GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPictureImaging Class / CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile Method / CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile(String) Method
The path of the file to open.

In This Topic
CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile(String) Method
In This Topic
Creates a new GdPicture image based on a metafile image file.
Public Overloads Function CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile( _
   ByVal FilePath As String _
) As Integer
public int CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile( 
   string FilePath
public function CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile( 
    FilePath: String
): Integer; 
public function CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile( 
   FilePath : String
) : int;
public: int CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile( 
   string* FilePath
int CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile( 
   String^ FilePath


The path of the file to open.

Return Value

0: The image could not be created. Use the GetStat() method to determine the reason this method failed. Non-zero: GdPicture image identifier. The created image. The ReleaseGdPictureImage() method must be subsequently used to release the image from the memory.
Supported formats are EMF, WMF and SVG.
See Also