Customizing the note editor on Android

When editing or viewing note annotations or the content of other annotations, the note editor is displayed. This UI component will adjust its appearance based on the annotation being edited/viewed. For example, the color will change to the color of the annotation and the content will be displayed in cards. Note that the note editor is only accessible if your license and configuration allows it.

Meanwhile, the few parts of the UI that you can control by default are the ones dependent on the PdfConfiguration.

Enable/disable content sharing

Sharing note content, including replies, is enabled by default. You can disable it using PdfConfiguration.Builder#sharingNoteEditorContentEnabled:

val configuration = PdfConfiguration.Builder().sharingNoteEditorContentEnabled(false).build()
PdfConfiguration configuration = new PdfConfiguration.Builder().sharingNoteEditorContentEnabled(false).build();

Enable, disable, or make replies read-only

Changing annotation reply features in the PdfConfiguration will control how they appear in the note editor UI. Using PdfConfiguration.Builder#annotationReplyFeatures, you can set an AnnotationReplyFeatures enum that can be one of these three values:

  • DISABLED — The annotation reply UI is disabled completely.

  • ENABLED — The annotation reply UI is enabled.

  • READ_ONLY — The annotation reply UI is enabled but read-only.

val configuration = PdfConfiguration.Builder().annotationReplyFeatures([DISABLED|ENABLED|READ_ONLY]).build()
PdfConfiguration configuration = new PdfConfiguration.Builder().annotationReplyFeatures([DISABLED|ENABLED|READ_ONLY]).build();