“Our CEO approved his very first AFE approval request from his mobile device.”
Ken Richardson, PCI Pharma Services
Nutrient Workflow is the only workflow and approval software that allows users (both developers and business users) to easily define, build, and publish customized Authorization for Expenditure request processes within an intuitive interface. Have a new, customized AFE approval process running within weeks, not months. Build AFE forms with business logic to route requests by amount, type, urgency, division, role, etc. With Nutrient Workflow, you define your processes and forms.
Note : Also known as “Capital Expenditure Requests” or “CapEx Procurement Process.”
Try our “CapEx/AFE Automation Walkthrough” **** to see how automating the AFE process ensures efficiency and accuracy when making critical purchase decisions.
Using Nutrient Workflow’s Workflow Management software to design custom expenditure authorization for approval processes, our clients have significantly improved the AFE approval process and reduced their approval cycle times by up to 35%. At the same time, they are providing unprecedented transparency into the entire process. Requesters can track progress, managers can make informed decisions, and auditors have a complete, automatically generated audit history.
Our customers keep their capital projects and expenditures aligned with their enterprise capital financial strategies and objectives. They’re improving their enterprise cash flow management and making procurement teams more effective.
AFE Request Software Features
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Company hierarchy-driven approvals
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Sequential or parallel authorization processes
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Approve by email or mobile device
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Set escalations, alerts, and reminders
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Use prefilled and dynamic form fields
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Add file attachments of any kind
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Review a complete audit trail for every request
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Design executive dashboards to track performance
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Designate alternate/backup approvers
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Route by amount, department, or any other AFE data
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Perform Ad-Hoc approvals
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Integrate with accounting, ERP, CRM, and other systems
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Benefits of an Automated Authorization for Approval Process
Reduction in CapEx procurement request, review, and approval process time.
Streamlined and standardized supply chain processes across multiple divisions.
Review and approve/manage requests from any mobile device.
Easily attach supporting documentation.
Elimination of error-prone spreadsheet systems.
A clear audit trail that’s easy to understand and manage.
Enable regulatory compliance and adherence to company policies and procedures.
The establishment of a multi-tiered process definition provides security for sensitive data.
Purchasing safety and effectiveness.
Reporting and Visibility
Report on the efficiency of the process overall or for individual requests.
Provide a transparent view of the AFE process and current status.
Compare planned vs. actual spending.
Identify bottlenecks and implement corrective action.
Easily incorporate data into balance sheets, income statements, and cash-flow projections.
Integration with existing financials in existing ERP systems.
Add additional functionality via plug-ins.
Embed AFE forms and tracking into existing intranets or Websites.
Planning an AFE Automation Project
Most organizations already have a process for managing expense requests, although common questions about those processes tend to be:
Is it formalized and standardized across the organization?
Is it consistently used?
Is it efficient and expeditious enough?
Does it provide enough visibility during and after a request is submitted?
Is everyone adequately involved and collaborative?
While automating your AFE/CapEx process can resolve all these questions affirmatively, getting from what you have to do what you want requires thoughtful planning and implementation.
Some tips for preparing for automation:
Nutrient Workflow Is More Than Just Software
We have a great software product and a great service team that can drastically reduce your implementation time. Our experienced consultants have built AFE workflow solutions for the biggest companies in the world. That means we can if you need help with planning, best practices, or process design or if you want us to build everything. We’ll even build a prototype of your process in our system that you can evaluate for 30 days.
Read how Baylor University and British Petroleum use our approval solution for AFE request management.
Contact us to get a free demonstration of how Nutrient Workflow can streamline your Authorization for Expense Request process and provide actionable analytics.
Interested in Automating Your AFE or CapEx Workflow?
We have a variety of resources to help you on your journey to automated workflow.
Workflow Tools and eBooks
Request a Live Demonstration