Interface: SignatureAppearance


Name Type Attributes Description
mode PSPDFKit.SignatureAppearanceMode <nullable>

Signature appearance mode: with graphics, description or both; defaults to both.

showSigner boolean <nullable>

Whether to include the signer in the signature appearance; defaults to true.

showSignDate boolean <nullable>

Whether to include the signature date in the signature appearance; defaults to true.

showReason boolean <nullable>

Whether to include the reason for the signature in the signature appearance; defaults to true.

showLocation boolean <nullable>

Whether to include the location for the signature in the signature appearance; defaults to true.

showWatermark boolean <nullable>

Whether to show the watermark image; defaults to true.

showDateTimezone boolean <nullable>

Whether to show the timezone when showSignDate is true; defaults to false.

watermarkImage Blob | File <nullable>

Watermark image for the digital signature; can be a PDF, a JPEG or a PNG image.

graphicImage Blob | File <nullable>

Signer image (for instance, a handwritten signature). Can be a PDF, a JPEG or a PNG image.