GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPictureImaging Class / CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile Method / CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile(String,Single) Method
The path of the file to open. Can be an empty string. If empty, prompts the user to select a file. You can subsequently use the GetLastPath() method to retrieve the path of the selected file.
Multiplies the image size by a specified factor.

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CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile(String,Single) Method
In This Topic
Creates a new GdPicture image based on a metafile image file and scaling it by multiplying the image size by a specified factor.
Public Overloads Function CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile( _
   ByVal FilePath As String, _
   ByVal ScaleBy As Single _
) As Integer
public int CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile( 
   string FilePath,
   float ScaleBy
public function CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile( 
    FilePath: String;
    ScaleBy: Single
): Integer; 
public function CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile( 
   FilePath : String,
   ScaleBy : float
) : int;
public: int CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile( 
   string* FilePath,
   float ScaleBy
int CreateGdPictureImageFromMetaFile( 
   String^ FilePath,
   float ScaleBy


The path of the file to open. Can be an empty string. If empty, prompts the user to select a file. You can subsequently use the GetLastPath() method to retrieve the path of the selected file.
Multiplies the image size by a specified factor.

Return Value

0: The image could not be created. Use the GetStat() method to determine the reason this method failed. Non-zero: GdPicture image identifier. The created image. The ReleaseGdPictureImage() method must be subsequently used to release the image from the memory.
Supported formats are EMF, WMF and SVG.

This method requires the Image Documents component to run.

See Also