256 entries.
 | ConvertTo8BppGrayScaleAdv |
Converts a GdPicture image to an 8-bit gray-scaled indexed color image.
This method uses an advanced grayscale color reduction algorithm.
The color table has 256 entries.
 | ConvertTo8BppQ | Overloaded.
Quantizes & converts a GdPicture image to an 8-bit indexed color image. This method uses a
color quantization algorithm.
The color table has a maximum of 256 entries.
 | CountColor |
Counts the number of pixel that have a specific color on a GdPicture image or into an area of a
GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
 | CountUniqueColors |
Counts the number of unique colors in a GdPicture image or into an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
 | CreateAnchorTemplate |
Creates an Anchor Template from a GdPicture image.
Anchoring mechanism (or template recognition) can help to align area to be processed by filters, OMR,
OCR or barcode recognition. For example, if several documents are scanned of the same form, and the
scanning orientation or quality is not guaranteed, the GdPicture Anchoring System can be used to
specify the orientation of each document and the translation made to each document from the one where
the user selected their Areas (surrounding rectangles).
Note: To maximize detection speed and accuracy, the Anchor region must contain less than 50% white pixel and should minimize white margins.
 | CreateClonedGdPictureImage | Creates a new GdPicture image and initializes it with a copy of the content of the specified GdPicture image, that is represented by its unique image identifier. The newly created image is identified by its unique non-zero image identifier and it is independent of the defined source image.
Please note that it is your responsibility to release the image resources once you have no use for them. |
 | CreateClonedGdPictureImage24BppRGB | Creates a new 24-bit RGB GdPicture image and initializes it with a copy of the content of the specified GdPicture image, that is represented by its unique image identifier. The newly created image is identified by its unique non-zero image identifier and it is independent of the defined source image.
Please note that it is your responsibility to release the image resources once you have no use for them. |
 | CreateClonedGdPictureImage32BppARGB | Creates a new 32-bit ARGB GdPicture image and initializes it with a copy of the content of the specified GdPicture image, that is represented by its unique image identifier. The newly created image is identified by its unique non-zero image identifier and it is independent of the defined source image.
Please note that it is your responsibility to release the image resources once you have no use for them. |
 | CreateClonedGdPictureImage32BppPARGB | Creates a new 32-bit PARGB GdPicture image and initializes it with a copy of the content of the specified GdPicture image, that is represented by its unique image identifier. The newly created image is identified by its unique non-zero image identifier and it is independent of the defined source image.
Please note that it is your responsibility to release the image resources once you have no use for them.
Be aware that 8 bits are used for each of the alpha, red, green, and blue components. The red, green, and blue components are pre-multiplied, according to the alpha component. Just to inform you, that this pixel format provides better performances on Windows applications. |
 | CreateClonedGdPictureImageArea | Creates a new GdPicture image from the defined area of the specified GdPicture image, that is represented by its unique image identifier. The newly created image is identified by its unique non-zero image identifier and it is independent of the defined source image.
Please note that it is your responsibility to release the image resources once you have no use for them. |
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromBitmap | Creates a new GdPicture image from an image data stored in a System.Drawing.Bitmap object. The newly created image is identified by its unique non-zero image identifier.
Please note that it is your responsibility to release the image resources once you have no use for them. |
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromByteArray | Overloaded. Creates a new GdPicture image from an image file stored as an array of bytes. |
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromCMYKSep | Creates a new GdPicture image from four separated GdPicture images (1bpp or 8bpp), where each individual image represents the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black channel of a resulting image. Each of these images, as well as the newly created image, is identified by its unique non-zero image identifier.
Please note that it is your responsibility to release the image resources once you have no use for them. |
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromDIB | Overloaded. Creates a new GdPicture image from an instantiated Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) handle. |
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromFile | Overloaded. Creates a new GdPicture image representing the image based on an input image file according to what you have specified. |
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromFTP | Creates a new GdPicture image from a file stored on a distant server using FTP protocol according to what you have specified. The newly created image is identified by its unique non-zero image identifier.
Please note that it is your responsibility to release the image resources once you have no use for them. |
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromHBitmap | Overloaded. Creates a new GdPicture image from an instantiated Graphics Device Interface (GDI) handle. |
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromHICON | Overloaded. Creates a new GdPicture image from an instantiated Windows handle to icon. |
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromHTTP | Overloaded. Creates a new GdPicture image from an image file stored on a distant server using HTTP protocol according to what you have specified. |
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromHwnd | Overloaded.
Creates a new GdPicture image from a window handle HWnd.
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromIStream | Overloaded.
Creates a new GdPicture image from an image stored into an IStream Object.
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromMemory |
Creates a new GdPicture image from an image file stored within an area of the memory.
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile | Overloaded.
Creates a new GdPicture image based on a metafile image file.
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromRawBits |
Creates a new GdPicture image from raw bitmap in memory.
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromStream | Overloaded.
Creates a new GdPicture image from an image stored into a Stream Object.
 | CreateGdPictureImageFromString |
Creates a new GdPicture image from image data stored within string data (Encoding 1252).
 | CreateNewGdPictureImage | Overloaded. Creates a new empty GdPicture image with specific dimensions, the required bit depth (bits per pixel) or pixel format, and a background color. |
 | CreateThumbnail |
Creates thumbnail of custom size from a GdPicture image.
 | CreateThumbnailHQ | Overloaded.
Creates a High Quality thumbnail of custom size from a GdPicture image.
 | Crop |
Crops a custom area of a GdPicture image.
 | CropBlackBorders | Overloaded.
Detects and removes margins consisting of black color around a GdPicture image.
 | CropBlackBordersEx | Overloaded.
Detects and sets to White, margins consisting of black color around a GdPicture image.
This method does not have the same behavior as the CropBlackBorders() method: The black borders
are not removed but are set to blank. Therefore, the image dimensions are kept the same.
 | CropBorders | Overloaded.
Detects and removes margins consisting of constant color around a GdPicture image.
 | CropBottom |
Crops the bottom of a GdPicture image.
 | CropLeft |
Crops the left of a GdPicture image.
 | CropRight |
Crops the right of a GdPicture image.
 | CropTop |
Crops the top of a GdPicture image.
 | CropWhiteBorders | Overloaded.
Detects and removes margins consisting of white color around a GdPicture image.
 | Decode64String | Returns a decoded string using the Base64 encoding algorithm from the given source string. |
 | DeleteAnchorTemplate |
Releases from the memory an Anchor Template previously created by the CreateAnchorTemplate
 | DeleteBlackBorders |
Deletes black borders of a document image by replacing them with white content.
 | DetachThumbnail |
Detaches a thumbnail bitmap to a GdPicture image.
 | DicomGetDefaultWindowLevel |
Returns the default window level of a DICOM image.
 | DicomGetDefaultWindowWidth |
Returns the default window width of a DICOM image.
 | DicomGetLastWindowLevel |
Returns the last window level applied to a DICOM image.
 | DicomGetLastWindowWidth |
Returns the last window width applied to a DICOM image.
 | DicomGetMaxWindowLevel |
Returns the maximum window level of a DICOM image.
 | DicomGetMaxWindowWidth |
Returns the maximum window width of a DICOM image.
 | DicomGetMinWindowLevel |
Returns the minimum window level of a DICOM image.
 | DicomGetPageCount |
Returns the number of pages currently available in a multipage DICOM image.
 | DicomGetTagDescription |
Returns the description, as string, of a specific tag available in a DICOM image.
 | DicomGetTagElement |
Returns the element identifier of a specific tag available in a DICOM image.
 | DicomGetTagGroup |
Returns the group identifier of a specific tag available in a DICOM image.
 | DicomGetTagsCount |
Returns the number of available tags in a DICOM image.
 | DicomGetTagValue |
Returns the value, as string, of a specific tag available in a DICOM image.
 | DicomIsMultiPage |
Checks if a GdPicture image is a multipage DICOM image.
 | DicomSelectPage |
Selects a page of a multipage DICOM image. The page can now be edited or saved to a different file.
 | DicomSetWindowLevel |
Changes the current window level of a DICOM image by applying VOI LUT transformation.
 | Dispose | Disposes already used GdPictureImaging object completely. All related resources used by this object are released.
Be aware, that all unreleased images (GdPicture images) allocated by this object will remain available in the memory until they are destroyed by the GdPictureImaging.ReleaseGdPictureImage method of any other GdPictureImaging object. You can also use the GdPictureDocumentUtilities.ReleaseAllGdPictureImages method to destroy all allocated image resources from the memory in one step. |
 | DrawArc | Overloaded.
Draws an arc on a GdPicture image. The arc is part of an ellipse.
 | DrawBezier | Overloaded.
Draws a bezier spline on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawCircle | Overloaded.
Draws a circle on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawEllipse | Overloaded.
Draws an ellipse on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawFilledCircle | Overloaded.
Draws a filled circle on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawFilledCircleTextureFromFile |
Draws a filled circle on a GdPicture image using a texture from a file.
 | DrawFilledCircleTextureFromGdPictureImage |
Draws a filled circle on a GdPicture image using a texture from a GdPicture image.
 | DrawFilledEllipse | Overloaded.
Draws a filled ellipse on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawFilledPie | Overloaded.
Draws a filled pie on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawFilledPolygon |
Draws a filled polygon on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawFilledPolygonTextureFromFile |
Draws a filled polygon on a GdPicture image using a texture from a file.
 | DrawFilledPolygonTextureFromGdPictureImage |
Draws a filled polygon on a GdPicture image using a texture from a GdPicture image.
 | DrawFilledRectangle | Overloaded.
Draws a filled rectangle on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawFilledRectangleOP |
Draws a filled rectangle on a GdPicture image using an operator of combination.
 | DrawFilledRoundedRectangle | Overloaded.
Draws a filled and rounded rectangle on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawGdPictureImage |
Draws a GdPicture image into another GdPicture image.
 | DrawGdPictureImageClipped |
Draws a clipped GdPicture image from several points of co-ordinates into another GdPicture image.
 | DrawGdPictureImageOnGraphics |
Draws a GdPicture image into a graphics object.
 | DrawGdPictureImageOnHDC |
Draws a GdPicture image into a HDC (Handle to Device Context).
 | DrawGdPictureImageOnHwnd |
Draws a GdPicture image into a window defined by a Window Handle.
 | DrawGdPictureImageOP |
Draws a GdPicture image into another GdPicture image using an operator of combination.
 | DrawGdPictureImageOPRect |
Draws a portion of a GdPicture image into another GdPicture image using an operator of combination.
 | DrawGdPictureImageRect |
Draws a portion of a GdPicture image into another GdPicture image.
 | DrawGdPictureImageRectOnGraphics |
Draws a portion of a GdPicture image into a graphics object.
 | DrawGdPictureImageRectOnHDC |
Draws a portion of a GdPicture image into a HDC (Handle to Device Context).
 | DrawGdPictureImageRectOnHwnd |
Draws a portion of a GdPicture image into a window defined by a Window Handle.
 | DrawGdPictureImageSkewing |
Draws a skewed GdPicture image from 3 points of co-ordinates into another GdPicture image.
 | DrawGdPictureImageTransparency |
Draws a GdPicture image into another GdPicture image applying a transparency effect.
 | DrawGdPictureImageTransparencyColor | Overloaded.
Draws a GdPicture image into another GdPicture image setting a specific color of the image to draw as
 | DrawGradientLine | Overloaded.
Draws a linear gradient line on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawGrid |
Draws a grid on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawLine | Overloaded.
Draws a line on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawLineArrow |
Draws a line with an arrow at the end of it.
 | DrawLineTextureFromFile |
Draws a textured line on a GdPicture image using a texture from a file.
 | DrawLineTextureFromGdPictureImage |
Draws a textured line on a GdPicture image using a texture from a GdPicture image.
 | DrawPie | Overloaded.
Draws a pie on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawPolygon |
Draws a polygon on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawRectangle | Overloaded.
Draws a rectangle on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawRotatedEllipse | Overloaded.
Draws a rotated ellipse on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawRotatedFilledEllipse |
Draws a rotated and filled ellipse on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawRotatedFilledRectangle | Overloaded.
Draws a rotated and filled rectangle on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawRotatedRectangle | Overloaded.
Draws a rotated rectangle on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawRotatedText | Overloaded.
Draws a rotated text on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawRotatedTextBackColor |
Draws a rotated text with background color on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawRoundedRectangle |
Draws a rounded rectangle on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawText | Overloaded.
Draws a text on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawTextBackColor | Overloaded.
Draws a text with background color on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawTextBox | Overloaded.
Draws an aligned text into a bounding box on a GdPicture image.
 | DrawTextGradient | Overloaded.
Draws a text on a GdPicture image using a linear gradient Imaging.Colors.
 | DrawTextTextureFromFile |
Draws a textured text on a GdPicture image using a texture from a file.
 | DrawTextTextureFromGdPictureImage |
Draws a textured text on a GdPicture image using a texture from a GdPicture image.
 | EnableICM |
Specifies if color correction is used for images embedding an ICC profile. False by default.
Enables ICM results in automatic pixel transformation while opening image including an ICC profile.
 | Encode64String | Returns an encoded string using the Base64 encoding algorithm from the given source string. |
 | FindAnchor |
Tries to determine the position of a specific template on a region of interest of a GdPicture image.
The sample application "OMR - Anchor" demonstrates clearly the usage of the Anchor Mechanism.
 | FloodFill | Overloaded.
Fills an area of unified color in a GdPicture image with a specific color.
 | FontCanRenderText |
Returns if a specific font can render a specific text.
 | FontGetCount |
Retrieves the number of fonts available.
 | FontGetName |
Retrieves the name of an available font.
 | FontGetUnit |
Retrieves the font size unit used in the Drawing text methods.
 | FontIsStyleAvailable |
Determines whether the specified style is available for this font family.
 | FontIsSymbolic |
Returns if a specific font is symbolic.
 | FontSetUnit |
Sets the font size unit used in the Drawing text methods.
 | ForceDownTop |
Force a specific GdPicture image to be arranged bottom-up in memory.
 | ForcePhotometricOne | |
 | ForcePhotometricZero | |
 | ForceTopDown |
Force a specific GdPicture image to be arranged top-down in memory.
 | FormDropOut |
Removes empty form information and keeps the entered information only. Highly useful for better and
faster OCR processing, and reducing the image compression size.
 | FxAddNoise |
Performs noise effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxAqua |
Performs aqua effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxBitonalClose8 |
Performs a morphological close operation a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
An open morphological operation is a dilation operation followed an erosion operation.
 | FxBitonalDespeckle |
Performs a 3x3 despeckle filter on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
It works as a noise removal filter, for Salt-And-Pepper like-noise, or varied dots around a document.
It can remove black noise pixels from white backgrounds and visa versa.
 | FxBitonalDespeckleAdvanced |
Offers advanced despeckle features on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
It works as a noise removal filter, for Salt-And-Pepper like-noise, or varied dots around a document.
 | FxBitonalDespeckleMore |
Performs a 5x5 despeckle filter on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
It works as a noise removal filter, for Salt-And-Pepper like-noise, or varied dots around a document.
It can remove black noise pixels from white backgrounds and visa versa.
 | FxBitonalDilate |
Dilates black pixels in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
This filter helps dilates black pixels surrounded in the 8 directions: E, NE, SE, S, SW, W, NW, N with an amount if pixels specified by the user.
 | FxBitonalDilate4 |
Dilates black pixels in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
This filter helps to dilate black pixels in 4 directions: N, S, W, E. The actions of this filter
are less prominent than FxDilate8.
It can be used used to improve very fine and degraded characters.
 | FxBitonalDilate8 |
Dilates black pixels in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
This filter helps to dilate black pixels in 8 directions: E, NE, SE, S, SW, W, NW, N. The actions
of this filter are more prominent than FxDilate4.
 | FxBitonalDilateH |
Dilates black pixels in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
This filter helps to dilate black pixels in 2 directions: W, E. The actions of this filter are
less prominent than FxDilate4.
 | FxBitonalDilateV |
Dilates black pixels in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
This filter helps to dilate black pixels in 2 directions: N, S. The actions of this filter are
less prominent than FxDilate4.
 | FxBitonalErode |
Erodes black pixels in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
This filter retains the black pixels surrounded in the 8 directions: E, NE, SE, S, SW, W, NW, N with an amount if pixels in each direction is specified by the user.
Very useful when the characters are bold and very close to each other.
 | FxBitonalErode4 |
Erodes black pixels in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
This filter retains the black pixels surrounded in the four cardinal directions: N, S, W, E.
Very useful when the characters are bold and very close to each other.
 | FxBitonalErode8 |
Erodes black pixels in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
This filter retains the black pixels surrounded in the 8 directions: E, NE, SE, S, SW, W, NW, N.
The actions of this filter are more prominent than FxBitonalErode4.
 | FxBitonalErodeH |
Erodes black pixels in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
This filter retains the black pixels surrounded in two cardinal directions: W, E.
 | FxBitonalErodeV |
Erodes black pixels in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
This filter retains the black pixels surrounded in the two cardinal directions: N, S. The actions of this filter are
less prominent than FxBitonalErode4.
 | FxBitonalFillHolesH |
Fills the 1 pixel size holes in the horizontal direction in a GdPicture image or in an area of a
GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
 | FxBitonalFillHolesHV |
Fills the 1 pixel size holes in the vertical and horizontal directions in a GdPicture image or in an
area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method. This methods is equivalent of 2 successive
call of FxBitonalFillHolesV() and FxBitonalFillHolesH()
 | FxBitonalFillHolesV |
Fills the 1 pixel size holes in the vertical direction in a GdPicture image or in an area of a
GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
 | FxBitonalOpen8 |
Performs a morphological open operation a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
An open morphological operation is an erosion operation followed a dilation operation.
 | FxBitonalOutline |
Performs an outline effect on a bitonal GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method. The effect trims regions that are at least 3 pixels thick into their outer edges.
 | FxBitonalRemoveIsolatedDots2x2 |
Removes 4 pixels-sized isolated black dots in the 8 directions: E, NE, SE, S, SW, W, NW, N in a
GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
 | FxBitonalRemoveIsolatedDots4 |
Removes 1 pixel-sized isolated black dots 4 directions: N, S, W, E in a GdPicture image or in an
area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
 | FxBitonalRemoveIsolatedDots8 |
Removes 1 pixel-sized isolated black dots in 8 directions: E, NE, SE, S, SW, W, NW, N in a
GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
 | FxBitonalSkeletonize |
Performs a skeletonize (thinning) algorithm on a bitonal GdPicture image or part of it by using SetROI().
This method reduces edges sizes, it can reduce edges to 1 pixel in thickness.
 | FxBitonalVigorousDespeckle |
Performs an extreme despeckle filter on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
 | FxBlackNWhite | Overloaded.
Performs black & white effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | FxBlackNWhiteT |
Performs black & white effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method using a specific threshold value. Values above or equal to the threshold value will
be set white, and values lower than the threshold value will be set as black.
 | FxBlur |
Performs blur effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxColorDropout |
Dropout a color from the image.
 | FxColorize |
Performs "colorization" effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image
defined by SetROI().
 | FxConnectedContour |
Performs connected contour effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | FxContour |
Performs contour effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxConvolution |
Performs a convolution filter on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
 | FxDespeckle |
Performs a 3x3 despeckle filter (also known as median filter) on a GdPicture image or on an area of a
GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method. It works as a noise removal filter, for Salt-And-Pepper
like-noise, or varied dots around a document.
It can remove black noise pixels from white backgrounds and visa versa. It also can remove random noise from multicolored backgrounds.
 | FxDespeckleMore |
Performs a 5x5 despeckle filter (also known as median filter) on a GdPicture image or into an area of
a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method. It works as a noise removal filter, for
Salt-And-Pepper like-noise, or varied dots around a document.
It can remove black noise pixels from white backgrounds and visa versa. It also can remove random noise from multicolored backgrounds.
 | FxDiffuse |
Performs diffuse effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxDiffuseMore |
Performs DiffuseMore effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method. It is the same as a Diffuse effect but to more of a degree.
 | FxDilate |
Performs Dilate effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxEdgeEnhance |
Performs edge enhance effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | FxEmboss | Overloaded.
Performs emboss effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxEmbossMore | Overloaded.
Performs emboss more effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method. Same as Emboss effect but to more of a degree.
 | FxEngrave | Overloaded.
Performs engrave effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxEngraveMore | Overloaded.
Performs engrave more effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method. Same as Engrave effect but to more of a degree.
 | FxEqualizeIntensity |
Performs an automatic contrast enhancement on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image
defined by SetROI() method.
 | FxErode |
Performs erode effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxFire |
Performs a fire effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxGaussian |
Performs a Gaussian (blur via Gaussian deviation formula)filter of any size of kernel (amount of
pixels included in operation) on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | FxGrayscale |
Performs grayscale effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxHalo |
Performs a halo effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxhWaves |
Performs horizontal wave effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | FxMax |
Performs a Maximum filter (Dilate Filter)of any size of kernel (amount of pixels included in
operation) on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method. It
selects the Maximum value or the neighboring pixels to each pixel and gives it that value.
Basically, in binary images, it makes objects in the become smaller, and in colored images it makes the image brighter because the darker objects shrink.
 | FxMedian |
Performs a median filter of any size of kernel (amount of pixels included in operation) on a
GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
This method clears the image of Salt and Pepper noise, which is random dot like noise of white and black color.
 | FxMin |
Performs a Minimum filter (Erode Filter)of any size of kernel (amount of pixels included in
operation) on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method. It
selects the Minimum value or the neighboring pixels to each pixel and gives it that value.
Basically, in binary images, it makes objects in the image grow larger, and in colored images it makes the image darker because the darker objects grow.
 | FxMirrorRounded |
Performs a rounded mirror effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | FxNegative |
Performs a negative effect (color inversion) on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image
defined by SetROI() method.
 | FxPixelize |
Performs "pixelize" effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined
by SetROI() method. This filter makes the image appear as pixelated.
 | FxPrewittEdgeDetect |
Performs a Edge Detection via the Prewitt Operator on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | FxRedEyesCorrection |
Performs red eyes correction filter on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined
by SetROI() method.
 | FxRelief |
Performs relief effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | fxRemoveBackgroundChromaKey |
Sets the Red, Green or Blue background color as transparent in a GdPicture image or in area of a
GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method. This method is particularly accurate to remove the
Green, Blue or Red background of a photo.
 | FxScanLine |
Performs scan line effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxSepia |
Performs sepia effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxSharpen |
Performs sharpen effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxSharpenMore |
Performs sharpen more effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method. Same effect as Sharpen but to a larger degree.
 | FxSmooth |
Performs smooth effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxSobelEdgeDetect |
Performs a Edge Detection via the Sobel Operator on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | FxSoften |
Performs a soften filter on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxStretchContrast |
Performs a contrast histogram stretch filter on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image
defined by SetROI() method.
 | FxSubtractBackground |
Performs a Subtract Background (RollingBall) algorithm. It mainly is used for Medical Images like
images of cells. The two parameters in the algorithm give you control over the size of the
subtraction and the color of it. For more information please revise Stanley Sternberg's, “Biomedical
Image Processingâ€, IEEE Computer, January 1983.
 | FxSwirl |
Performs a swirl effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxTwirl |
Performs a twirl effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | FxUnsharpMask |
Performs an Unsharp Mask effect which is a Sharpen effect via subtracting a Gaussian mask of the
image, on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
 | FxvWaves |
Performs vertical wave effect on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | GetAlphaChannel |
Stores into a byte array the Alpha channel values of a GdPicture image or a portion of it.
 | GetAttachedThumbnail |
Returns, if available, the tumbnail attached to a specific GdPicture image.
 | GetAverageColor |
Returns the average color for a GdPicture image or for an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | GetBitDepth |
Returns the bit depth (Bits per Pixel) of a GdPicture image.
 | GetBitmapFromGdPictureImage |
Returns a Bitmap object from a GdPicture image.
 | GetBitmapSourceFromGdPictureImage |
Returns a Bitmap object from a GdPicture image.
 | GetBits |
Returns a pointer to the data-bits of a GdPicture image.
It is up to you to interpret these bytes correctly, according to the results of GetBitDepth() and
GetStride() methods.
 | GetColorChannelFlagsC |
Returns a new GdPicture image based on the Cyan channel of the CMYK color space of a GdPicture
 | GetColorChannelFlagsK |
Returns a new GdPicture image based on the Key (Black) channel of the CMYK color space of a
GdPicture image.
 | GetColorChannelFlagsM |
Returns a new GdPicture image based on the Magenta channel of the CMYK color space of a GdPicture
 | GetColorChannelFlagsY |
Returns a new GdPicture image based on the Yellow channel of the CMYK color space of a GdPicture
 | GetDesktopHwnd | Returns the handle of the Windows desktop window. The desktop window is the one which covers the entire screen.
The desktop window is the area on top of which all icons and other windows are painted. |
 | GetDesktopHwndI | Returns the handle of the Windows desktop window. The desktop window is the one which covers the entire screen.
The desktop window is the area on top of which all icons and other windows are painted. |
 | GetDibFromGdPictureImage | Exports a specified GdPicture image to a DIB object, known as Device Independent Bitmap (DIB), as an IntPtr value.
Please note that it is your responsibility to release the returned DIB object once you have no use for it. |
 | GetDibFromGdPictureImageI | Exports a specified GdPicture image to a DIB object, known as Device Independent Bitmap (DIB), as an integer value.
Please note that it is your responsibility to release the returned DIB object once you have no use for it. |
 | GetDistance | Returns the distance, in inches, between two specified points of the GdPicture image represented by its unique image identifier. |
 | GetGdiplusImageFromGdPictureImage |
Returns a gdiplus image handle from a GdPicture image.
 | GetGraphicsFromGdPictureImage |
Gets the Graphics object associated with a GdPicture image.
 | GetHBitmapFromGdPictureImage | Exports a specified GdPicture image to a HBitmap object based on Microsoft® Windows® Graphics Device Interface (GDI), as an IntPtr value.
Please note that it is your responsibility to release the returned HBitmap object once you have no use for it. |
 | GetHBitmapFromGdPictureImageI | Exports a specified GdPicture image to a HBitmap object based on Microsoft® Windows® Graphics Device Interface (GDI), as an integer value.
Please note that it is your responsibility to release the returned HBitmap object once you have no use for it. |
 | GetHeight |
Returns the heightof a GdPicture image in pixels.
 | GetHeightInches |
Returns the height of a GdPicture image in inches .
 | GetHICONFromGdPictureImage | Exports a specified GdPicture image to a HICON object, known as Windows handle to icon, as an IntPtr value.
Please note that it is your responsibility to release the returned HBitmap object once you have no use for it. |
 | GetHorizontalResolution |
Gets the horizontal resolution of a GdPicture image.
 | GetImageColorSpace |
Returns the color space of a GdPicture image.
 | GetImageFormat |
Returns the format of a GdPicture image.
 | GetLastPath | Returns the file path of the latest loaded or saved file using this GdPictureImaging object. |
 | GetLastTransferError |
Returns, if any, the last HTTP or FTP transfer error description.
 | GetPageCount |
Returns the page count in a GdPicture image.
 | GetPixelArrayByte |
Stores into an array of byte each Blue, Green, Red and Alpha components of the pixel contained into
an area of a GdPicture image.
 | GetPixelArrayByte8bpp |
Stores into an array of bytes the pixel indexes of an area of a paletized 8bpp GdPicture image.
 | GetPixelArrayInteger |
Stores into an array of Integer the ARGB pixel values of an area of a GdPicture image.
 | GetPixelFormat |
Returns the pixel format of a GdPicture image.
 | GetResizedGdPictureImage |
Creates a resized GdPicture image from a GdPicture image.
 | GetScanLines |
Returns an array of pointers of all GdPicture image scanlines.
 | GetSelectedPage |
Returns the number of the selected page.
 | GetSkewAngle | Overloaded.
Determines the skew angle of an image in degrees.
It has a parameter for max angle of research.
 | GetStat | Returns the status of the last executed operation with the current GdPictureImaging object. |
 | GetStride |
Returns the width, in bytes, of a single row of pixel data of a GdPicture image.
Also known as pitch or scan width, this width is a multiple, or possibly sub-multiple, of the pixel
dimensions of the image and may be padded out to include a few more bytes.
 | GetTextHeight |
Calculate the height of the specified text, based on the specified font, font size and font style.
The result is measured in units specified by the FontSetUnit() method.
 | GetTextWidth |
Calculate the width of the specified text, based on the specified font, font size and font style. The
result is measured in units specified by the FontSetUnit() method.
 | GetTiffCompression |
Returns the compression scheme of a GdPicture image (TIFF format only).
 | GetVerticalResolution |
Gets the vertical resolution of a GdPicture image.
 | GetWidth |
Returns the width of a GdPicture image in pixels.
 | GetWidthInches |
Returns the width of a GdPicture image in inches.
 | GifAppendFrameFromFile |
Appends a new frame from file to the end of an editable multiframe gif image.
 | GifAppendFrameFromGdPictureImage |
Appends a new frame from a GdPicture image to the end of an editable multiframe gif image.
 | GifCreateMultiFrameFromFile |
Creates a new editable multiframe Gif image based on an
image file.
 | GifCreateMultiFrameFromGdPictureImage |
Creates a new editable multiframe gif image based from
a GdPicture image.
 | GifDeleteFrame |
Deletes the frame of an editable multiframe gif image at a selected position.
 | GifGetCurrentFrame |
Gets the current frame (or selected frame) in a multiframe gif image.
 | GifGetFrameCount |
Returns the number of frames in a multiframe gif image.
 | GifGetFrameTime |
Returns the "frame time" of a frame of a multiframe gif image.
Frame time is the amount of time in ms to display the frame for (GIF specific - the value stored in
the file is centiseconds (1/100th of a second)).
 | GifGetLoopCount |
Returns the "Loop Count" of a multiframe gif image.
A Loop Count is the number of times an animation of the multiframe gif shall be played.
 | GifInsertFrameFromFile |
Inserts a new frame from file at the selected position an editable multiframe gif image.
The Frame position has to be a number smaller or equal than the current number of frames available in the
multiframe gif image.
 | GifInsertFrameFromGdPictureImage |
Inserts a new frame from a GdPicture image at the given position in an editable multiframe gif image.
The frameposition has to be a number smaller or equal than the current number of frames available in the
multiframe gif image.
 | GifIsEditableMultiFrame |
Determines whether an image is an editable multiframe gif image or not.
 | GifIsMultiFrame |
Checks whether an image is a multiframe gif image or not.
 | GifOpenMultiFrameForWrite |
This method controls the way of multiframe gif image loading.
By default, the class loads multiframe gif images in read-write mode through the following methods:
If you want to open multiframe gif images as read-only,
you should this method using False for the WriteAccess parameter.
 | GifSaveMultiFrameToFile |
Saves an editable multiframe gif image to a file.
 | GifSelectFrame |
Selects a frame of a multiframe gif image. The frame can now be edited or saved to a different file.
 | GifSetFrameDisposal |
Sets the "Frame disposal method" of a frame of an editable multiframe gif image.
This method should be called before saving using the GifSaveMultiFrameToFile() method.
This defines what to do with the logical canvas area after displaying this image.
 | GifSetFrameTime |
Sets the "frame time" of a frame of a multiframe gif image.
Frame time is the amount of time in ms to display the frame for (GIF specific - the value stored in
the file is centiseconds (1/100th of a second)).
 | GifSetLoopCount |
Sets the "Loop Count" of a multiframe gif image.
A Loop Count is the number of times an animation of the multiframe gif should be played.
 | GifSetTransparency |
Sets the transparency color for a Gif GdPicture image.
If the specified GdPicture image is an editable multiframe gif image,
you should use this method for each frame of the image.
 | GifSwapFrames |
Swaps two frames in an editable multiframe gif image.
 | HasAttachedThumbnail |
Some images embed a thumbnail bitmap for previewing purpose. This method helps to determine if a specific GdPicture image has one.
 | HasGrayPalette256 | Determines whether the specified GdPicture image represented by its unique image identifier has a standard 8-bit gray palette. |
 | HasTransparency |
Detects a GdPicture image or the area defined by SetROI() method has pixel with non fully opaque alpha channel.
 | HistogramGet8Bpp |
Computes the colors histogram of a 8bpp indexed GdPicture image.
 | HistogramGetAlpha |
Computes the alpha channel histogram of a GdPicture image.
 | HistogramGetARGB |
Computes in one call, alpha, red, green and blue channel histograms of a GdPicture image.
 | HistogramGetBlue |
Computes the blue channel histogram of a GdPicture image.
 | HistogramGetGreen |
Computes the green channel histogram of a GdPicture image.
 | HistogramGetRed |
Computes the red channel histogram of a GdPicture image.
 | ICCAddFromByteArray |
Attaches an ICC profile from an array of bytes to a GdPicture image.
 | ICCAddFromFile |
Attaches an ICC profile from a file to a GdPicture image.
 | ICCAddProfileToFile |
Adds/replaces an ICC profile of an existing image file. Supported formats are TIFF, JPEG and PNG images.
 | ICCExportToByteArray |
Exports the ICC profile of a GdPicture image to an array of bytes.
 | ICCExportToFile |
Exports the ICC profile of a GdPicture image to a file.
 | ICCImageHasProfile |
Asks if a GdPicture image gets an embedded ICC profile.
 | ICCRemove |
Deletes the ICC profile embedded within a GdPicture image.
 | ICCRemoveProfileOfFile |
Removes the ICC profile embedded into an image file. This method permits to conserve the input cmyk color model, if any.
 | ICCSetRGBProfile |
Applies a specific RGB color profile to a GdPicture image without embedding the color profile
information. Therefore, only image pixels will be modified according to the profile information. If
you need to embed an ICC profile to an image file the ICCAddFromFile() method must be
 | IPTCCount |
Returns the number of IPTC tag attached to a GdPicture image.
 | IPTCDelete |
Deletes an IPTC tag attached to a GdPicture image.
 | IPTCDeleteAll |
Deletes all IPTC tags attached to a GdPicture image.
 | IPTCGetID |
Returns an IPTC tag ID attached to a GdPicture image.
 | IPTCGetLength |
Returns the length in bytes of an IPTC tag attached to a GdPicture image.
 | IPTCGetType |
Returns the type of an IPTC tag attached to a GdPicture image.
 | IPTCGetValueBytes |
Returns as bytes, the value of an IPTC tag attached to a GdPicture image.
 | IPTCGetValueString |
Returns as string, the value of an IPTC tag attached to a GdPicture image.
 | IPTCSetValueString |
Writes an IPTC tag from data stored within formatted string.
 | IsBitonal | Overloaded.
Determines whether a GdPicture image or the area defined by SetROI() method is composed of black and white pixels only.
This method uses a linear formula to determine the color intent. To obtain more accurate result the ColorDetection() method should be used instead.
 | IsBlank | Overloaded.
Detects if a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method is blank.
 | IsCMYKFile | Checks whether the specified image file is CMYK color space based. |
 | IsGrayscale |
Determines whether a GdPicture image or the area defined by SetROI() method is Gray or not.
This method uses a linear formula to determine the color intent. To obtain more accurate result the ColorDetection() method should be used instead.
 | IsNegative |
Determines whether a GdPicture image (document) is negative.
 | IsPixelFormatHasAlpha |
Returns if the pixel format of a GdPicture image has an alpha component.
 | IsPixelFormatIndexed |
Asks if the pixel format of a GdPicture image is indexed.
 | JBIG2AddToMultiPageFile |
Adds a page to a multipage JBIG2 file created with the JBIG2SaveAsMultiPageFile() method.
 | JBIG2CloseMultiPageFile |
Terminates and closes a multipage JBIG2 file created with the JBIG2SaveAsMultiPageFile() method.
 | JBIG2IsMultiPage |
Checks if a GdPicture image is a multipage JBIG2 image
 | JBIG2SaveAsMultiPageFile |
Stores a GdPicture image as first page of a new multipage JBIG2 file.
You will be able to append new page to the created file using the JBIG2AddToMultiPageFile() method.
 | JBIG2SelectPage |
Selects a page of a multipage JBIG2 image. The page can now be edited or saved to a different file.
 | JPEGLosslessCrop |
Performs a lossless crop on a JPEG image.
 | KeepBlueComponent |
Keeps only the blue color component of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image defined
by SetROI() method.
 | KeepGreenComponent |
Keeps only the green color component of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image defined
by SetROI() method.
 | KeepRedComponent |
Keeps only the red color component of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | MeasureTextBox |
Measures the specified string when drawn with the specified Font and the specified alignment.
 | MICRClear |
Releases from memory all information about the last MICR process done by the MICRDoMICR() method.
Starts a MICR recognition process on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
 | MICRGetSymbolBottom |
Returns the bottom position, in pixel, of one of the symbols recognized during the
last MICR process done by the MICRDoMICR() method.
 | MICRGetSymbolConfidence |
Returns the detection confidence, in percentage, of one of the symbols recognized during the
last MICR process done by the MICRDoMICR() method.
 | MICRGetSymbolLeft |
Returns the left position, in pixel, of one of the symbols recognized during the
last MICR process done by the MICRDoMICR() method.
 | MICRGetSymbolLine |
Returns the line position of one of the symbols recognized during the last MICR
process done by the MICRDoMICR() method.
 | MICRGetSymbolRight |
Returns the right position, in pixel, of one of the symbols recognized during the
last MICR process done by the MICRDoMICR() method.
 | MICRGetSymbolsCount |
Returns the number of symbols recognized during the last MICR process done by the
MICRDoMICR() method.
 | MICRGetSymbolTop |
Returns the top position, in pixel, of one of the symbols recognized during the
last MICR process done by the MICRDoMICR() method.
 | MICRGetSymbolValue |
Returns the character representation of one of the symbols recognized during the
last MICR process done by the MICRDoMICR() method.
 | OMRDetectMarks | Overloaded.
Returns whether a selected OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) field/s is filled or not. This method is
mainly used for Square and Perfectly Circular Fields. An OMR field can be a checkbox, a fill-in-area
checkbox, areas on a multiple choice examination form, or any area where highlighting is required to
indicate a certain choice.
 | OMRDetectOvalMarks | Overloaded.
Returns whether a selected OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) field/s is filled or not. This method is
mainly used for Oval shaped Fields. An OMR field can be a checkbox, a fill-in-area checkbox, areas on
a multiple choice examination form, or any area where highlighting is required to indicate a certain
 | PaletteGet |
Gets into a 1D array the complete color palette of a GdPicture image.
 | PaletteGetColorsCount |
Returns the number of colors contained into the color palette of a GdPicture image.
 | PaletteGetEntry |
Returns the color of a specific entry of the palette of a GdPicture image.
 | PaletteGetTransparentColor |
Gets the transparency color of an indexed GdPicture image.
 | PaletteGetType |
Gets the type of color palette used by a GdPicture image.
 | PaletteHasTransparentColor |
Determines whether a GdPicture image has a color defined as transparent.
 | PaletteSet |
Sets a new color palette to a GdPicture image.
 | PaletteSetTransparentColor |
Sets a color of a palette as transparent.
If the specified color is not present into the palette this will be added if the number of entries
is lower than 256.
 | PaletteSwapEntries |
Returns the color of a specific entry of the palette of a GdPicture image.
 | PatchCodeReaderClear |
Releases from memory all information about latest Patch Code Patch Code detection.
 | PatchCodeReaderDoScan | Starts a Patch Code recognition process on a specified GdPicture image or on an area of a specified GdPicture image defined by the GdPictureImaging.SetROI method. |
 | PatchCodeReaderGetCodeCount |
Returns the number of Patch Code detected by the PatchCodeReaderDoScan method.
 | PatchCodeReaderGetCodeType |
Returns the type of a Patch Code detected by the PatchCodeReaderDoScan method.
 | PatchCodeReaderGetCodeX1 |
Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a Patch Code detected by the
PatchCodeReaderDoScan method.
 | PatchCodeReaderGetCodeX2 |
Returns the X position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a Patch Code detected by the
PatchCodeReaderDoScan method.
 | PatchCodeReaderGetCodeX3 |
Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a Patch Code detected by the
PatchCodeReaderDoScan method.
 | PatchCodeReaderGetCodeX4 |
Returns the X position (in pixels) of the bottom-left corner of a Patch Code detected by the
PatchCodeReaderDoScan method.
 | PatchCodeReaderGetCodeY1 |
Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of a Patch Code detected by the
PatchCodeReaderDoScan method.
 | PatchCodeReaderGetCodeY2 |
Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the top-right corner of a Patch Code detected by the
PatchCodeReaderDoScan method.
 | PatchCodeReaderGetCodeY3 |
Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-right corner of a Patch Code detected by the
PatchCodeReaderDoScan method.
 | PatchCodeReaderGetCodeY4 |
Returns the Y position (in pixels) of the bottom-left corner of a Patch Code detected by the
PatchCodeReaderDoScan method.
 | PdfCreateFromMultipageTIFF | Overloaded.
Creates a multipage PDF from a multipage tiff image.
 | PdfCreateRights | Creates a value, which determines access permissions to the various operations within the PDF document according to what you have specified. This value is subsequently used as the Rights parameter when saving the processed image as an encrypted PDF document, for example, using the SaveAsPDF(Int32,String,String,String,String,String,String,PdfEncryption,PdfRight,String,String) method. |
 | PixelGetColor |
Gets the color of a specified pixel in a GdPicture image, as Color object.
 | PixelGetColorI |
Gets the color of a specified pixel in a GdPicture image, as 32-bit integer value.
 | PixelSetColor |
Sets the color of a specified pixel in a GdPicture image.
 | PixelSetColorI |
Sets the color of a specified pixel in a GdPicture image.
 | Print | Prints a specified GdPicture image to the active printer using the actual paper size. |
 | PrintBySize | Prints a specified GdPicture image to the active printer with the specific size and the position. |
 | PrintDialog | Overloaded. Invokes the standard Windows Print dialog box allowing you to print the specified GdPicture image by selecting additional settings. |
 | PrintDialogBySize | Overloaded. Invokes the standard Windows Print dialog box allowing you to print the specified GdPicture image
with the defined size and the position together with selecting additional settings. |
 | PrintDialogFit | Overloaded. Invokes the standard Windows Print dialog box allowing you to print the specified GdPicture image
adjusting the picture size to the default paper size together with selecting additional settings. |
 | PrintFit | Prints a specified GdPicture image to the active printer adjusting the picture size to the default paper size. |
 | PrintGetActivePrinter | Returns the name of the printer, that is currently selected as the active printer, means the printer, which is subsequently used when printing.
It is mostly the default printer, if not set otherwise. Hovewer, you can use the GdPictureImaging.PrintSetActivePrinter method to select your preferred printer for next print jobs without affecting any other installed printers. |
 | PrintGetAlignment | Returns the value of an image alignment setting of the active printer. This value determines how the image is aligned when printing. |
 | PrintGetCollate | Returns the printer collate setting of the active printer. This property determines, whether the printed document is collated.
true will print a complete copy of the document before the first page of the next copy is printed. false will print each page by the number of copies specified before printing the next page. |
 | PrintGetColorMode | Returns the printer color mode setting of the active printer. This property determines whether the output will print in color or in monochrome. |
 | PrintGetCopies | Returns the printer copies setting of the active printer, that means the number of copies to be printed. |
 | PrintGetDocumentName | Returns the printer document name setting of the active printer. You can use it to display during the next print process (for example, in a print
status dialog box or printer queue) while printing the document. |
 | PrintGetDuplexMode | Returns the printer duplex mode setting of the active printer. This property determines whether a page is printed on both sides
(if the printer supports this feature). |
 | PrintGetLastError | Returns the error description of the last executed print operation, that has failed. |
 | PrintGetMargins | Returns the physical margins (x and y coordinates), that are part of the default page settings property of the active printer.
Both margins are used as defaults for all pages to be printed. |
 | PrintGetOrientation | Returns the printer orientation setting of the active printer. This property determines the page orientation when printing. |
 | PrintGetPaperBin | Returns the paper source, means the paper tray, from which the printer gets paper, used by the active printer.
The value is determined through the PaperSource.Kind property of the default page settings. |
 | PrintGetPaperHeight | Returns the height of the paper to be used by the active printer. |
 | PrintGetPaperSize | Returns the current paper size, means the type of the paper, to be used by the active printer.
The value is determined through the PaperSize.Kind property of the default page settings. |
 | PrintGetPaperWidth | Returns the width of the paper to be used by the active printer. |
 | PrintGetPrinterName | Returns the name of the printer according to the index you have specified.
You can use the GdPictureImaging.PrintGetPrintersCount method to determine the number of all available printers. The printer index is simply an integer value from 1 to GdPictureImaging.PrintGetPrintersCount. |
 | PrintGetPrintersCount | Returns the number of all available (installed) printers on the computer. |
 | PrintGetPrinterSettings | Returns the printer settings of the active printer.
As explained in the GdPictureImaging.PrintGetActivePrinter or the GdPictureImaging.PrintSetActivePrinter methods, none of the available printers or their properties are affected using any of the print methods of this class. |
 | PrintGetQuality | Returns the printer quality setting of the active printer. This setting matches the PrinterResolutionKind property included in the
PrinterSettings.PrinterResolutions parameter of the active printer. |
 | PrintGetStat | Returns the status of the last executed print operation. You can use the GdPictureImaging.PrintGetLastError method to find out more details. |
 | PrintSetActivePrinter | Sets the printer, identified by its name, as the active printer, in other words makes it the currently selected printer, which is subsequently used when printing. The specified printer is used to execute all next print jobs using the print methods of this class, if not set otherwise, without affecting any other installed printers.
You can use the GdPictureImaging.PrintGetActivePrinter method to retrieve the currently selected printer, denoted as the active printer for print methods of this class. At the same this printer utilizes all by you altered printer settings without affecting the installed printers. |
 | PrintSetAlignment | Sets up the value of an image alignment setting of the active printer. This value determines how the image is aligned when printing. |
 | PrintSetAutoRotation | Sets up the auto-rotation property of the active printer, that determines, if the pages are automatically rotated to fit on the output medium when printing. |
 | PrintSetCollate | Sets up the printer collate setting of the active printer. This property determines, whether the printed document is collated.
Setting it to true will print a complete copy of the document before the first page of the next copy is printed. Setting it to false will print each page by the number of copies specified before printing the next page. |
 | PrintSetColorMode | Sets up the printer color mode setting of the active printer. This property determines whether the output will print in color or in monochrome. |
 | PrintSetCopies | Sets up the printer copies setting of the active printer, that means the number of copies to be printed. |
 | PrintSetDocumentName | Sets up the printer document name setting of the active printer. You can use it to display during the next print process
(for example, in a print status dialog box or printer queue) while printing the document. |
 | PrintSetDuplexMode | Sets up the printer duplex mode setting of the active printer. This property determines whether a page is printed on both sides
(if the printer supports this feature). |
 | PrintSetFromToPage | Sets up the required range of pages you want to print during the next print process using the active printer. |
 | PrintSetOrientation | Sets up the printer orientation setting of the active printer. This property determines the page orientation when printing. |
 | PrintSetPageSelection | Sets up the required selection of pages you want to print during the next print process using the active printer.
The specified pages selection will not take into account if you will print using the PrintDialog... methods. |
 | PrintSetPaperBin | Overloaded. Sets up the paper source, from which the active printer gets paper. |
 | PrintSetPaperSize | Sets the paper size, means the type of the paper, to be used by the active printer. |
 | PrintSetPrinterSettings | Sets up the printer settings of the active printer.
As explained in the GdPictureImaging.PrintGetActivePrinter or the GdPictureImaging.PrintSetActivePrinter methods, none of the available printers or their properties are affected using any of the print methods of this class. |
 | PrintSetQuality | Sets up the printer quality setting of the active printer. This setting matches the PrinterResolutionKind property included in the PrinterSettings.PrinterResolutions parameter of the active printer.
If the required Quality parameter is identified within the set of PrinterSettings.PrinterResolutions property items of the active printer, then the currently defined active printer resolution is filled up with the specified resolution attributes provided by the corresponding printer resolution item. |
 | PrintSetShowPrintingProgress | Enables or disables showing the progress indicator during the print process. The printing progress bar is displayed by default. |
 | PrintSetStdPaperSize | Sets up the standard paper size, means the type of the paper, to be used by the active printer. |
 | PrintSetUserPaperSize | Sets up a custom paper size to be used by the active printer. |
 | PrintShowPrinterSettingsDialog | Prompts the printer driver to show the printer settings dialog box of the active printer allowing you to specify a parent window handle. |
 | ReleaseDib | Overloaded. Releases a specified DIB object from the memory. |
 | ReleaseGdPictureImage | Releases the specified GdPicture image represented by its unique image identifier from memory.
Please note, that the toolkit does not release created images automatically, so releasing images after they have been used is mandatory. |
 | ReleaseHBitmap | Releases a specified HBitmap object from the memory. |
 | ReleaseHBitmapI | Releases a specified HBitmap object from the memory. |
 | ReleaseHICON | Releases a specified HICON object from the memory. |
 | RemoveBlob | Overloaded.
Removes blobs and ink blobs with a specified size margin.
 | RemoveBlueComponent |
Removes the blue color component of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | RemoveGreenComponent |
Removes the green color component of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | RemoveHolePunch | Overloaded. Removes all punch holes situated on the margins of your image. |
 | RemoveLines | Overloaded.
Performs line removal on a GdPicture image or on an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | RemoveRedComponent |
Removes the red color component of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | ResetROI | Resets the region of interest (ROI). The method simply clears the coordinates and the dimensions of the ROI used by this GdPictureImaging object. |
 | Resize |
Resizes a GdPicture image.
 | ResizeHeightRatio |
Resizes a GdPicture image with custom height keeping the original aspect ratio for the new width
 | ResizeWidthRatio |
Resizes a GdPicture image with custom width keeping the original aspect ratio for the new height
 | Rotate |
Rotates clock-wise or flips a GdPicture image.
 | RotateAngle |
Rotates clockwise a GdPicture by a specific angle.
 | RotateAngleBackColor |
Rotates clockwise a GdPicture by a specific angle and a custom back color.
 | RotateAnglePreserveDimensions |
Rotates clockwise a GdPicture by a specific angle keeping the originals width and height of the
 | RotateAnglePreserveDimensionsBackColor |
Rotates clockwise a GdPicture by a specific angle and specific back color keeping the originals width
and height of the picture.
 | RotateAnglePreserveDimensionsCenter |
Rotates clockwise a GdPicture by a specific from the center with a specific angle keeping the originals width and
height of the picture.
 | RotateAnglePreserveDimensionsCenterBackColor |
Rotates clockwise a GdPicture by a specific angle from the center with custom back color keeping the
originals width and height of the picture.
 | SaveAsBMP | Overloaded.
Saves a GdPicture image as a windows or OS/2 bitmap image.
 | SaveAsByteArray |
Saves a GdPicture image to a byte array. This methods can generate multipage tiff file if the input GdPicture image is an editable multipage tiff.
 | SaveAsEXR |
Saves a GdPicture image in high dynamic-range image.
 | SaveAsGIF |
Saves a GdPicture image as Graphics Interchange Format image.
 | SaveAsICO | Overloaded.
Saves a GdPicture image as a window icon image format specifying a color to set as transparent.
 | SaveAsIStream |
Saves a GdPicture image to an IStream. This methods can generate multipage tiff file if the input GdPicture image is an editable multipage tiff.
 | SaveAsJ2K | Overloaded.
Saves a GdPicture image as JPEG-2000 codestream image.
 | SaveAsJBIG2 |
Saves a GdPicture image as JBIG2 image format with lossless compression.
 | SaveAsJP2 | Overloaded.
Saves a GdPicture image as JPEG-2000 File image.
 | SaveAsJPEG | Overloaded. Saves a required GdPicture image to a given file path as jpeg image according to what you have specified. |
 | SaveAsPBM |
Saves a GdPicture image as Portable Bitmap image.
 | SaveAsPDF | Overloaded.
Saves a GdPicture image as single page pdf.
 | SaveAsPNG | Overloaded.
Saves a GdPicture image as Portable Network Graphics image.
 | SaveAsStream |
Saves a GdPicture image to a stream. This methods can generate multipage tiff file if the input GdPicture image is an editable multipage tiff.
 | SaveAsString |
Saves a GdPicture image to a string. This methods can generate multipage tiff file if the input GdPicture image is an editable multipage tiff.
 | SaveAsTGA |
Saves a GdPicture image as Truevision TARGA image.
 | SaveAsTIFF | Overloaded. Saves a required GdPicture image to a given file path as Tagged Image File Format (tif) acording to what you have specified. |
 | SaveAsWBMP |
Saves a GdPicture image as wbmp (Wireless Bitmap) image.
 | SaveAsWEBP |
Saves a GdPicture image as WebP image.
 | SaveAsWMF |
Saves a GdPicture image as WMF image.
 | SaveAsXPM |
Saves a GdPicture image as x11 pixmap image.
 | SaveToFTP |
Saves a GdPicture image into a FTP server.
 | SaveToHTTP | Overloaded.
Saves a GdPicture image into a HTTP server. This method uses HTTP PUT protocol method.
 | Scale |
Resizes a GdPicture image image, keeping the same aspect ratio.
 | ScaleBlueComponent |
Scales the blue color component of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | ScaleGreenComponent |
Scales the green color component of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | ScaleRedComponent |
Scales the red color component of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | SelectPage | Overloaded.
Selects a page in a GdPicture image.
 | SetAlphaChannel |
Sets the Alpha channel of a GdPicture image.
 | SetBCSG |
Adjust in one shot, the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation & Gamma in a
GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method.
This method is faster than successive calls to any of SetBrightness, SetContrast, SetSaturation
& SetGammaCorrection methods.
 | SetBrightness |
Adjust the Brightness in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | SetCacheMode | Specifies the way how the toolkit handles bitmap caching. The initial cache mode is memory caching. |
 | SetColorKey |
Sets the color key (transparency range) for a specified category on a GdPicture image.
This method sets the high and low color-key values so that a range of colors can be made
Any color that has each of its three components (red, green, blue) between the corresponding
components of the high and low color keys is made transparent.
 | SetColorRemap |
Applies a color-remap table to a GdPicture image.
 | SetContrast |
Adjust the Contrast in a GdPicture image or in the area defined by SetROI() method.
 | SetFtpPassiveMode | Specifies if the FTP transfer mode used by GdPictureImaging.CreateGdPictureImageFromFTP method is Passive or not. The initial value is true. |
 | SetGammaCorrection |
Performs Gamma Correction in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image
defined by SetROI() method.
 | SetHorizontalResolution |
Changes the horizontal resolution of a GdPicture image.
 | SetHttpTransferBufferSize | Changes the packet size used for transferring data when creating the image from HTTP and FTP or when uploading the file to the FTP server. The initial value is 4096. |
 | SetPixelArrayByte |
Changes the pixel values contained into an area of a GdPicture image from an array which contains
each each Blue, Green, Red and Alpha components of pixel.
 | SetPixelArrayByte8bpp |
Set pixel indexes from an array of bytes to an area of a paletized 8bpp GdPicture image.
 | SetPixelArrayByteBGR |
Changes the pixel values contained into an area of a GdPicture image from an array which contains
each each Blue, Green, and Red components of pixel.
 | SetPixelArrayInteger |
Changes the pixel values contained into an area of a GdPicture image from an array which contains
Integer ARBG color values.
 | SetRawImageLoadingOptions |
Specifies how this object should subsequently open RAW image.
 | SetROI | Defines the current region of interest (ROI) for further processing with this GdPictureImaging object by specifying its coordinates and dimensions. You can use the GdPictureImaging.ResetROI method to clear the previously defined region of interest. |
 | SetSaturation | Adjust the Saturation in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI() method. |
 | SetTransparency |
Adds transparency to a GdPicture image or into an area of a GdPicture image defined by SetROI()
 | SetTransparencyColor | Overloaded.
Sets a color as transparent in a GdPicture image or in an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | SetVerticalResolution |
Changes the vertical resolution of a GdPicture image.
 | SwapColor | Overloaded.
Replaces one color by another on a GdPicture image or into an area of a GdPicture image defined by
SetROI() method.
 | SwapColorsRGBtoBGR |
Swaps the color components (RGB - > BGR) of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image
defined by SetROI() method.
 | SwapColorsRGBtoBRG |
Swaps the color components (RGB - > BRG) of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image
defined by SetROI() method.
 | SwapColorsRGBtoGBR |
Swaps the color components (RGB - > GBR) of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image
defined by SetROI() method.
 | SwapColorsRGBtoGRB |
Swaps the color components (RGB - > GRB) of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image
defined by SetROI() method.
 | SwapColorsRGBtoRBG |
Swaps the color components (RGB - > RBG) of a GdPicture image or of an area of a GdPicture image
defined by SetROI() method.
 | TagCount |
Returns the number of tags attached to a GdPicture image.
 | TagDelete |
Deletes a tag attached to a GdPicture image.
 | TagDeleteAll |
Deletes all tags attached to a GdPicture image.
 | TagGetExifRotation |
Returns the kind of rotation, if any, defined by the exif orientation tag.
 | TagGetID |
Returns a tag ID attached to a GdPicture image.
 | TagGetLength |
Returns the length in bytes of a tag attached to a GdPicture image.
 | TagGetName |
Returns as string a tag name attached to a GdPicture image.
 | TagGetType |
Returns the type of a tag attached to a GdPicture image.
 | TagGetValueBytes |
Returns as bytes, the value of a tag attached to a GdPicture image.
 | TagGetValueString | Overloaded.
Returns as string, the value of a tag attached to a GdPicture image.
 | TagGetXMLPacket |
Returns the XML Packet tag (code 700 (hex 0x02BC)) of a GdPicture image as string.
 | TagSetValueBytes |
Writes a tag from data stored within an array of bytes.
 | TagSetValueString | Writes a tag from data stored within formatted string. |
 | TagSetXMLPacket | Overloaded.
Writes the XML Packet tag (code 700 (hex 0x02BC)) of a GdPicture image as string.
 | TagsSetPreserve |
Asks to the component to preserve or not the tags when a GdPicture image is edited.
 | TiffAddToMultiPageFile | Overloaded. Adds a required GdPicture image, which represents a single image, to a specified GdPicture image, which represents the multipage TIFF image file.
This method implements a sequential multipage TIFF writing approach, which is the faster way to create multipage TIFF image files by adding individual pages. |
 | TiffAppendPageFromFile | Appends a new page from the specified file to the end of an editable multipage TIFF image, that is represented by its unique image identifier.
This method only handles editable multipage TIFF images; otherwise it will fail. |
 | TiffAppendPageFromGdPictureImage | Overloaded. Appends a new page from the specified GdPicture image to the end of an editable multipage TIFF image, that is represented by its unique image identifier.
This method only handles editable multipage TIFF images; otherwise it will fail. |
 | TiffCloseMultiPageFile | Terminates and closes a multipage TIFF image file represented by a unique image identifier of the GdPicture image,
that has been previously initialized with one of the TiffSaveAsMultiPageFile() methods. |
 | TiffCreateMultiPageFromFile | Overloaded. Creates a new GdPicture image representing the editable multipage TIFF image based on the parameters you have specified. |
 | TiffCreateMultiPageFromGdPictureImage | Creates a new GdPicture image representing the editable multipage TIFF image based on a previously created GdPicture image. The newly created image is identified by its unique non-zero image identifier.
Please note that you can specify the read-only or read-write mode using the GdPictureImaging.TiffOpenMultiPageForWrite method before loading the file. |
 | TiffDeletePage | Deletes a page specified by its page number in an editable multipage TIFF image, that is represented by its unique image identifier.
This method only handles editable multipage TIFF images; otherwise it will fail. |
 | TiffExtractPage | Overloaded. This method allows you to directly extract a specified page from a multipage TIFF image, that is represented by its unique image identifier,
to a file or to a stream without the need to decode and re-encode the bitmap. |
 | TiffInsertPageFromFile | Overloaded. Inserts a new page from the specified file at a given position of an editable multipage TIFF image, that is represented by its unique image identifier.
This method only handles editable multipage TIFF images; otherwise it will fail. |
 | TiffInsertPageFromGdPictureImage | Overloaded. Inserts a new page from the specified GdPicture image at a given position of an editable multipage TIFF image, that is represented by its unique image identifier.
This method only handles editable multipage TIFF images; otherwise it will fail. |
 | TiffIsEditableMultiPage | Checks whether the specified image, represented by its unique image identifier, is an editable multipage TIFF image, that means it has not been opened as read-only. |
 | TiffIsMultiPage | Checks whether the specified image, represented by its unique image identifier, is a multipage TIFF image, either a read-only or an editable one. |
 | TiffMerge2Files | Merges two image files according to their file paths. The result is saved as a multipage TIFF image file to a file path you have specified. |
 | TiffMergeFileList | Merges several image files according to their file paths stored in the input parameter.
The result is saved as a multipage TIFF image file to a file path you have specified. |
 | TiffMergeFiles | Merges several image files according to their file paths stored in the input parameter.
The result is saved as a multipage TIFF image file to a file path you have specified. |
 | TiffMovePage | Moves a specified page to a destination page in an editable multipage TIFF image, that is represented by its unique image identifier.
This method only handles editable multipage TIFF images; otherwise it will fail. |
 | TiffOpenMultiPageForWrite | Allows you to control the way of creating and loading multipage TIFF image files.
This class loads multipage TIFF images in read-write mode using the CreateGdPictureImageFrom... methods by default. Setting the WriteAccess parameter to false before loading a file allows you to create multipage TIFF images as read-only. |
 | TiffSaveAsMultiPageFile | Overloaded. Stores a specified GdPicture image as the first page of a new multipage TIFF image file, which will be used for subsequent sequential multipage TIFF writing.
This is the faster approach when creating multipage TIFF image files. |
 | TiffSaveMultiPageToFile | Overloaded. Saves a GdPicture image representing the editable multipage TIFF image to a multipage TIFF file acording to what you have specified. |
 | TiffSelectPage | Selects a required page in the specified multipage TIFF image represented by its unique image identifier. The defined page is selected for further use, which means, that the page can be edited or saved to a different file.
This method only handles multipage TIFF images, both editable or opened as read-only. |
 | TiffSwapPages | Swaps two pages specified by their page numbers in an editable multipage TIFF image, that is represented by its unique image identifier.
This method only handles editable multipage TIFF images; otherwise it will fail. |
 | TransformJPEG |
Applies transformation to a JPEG image without loss of information.
When a JPEG image is compressed, some of the information in the image is lost.
If you open a JPEG file, modify the image, and save it to another JPEG file, the quality will
This method allows to opening / modifying / saving JPEG images, without loss of information.
 | TwainAcquireToDib |
Acquires a single image, from the currently selected Data Source to a DIB handle.
 | TwainAcquireToDibI |
Acquires a single image, from the currently selected Data Source to a DIB handle.
 | TwainAcquireToFile | Overloaded.
Acquires a single image, from the currently selected Data Source to a file.
This method uses the file transfer mode.
The disk file mode is ideal when transferring large images that might encounter memory limitations
with Native or memory mode.
However, Disk File mode is a bit slower than other transfer mode.
 | TwainAcquireToGdPictureImage | Overloaded.
Acquires a single image, from the currently selected Data Source.
 | TwainAcquireToMemoryFile | Overloaded.
Acquires a single image, from the currently selected Data Source to a file.
This method uses the memory transfer mode.
This method is ideal to reach the best transfer rate of the acquisition device.
The output image compression should be negotiated with the TwainSetCompression() method.
 | TwainBarCodeGetConfidence |
Returns the degree of certainty of a bar code the engine has in the accuracy of the information
obtained on the last acquired image.
 | TwainBarCodeGetCount |
If barcode detection is enabled, returns the number of bar codes found on the last acquired image.
 | TwainBarCodeGetRotation |
Returns the orientation of a bar code found on the last acquired image.
 | TwainBarCodeGetType |
Returns the type of a bar code found on the last acquired image.
 | TwainBarCodeGetValue |
Returns the text of a bar code found on the last acquired image.
 | TwainBarCodeGetXPos |
Returns the X coordinate of a bar code found on the last acquired image.
 | TwainBarCodeGetYPos |
Returns the Y coordinate of a bar code found on the last acquired image.
 | TwainCloseSource |
Closes the open Data Source, if any.
If the source is enabled, disables it first.
 | TwainCloseSourceManager | Overloaded.
Closes the Data Source Manager.
If a source is open, disables and closes it as needed.
 | TwainDisableSource |
Disables the open Data Source, if any.
This closes the source's user interface.
 | TwainEnableDuplex |
Asks to the opened source to enable or disable the duplex scanning mode.
 | TwainEnableImprinter |
Ask to the opened source to enable or not imprinter capability.
 | TwainEnableMemoryTransferMode |
Specifies if the memory transfer mode shoud be used during acquisition processes.
 | TwainEndAllXfers |
Signals the Data Source to stop all the transfers.
 | TwainEndXfer |
Signals the Data Source to stop the current transfer.
Go to either State 6 (TWAIN_TRANSFER_READY) if it has more transfers ready, or to State 5
(TWAIN_SOURCE_ENABLED) if it does not.
 | TwainGetAvailableBarCodeTypeCount |
If barcode detection is available, returns the number of bar code types that can be detected.
 | TwainGetAvailableBarCodeTypeNo |
Returns a supported bar code type which can be detected by the opened source.
 | TwainGetAvailableBitDepthCount |
Returns the number of available bit depths values which can be used by the opened source in its
current configuration.
 | TwainGetAvailableBitDepthNo |
Returns an available bit depth value which can be used by the opened source in its current
 | TwainGetAvailableBrightnessCount |
Returns the number of available brightness values which can be used by the opened source in its
current configuration.
 | TwainGetAvailableBrightnessNo |
Returns an available brightness value which can be used by the opened source in its current
 | TwainGetAvailableCapValueNoNumeric |
Returns an available numeric value for the selected TWAIN capability which can be used by the opened
source in its current configuration.
This method should be used to determine what are the supported value which can be used with the
TwainSetCapCurrentNumeric() method.
 | TwainGetAvailableCapValueNoString |
Returns an available string value for the selected TWAIN capability which can be used by the opened
source in its current configuration.
This method should be used to determine what are the supported value which can be used with the
TwainSetCapCurrentString() method.
 | TwainGetAvailableCapValuesCount |
Returns the number of available values for the selected TWAIN capability which can be used with it
by the opened source in its current configuration.
 | TwainGetAvailableCompressionCount |
Returns the number of available compression values which can be used by the opened source in its
current configuration for file transfer mode.
 | TwainGetAvailableCompressionNo |
Returns an available compression value which can be used by the opened source in its current
configuration for file transfer mode.
 | TwainGetAvailableContrastCount |
Returns the number of available contrast values which can be used by the opened source in its
current configuration.
 | TwainGetAvailableContrastNo |
Returns an available contrast value which can be used by the opened source in its current
 | TwainGetAvailableImageFileFormatCount |
Returns the number of available file format values which can be used by the opened source in its
current configuration for file transfer mode.
 | TwainGetAvailableImageFileFormatNo |
Returns an available image file format value which can be used by the opened source in its current
configuration for file transfer mode.
 | TwainGetAvailableImprinterModeCount |
Returns the number of available printer mode.
 | TwainGetAvailableImprinterModeNo |
Returns an available printer mode which can be used by the opened source in its current configuration.
 | TwainGetAvailablePaperSizeCount |
Returns the number of available paper size values which can be used by the opened source.
 | TwainGetAvailablePaperSizeNo |
Returns an available paper size value which can be used by the opened source.
 | TwainGetAvailablePixelTypeCount |
Returns the number of available pixel types values which can be used by the opened source in its
current configuration.
 | TwainGetAvailablePixelTypeNo |
Returns an available pixel type value which can be used by the opened source in its current
 | TwainGetAvailableXResolutionCount |
Returns the number of available X Resolutions values which can be used by the opened source in its
current configuration.
 | TwainGetAvailableXResolutionNo |
Returns an available X Resolution value which can be used by the opened source in its current
 | TwainGetAvailableYResolutionCount |
Returns the number of available Y Resolutions values which can be used by the opened source in its
current configuration.
 | TwainGetAvailableYResolutionNo |
Returns an available Y Resolution value which can be used by the opened source in its current
 | TwainGetBitDepth |
Returns the number of bit per pixel for the current value of PixelType.
 | TwainGetBitDepthReduction |
Returns Reduction Method the Source should use to reduce the bit depth of the data.
 | TwainGetBrightness |
Returns the current brightness.
 | TwainGetCapCurrentNumeric |
Returns as numeric, the current value of a TWAIN capability.
 | TwainGetCapCurrentString |
Returns as string, the current value of a TWAIN capability.
 | TwainGetCapDefaultNumeric |
Returns as numeric, the default value of a TWAIN capability.
 | TwainGetCapDefaultString |
Returns as string, the default value of a TWAIN capability.
 | TwainGetCapItemType |
Returns the Item type used by a TWAIN capability.
 | TwainGetCapQuerySupport |
Returns the Source’s support status of a specific TWAIN capability.
 | TwainGetCapRangeNumeric |
Returns the three parameters that define a Range for a TWAIN capability. Many capabilities allow
users to select their current value from a range of regularly spaced values. The capability can
specify the minimum and maximum acceptable values and the incremental step size between values. For
example, resolution might be supported from 100 to 600 in steps of 50 (100, 150, 200, ..., 550,
 | TwainGetCompression |
Returns the current image compression used by the selected twain source for file transfer mode.
 | TwainGetContrast |
Returns the current contrast.
 | TwainGetCurrentSourceName | Overloaded.
Returns the name of the opened source.
 | TwainGetDefaultSourceName | Overloaded.
Returns the name of the default TWAIN source into the dialog of source selection.
 | TwainGetDuplexMode |
Returns the duplex scanning support.
 | TwainGetEndorserNumber |
Returns the starting endorser / imprinter number for the next acquisition.
 | TwainGetGamma |
Asks to the opened source for current Gamma correction value to apply to the scanned image.
 | TwainGetHideUI |
Asks if the user interface should be hidden or not during an acquisition process.
 | TwainGetImageFileFormat |
Returns the current image file format used by the selected twain source for file transfer mode.
 | TwainGetImageLayout |
Returns the physical area (a rectangle) to be acquired during the next image transfer.
 | TwainGetImprinterIndex |
Returns the starting page number with the current imprinter mode.
 | TwainGetImprinterMode |
Returns the current imprinter mode, if any.
Top/Bottom refer to duplex devices, and indicate if the printer is writing on the top or the bottom of the sheet of paper.
Simplex devices use the top settings.
Before/After indicates whether printing occurs before or after the sheet of paper has been scanned.
 | TwainGetImprinterString |
Returns the string that shall be used for printing with the current imprinter mode.
 | TwainGetImprinterSuffix |
Returns the string that shall be used as suffix with the current imprinter mode.
 | TwainGetLastConditionCode |
Returns the last condition code from the last message sent to TWAIN.
 | TwainGetLastEndorsedString |
Returns a value indicating the last endorsed string by the device.
 | TwainGetLastPageSide |
Returns a value indicating if the last transferred image represents the front or rear of the sheet of paper.
 | TwainGetLastPrintedString |
Returns a value indicating the last printed string by the device's imprinter.
 | TwainGetLastResultCode |
Returns the last result code from the last message sent to TWAIN.
 | TwainGetModalUI |
Asks if the TWAIN Source's GUI runs as modal or modeless.
 | TwainGetNoiseFilter |
Asks to the opened source for current algorithm used to remove noise for the selected twain source.
 | TwainGetOrientation |
Asks to the opened source which edge of the “paper†the image’s “top†is aligned with.
This information is used to adjust the frames to match the scanning orientation of the paper.
 | TwainGetPaperSize |
Gets the current paper size.
 | TwainGetPendingXfersCount |
Gets the number of pending transfers from the current TWAIN device.
 | TwainGetPhysicalHeight |
Returns the maximum height of the scanning area (in inches).
 | TwainGetPhysicalWidth |
Returns the maximum width of the scanning area (in inches).
 | TwainGetPixelFlavor |
Returns the pixel 'flavor' (0 is black or white).
CHOCOLATE means this pixel represents the darkest data value that can be generated by the device (the
darkest available optical value may measure greater than 0).
VANILLA means this pixel represents the lightest data value that can be generated by the device (the
lightest available optical value may measure greater than 0).
 | TwainGetPixelType |
Asks the source for the current pixel type.
 | TwainGetPlanarChunky |
Returns the color data formats There are two Options, "planar" And "chunky."
 | TwainGetResolution |
Returns the current resolution in Dot per inch of the selected scanner.
 | TwainGetRotation |
Asks to the opened source for current rotation to apply to the scanned image data prior to transfer.
 | TwainGetSourceCount | Overloaded.
Returns the number of sources available.
 | TwainGetSourceFamily | Overloaded.
Returns the family name of an available TWAIN source.
 | TwainGetSourceManufacturer | Overloaded.
Returns the manufacturer of an available TWAIN source.
 | TwainGetSourceName | Overloaded.
Returns the name of an available TWAIN source.
 | TwainGetSourceVersionInfo | Overloaded.
Returns the version information of an available TWAIN source.
 | TwainGetState | Gets the recent TWAIN state of the currently executed TWAIN session.
The TWAIN protocol defines seven states that exist in the TWAIN session in order to ensure the session is executed correctly. For more details on TWAIN states, please refer to the TWAIN Specification. |
 | TwainGetThreshold |
Returns the dividing line between black and white. This is the value the Source will use to
threshold, if needed, when scanning B&W image.
 | TwainGetXScaling |
Asks to the opened source for current horizontal scaling to apply to the scanned image.
 | TwainGetYScaling |
Asks to the opened source for current vertical scaling to apply to the scanned image.
 | TwainHasCameraPreviewUI |
Queries the current device for UI support for preview mode.
 | TwainHasFeeder |
Asks to the opened source if it has a document feeder.
 | TwainHasFlatBed |
Asks to the opened source if it has a flatbed.
 | TwainIsAutoBrightnessAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the auto-brightness images capability.
 | TwainIsAutoBrightnessEnabled |
Asks to the opened source if the auto-brightness images capability is enabled or not.
 | TwainIsAutoFeedAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the automatic page feeding capability.
When AutoFeed capability is enabled, the Source will automatically feed the next page from the
document feeder after the number of frames negotiated for capture from each page are acquired.
 | TwainIsAutoFeedEnabled |
Asks to the opened source if the automatic page feeding capability is enabled or not.
 | TwainIsAutomaticBorderDetectionAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the Automatic border detection capability.
 | TwainIsAutomaticBorderDetectionEnabled |
Asks to the opened source if the Automatic border detection capability is enabled or not.
 | TwainIsAutomaticColorAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the automatic color detection capability.
 | TwainIsAutomaticColorEnabled |
Asks to the opened source if the automatic color detection capability is enabled or not.
 | TwainIsAutomaticDeskewAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the Automatic Deskew capability.
 | TwainIsAutomaticDeskewEnabled |
Asks to the opened source if the Automatic Deskew capability is enabled or not.
 | TwainIsAutomaticDiscardBlankPagesAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the Automatic discard blank images capability.
 | TwainIsAutomaticDiscardBlankPagesEnabled |
Asks to the opened source if the Automatic discard blank images capability is enabled or not.
 | TwainIsAutomaticRotationAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the Automatic rotation of images capability.
This capability depends on intelligent features within the Source to automatically rotate the image
to the correct position.
 | TwainIsAutomaticRotationEnabled |
Asks to the opened source if the automatic rotation of images capability is enabled or not.
 | TwainIsAutoScanAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the automatic scan capability.
This capability is intended to boost the performance of a Source.
The fundamental assumption behind AutoScan is that the device is able to capture images without
waiting for the Application to request the image transfers.
The default behavior is undefined, because some high volume devices are capable of anything but
TwainIsAutoScanAvailable() return value being equal to TRUE.
 | TwainIsAutoScanEnabled |
Asks to the opened source if the automatic scan capability is enabled or not.
 | TwainIsAutoSizeAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the auto-size images capability.
 | TwainIsAutoSizeEnabled |
Asks to the opened source if the auto-size images capability is enabled or not.
 | TwainIsAvailable |
This method find out if TWAIN is installed on the system.
It takes a little time on the first call.
 | TwainIsBarcodeDetectionAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the barcode detection capability.
 | TwainIsBarcodeDetectionEnabled |
Asks to the opened source if the barcode detection capability is enabled or not.
 | TwainIsDeviceOnline |
Returns the online statue of the current data source.
If TRUE, the physical hardware (e.g., scanner, digital camera, image database, etc.) that
represents the image source is attached, powered on, and communicating.
 | TwainIsDuplexEnabled |
Ask to the opened source if duplex scanning is currently enabled or not.
 | TwainIsEndorserAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support endorser / imprinter capability.
 | TwainIsFeederLoaded |
Asks to the opened source if there are documents in the feeder.
 | TwainIsFeederSelected |
Asks to the opened source if the document feeder is selected.
 | TwainIsFileTransferModeAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if the current data source supports file transfer mode.
 | TwainIsGammaAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the gamma correction capability.
 | TwainIsImprinterAvailable |
Ask to the opened source if imprinter capability is supported or not.
 | TwainIsImprinterEnabled |
Ask to the opened source if imprinter capability is currently enabled or not.
 | TwainIsMemoryTransferModeAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if the current data source supports memory transfer mode.
 | TwainIsNoiseFilterAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the noise filter capability.
 | TwainIsOrientationAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the image orientation capability.
 | TwainIsPixelTypeAvailable |
Ask to the opened source if the device supports a kind of pixel type.
 | TwainIsRotationAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the image rotation capability.
 | TwainIsSetupDialogSourceAvailable |
Queries the selected device's for settings dialog support.
 | TwainIsXScalingAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the image horizontal scaling capability.
 | TwainIsYScalingAvailable |
Asks to the opened source if she can support the image vertical scaling capability.
 | TwainLastXferFail |
Asks if the last acquisition process failed.
 | TwainLoadConfiguration | Overloaded.
Loads from a file, settings of the opened source, e.g. DPI, paper size, color format.
 | TwainLogStart |
Starts to log twain operations into file.
 | TwainLogStop |
Stops to log twain operations previously started by the TwainLogStart() method.
 | TwainOpenDefaultSource | Overloaded. Opens the default TWAIN device previously selected in the Source Manager's Select Source dialog box for further processing using TWAIN. |
 | TwainOpenSource | Overloaded.
Opens the source with the given name.
If another source is open, closes it and attempts to open the specified source.
First this method for each scanning process or to set the TWAIN state to 4 (TWAIN_SOURCE_OPEN) when
 | TwainResetCap |
Sets the current TWAIN capability value to default value.
 | TwainResetImageLayout |
Asks to the opened device to reset the area to scan, sometimes called the ROI (Region of Interest).
 | TwainSaveConfiguration | Overloaded.
Saves to a file the current settings of the opened source, e.g. DPI, paper size, color format.
 | TwainSelectFeeder |
Asks to the opened source to select or deselect the document feeder.
 | TwainSelectSource | Overloaded. Displays the Source Manager's Select Source dialog for further processing using TWAIN. |
 | TwainSetApplicationInfo |
Asks to the component to register your application into TWAIN.
 | TwainSetAutoBrightness |
Try to enable or disable autobrightness scanning.
 | TwainSetAutoFeed |
Try to enable or disable the Source’s automatic document feeding process.
If you enable auto feed scanning, this method selects the feeder.
So to start scanning pages from an ADF, just do: TwainSetAutoFeed(TRUE).
 | TwainSetAutomaticBorderDetection |
If this option is available on opened source, try to enable or disable the automatic border
detection. It reduces or removes the border generated around an image by the scanner scanning its own
platen (the area not covered by the paper).
 | TwainSetAutomaticColor |
Tries to enable or disable the automatic color detection capability.
 | TwainSetAutomaticDeskew |
If this option is available on opened source, try to enable or disable the automatic deskew
correction of an image. It may also affect the dimensions of the image.
 | TwainSetAutomaticDiscardBlankPages |
If this option is available on opened source, try to enable or disable the automatic discard blank
page capability.
 | TwainSetAutomaticRotation |
If this option is available on opened source, try to enable or disable the automatic rotation of
image capability.
 | TwainSetAutoScan |
Tries to enable or disable the auto scan scanning capability. Setting this to TRUE gives the scanner
permission to 'scan ahead'.
i.e. to pull pages from the feeder and scan them before they have been requested.
On high-speed scanners, you may have to enable auto scan to achieve the maximum scanning rate.
 | TwainSetAutoSize |
If this option is available on opened source, try to enable or disable the auto-size images.
 | TwainSetAutoSourceClose |
Tells to the control to close or not the opened source after a scan process.
 | TwainSetBarcodeDetection |
If this option is available on opened source, try to enable or disable the barcode detection.
 | TwainSetBitDepth |
Specifies the number of bit per pixel for the current value of PixelType.
 | TwainSetBitDepthReduction |
Tries to specifies the Reduction Method the Source should use to reduce the bit depth of the data.
 | TwainSetBrightness |
Tries to set the current brightness for the next acquisition.
 | TwainSetCapCurrentNumeric |
Changes the current value of a TWAIN capability from a numeric value.
The TwainGetAvailableCapValueNoNumeric() method should be used to determine what are the supported
value which can be used with this method.
 | TwainSetCapCurrentString |
Changes the current value of a TWAIN capability.
 | TwainSetCompression |
Tries to set the current image compression to use by the selected twain source for file transfer
Since only certain file formats support compression, this capability must be negotiated after setting
the desired file format with the TwainSetImageFileFormat() method.
 | TwainSetContrast |
Tries to set the current contrast for the next acquisition.
 | TwainSetDebugMode |
Turns On or Off the Debug Mode of GDTWAIN.
Displays a message box for each step of the scanning process.
 | TwainSetDSMPath |
Specifies the path TWAIN Data Source Manager.
The TWAIN DSM is the windows library (dll) providing support for the TWAIN standard.
Can be TWAIN_32.DLL or TWAINDSM.DLL for TWAIN 2.0 support. By default, the toolkits searches the
Windows path for the TWAIN DSM but on Citrix the Windows directory can be redirected for users.
 | TwainSetEndorserNumber |
Tries to specify the starting endorser / imprinter number for the next acquisition. All other
endorser/imprinter properties should be handled through the data source’s user interface.
 | TwainSetErrorMessage |
Turns On or Off the error message box of GDTWAIN.
Displays a message box for each error appends.
 | TwainSetGamma |
Tries to set the current gamma correction value for the selected twain source.
 | TwainSetHideUI |
Tells the source to hide or show the user interface before acquisition.
 | TwainSetImageFileFormat |
Tries to set the current image file format to use by the selected twain source for file transfer
 | TwainSetImageLayout |
Specifies the physical area (a rectangle) to be acquired during the next image transfer.
 | TwainSetImprinterIndex |
Defines the starting page number with the current imprinter mode.
 | TwainSetImprinterMode |
Sets the current imprinter mode, if supported.
Top/Bottom refer to duplex devices, and indicate if the printer is writing on the top or the bottom of the sheet of paper.
Simplex devices use the top settings.
Before/After indicates whether printing occurs before or after the sheet of paper has been scanned.
 | TwainSetImprinterString |
Specifies the string that shall be used for printing with the current imprinter mode.
 | TwainSetImprinterSuffix |
Specifies the string that shall be used as suffix with the current imprinter mode.
 | TwainSetIndicators |
Tells the source to show or hide progress indicators during acquisition.
 | TwainSetInternalBehaviour |
Changes a specific TWAIN handling behavior of the SDK. This method is experimental and should be used on GdPicture staff advice only!
 | TwainSetKeepSourceEnabled |
Tells to the control to favor retaining the source in an enabled state after a scan process.
 | TwainSetModalUI |
Set TRUE to run the TWAIN Source's GUI modal or FALSE to run it modeless. Please note that to
successfully run modal, it may be necessary for the application to disable inputs to its windows
while the Source’s GUI is running.
 | TwainSetMultiTransfer |
Changes the multiple transfers mode for acquisition.
 | TwainSetNoiseFilter |
Tries to set the current algorithm used to remove noise for the selected twain source.
 | TwainSetOrientation |
Asks to the opened source to define which edge of the “paper†the image’s “top†is aligned with.
This information is used to adjust the frames to match the scanning orientation of the paper.
 | TwainSetPaperSize |
Sets the current paper size.
 | TwainSetPixelFlavor |
Try to specify the pixel 'flavor' (0 is black or white).
CHOCOLATE means this pixel represents the darkest data value that can be generated by the device (the
darkest available optical value may measure greater than 0).
VANILLA means this pixel represents the lightest data value that can be generated by the device (the
lightest available optical value may measure greater than 0).
 | TwainSetPixelType |
Tries to set the current pixel type for the selected twain source.
 | TwainSetPlanarChunky |
Try to specify the color data formats There are two Options, "planar" And "chunky".
 | TwainSetResolution |
Tries to set the current resolution (in both x & y).
Resolution is in dots per inch.
 | TwainSetRotation |
Asks to the opened source to rotate the scanned image data prior to transfer.
 | TwainSetThreshold |
Try to specify the dividing line between black and white. This is the value the Source will use to
threshold, if needed, when scanning B&W image.
 | TwainSetXferCount |
Negotiates with open Source the number of images application will accept.
 | TwainSetXScaling |
Tries to set the current image horizontal scaling factor for the selected twain source.
 | TwainSetYScaling |
Tries to set the current image vertical scaling factor for the selected twain source.
 | TwainShowSetupDialogSource | Overloaded.
Starts the selected device's settings dialog, if this is supported.
 | TwainStopFeeder |
If auto scan is turned ON, this command will stop the operation of the scanner’s automatic feeder. No
other action is taken. The application may then continue to transfer any images that have been
captured by the scanner.
 | TwainUnloadSourceManager | Overloaded.
Unloads the Data Source Manager and release the TWAIN32.DLL.
 | TwainUserClosedSource |
Asks if during the last acquisition process the user asked to close the device.
 | UploadFileToFTP | Uploads a specified file to a distant server using FTP transfer according to what you have specified. |
 | WiaAcquireToFile | Overloaded.
Acquires a single image, from the currently selected Data Source to a file.
 | WiaAcquireToGdPictureImage |
Acquires a single image, from the currently selected Data Source to a file.
 | WiaAcquireWizard |
Launches the Microsoft Windows Scanner and Camera Wizard with the currently selected Data Source.
 | WiaCloseSource |
\Closes the open Data Source, if any.
 | WiaEnableDuplex |
Ask to the opened source if duplex scanning is currently enabled or not.
 | WiaGetAvailableBrightnessCount |
Returns the number of supported brightness values which can be used by the opened source in its current configuration.
 | WiaGetAvailableBrightnessNo |
Returns a supported brightness value which can be used by the opened source in its current
 | WiaGetAvailableContrastCount |
Returns the number of supported contrast values which can be used by the opened source in its current configuration.
 | WiaGetAvailableContrastNo |
Returns a supported contrast value which can be used by the opened source in its current
 | WiaGetAvailableHorizontalResolutionCount |
Returns the number of supported horizontal resolutions which can be used by the opened source in its current configuration.
 | WiaGetAvailableHorizontalResolutionNo |
Returns a supported horizontal resolution which can be used by the opened source in its current configuration.
 | WiaGetAvailableImageIntentCount |
Returns the number of supported image intents which can be used by the opened source in its current configuration.
 | WiaGetAvailableImageIntentNo |
Returns a supported image intent which can be used by the opened source in its current configuration.
 | WiaGetAvailableVerticalResolutionCount |
Returns the number of supported vertical resolutions which can be used by the opened source in its
current configuration.
 | WiaGetAvailableVerticalResolutionNo |
Returns a supported vertical resolution which can be used by the opened source in its current configuration.
 | WiaGetBitsPerPixel |
Returns the current bits per pixel setting for the selected device.
 | WiaGetBrightness |
Returns the brightness value of the selected device.
 | WiaGetChannelsPerPixel |
Returns the current channels per pixel setting for the selected device.
 | WiaGetContrast |
Returns the contrast value of the selected device.
 | WiaGetCurrentSourceID |
Returns the ID of the opened source.
 | WiaGetDevicePropertyInt |
Undocumented method. Currently for support purpose only.
 | WiaGetHorizontalBedSize |
Returns the width of the bed of the current device.
 | WiaGetHorizontalResolution |
Returns the current horizontal resolution in Dot per inch of the selected device.
 | WiaGetHorizontalSheetFeedSize |
Returns the width of the feeder of the current device.
 | WiaGetImageCount |
Returns the number of available image from the selected device, for example: the number of pictures
stored on the memory card of a digital camera.
 | WiaGetImageExtension |
Gets the extension of the image to be transferred from the selected device.
 | WiaGetImageIntent |
Returns the current image intent setting for the selected device.
The driver chooses the bit depth, in dots per inch, and other settings that it determines are appropriate for the selected intent.
 | WiaGetImageLayout |
Returns the physical area (a rectangle) to be acquired during the next image transfer.
 | WiaGetLastError |
Returns the last status of the currently selected Data Source.
 | WiaGetPaperSize |
Gets the current paper size.
 | WiaGetSourceCount |
Returns the number of sources available.
 | WiaGetSourceDescription |
Returns the description of an available WIA source.
 | WiaGetSourceDriverVersion |
Returns the version of the driver of an available WIA source.
 | WiaGetSourceID |
Returns the ID of an available WIA source.
 | WiaGetSourceManufacturer |
Returns the manufacturer name of an available WIA source.
 | WiaGetSourceName |
Returns the name of an available WIA source.
 | WiaGetSourceServer |
Returns the name of the server on which an available WIA source is connected.
 | WiaGetSourceType |
Returns the type of an available WIA source.
 | WiaGetSourceWIAVersion |
Returns the version of the WIA protocol used by an available WIA source.
 | WiaGetVerticalBedSize |
Returns the height of the bed of the current device.
 | WiaGetVerticalResolution |
Returns the current vertical resolution in Dot per inch of the selected device.
 | WiaGetVerticalSheetFeedSize |
Returns the height of the feeder of the current device.
 | WiaHasFeeder |
Asks to the opened source if it has a document feeder.
 | WiaHasFlatBed |
Asks to the opened source if it has a flatbed.
 | WiaIsDuplexAvailable |
Ask to the opened source if duplex scanning is currently available or not.
 | WiaIsDuplexEnabled |
Ask to the opened source if duplex scanning is currently enabled or not.
 | WiaIsFeederLoaded |
Asks to the opened source if there are documents in the feeder.
 | WiaIsFeederSelected |
Asks to the opened source if the document feeder is selected.
 | WiaOpenSource |
Opens a WIA source.
 | WiaSelectFeeder |
Asks to the opened source to select or deselect the document feeder.
 | WiaSelectImageIdx |
Sets the index of the image to be transferred from the selected device.
 | WiaSelectSource |
Select WIA device for capture. This method posts the WIA Source Manager's Select Source dialog box.
 | WiaSetBitsPerPixel |
Sets the current bits per pixel setting for the selected device.
 | WiaSetBrightness |
Tries to set the current brightness.
 | WiaSetChannelsPerPixel |
Sets the current channels per pixel setting for the selected device.
 | WiaSetContrast |
Tries to set the current contrast.
 | WiaSetDevicePropertyInt |
Undocumented method. Currently for support purpose only.
 | WiaSetHorizontalResolution |
Tries to set the current horizontal resolution.
Resolution is in dots per inch.
 | WiaSetImageIntent |
\Sets the current image intent setting for the selected device.
The driver chooses the bit depth, in dots per inch, and other settings that it determines are appropriate for the selected intent.
 | WiaSetImageLayout |
Specifies the physical area (a rectangle) to be acquired during the next image transfer.
 | WiaSetIndicators |
Tells the source to show or hide progress indicators during acquisition.
 | WiaSetPaperSize |
Sets the current paper size.
 | WiaSetVerticalResolution |
Tries to set the current vertical resolution.
Resolution is in dots per inch.
 | WiaShowSetupDialogSource |
Starts the selected device's settings dialog.
 | WiaTakePictureToGdPictureImage |
Asks the currently selected Data Source to acquire an image, the return it as a GdPicture image. This method should be used with camera only.