Interface: FormFieldAdditionalActions


Actions to execute when any of the events is triggered.



(nullable) onCalculate: PSPDFKit.Actions.JavaScriptAction

Action to be performed to recalculate the value of a field.

The name of this event in the PDF spec is C.


(nullable) onChange: PSPDFKit.Actions.JavaScriptAction

Execute an action when the value of the field changes.

The name of this event in the PDF spec is V and can check the new value for validity.


(nullable) onFormat: PSPDFKit.Actions.JavaScriptAction

Action to be performed before the field is formatted to display its current value.

For signature form fields, this action will be executed when the form field is digitally signed.

The name of this event in the PDF spec is F.


(nullable) onInput: PSPDFKit.Actions.JavaScriptAction

Action to be performed when the user types a key-stroke into a text field or combo box or modifies the selection in a scrollable list box.

The name of this event in the PDF spec is K.
