Make Back-Office Operations More Efficient and Compliant
Manufacturing companies are battling to stay ahead of aggressive competition and globalization while keeping costs in line. In addition, as mergers and acquisitions ripple through the industry, chaos can ensue internally as redundancies, confusion, and complexity threaten performance. Manufacturing companies can adapt more easily to all these forces with workflow management.
Whether a company considers individual process transformation, adding an integrated layer on top of existing ERP, CRM, etc., or an end-to-end organizational transformation, workflow management solutions like Nutrient Workflow can help.
Benefits of Workflow Automation in Manufacturing
Some of the ways Nutrient Workflow’s workflow automation can help manufacturing companies:
Shorten purchasing and budgeting cycle times (CapEx and OpEx)
Improve and quicken product lifecycle development
Standardize product quality control and governance
Shorten the supply chain cycle for approvals and receipt of goods
Streamline complex document approval processes
Improve and standardize safety reporting
Use Case Examples
Capital and Operational Expenditure Requests
But with the volume of submitted capital expenditure requests, there is a significant risk of mistakes, delays, compliance, and visibility. Given the investment, the cost of these risks can be enormous. By deploying a compliant and consistent workflow for handling capital expenditure requests, manufacturing companies can greatly reduce risk while getting a faster return on capital spending.
More on CapEx Request Management
Product Lifecycle Development
As manufacturing companies deal with global expansion, competitive pressure, regulatory changes, and changing consumer expectations, getting new products to market faster and faster is critical. Unfortunately, the process of creating new products never gets easier. While product development cycles can’t be shortcut, they can be managed better with workflow management. By building a structured workflow around R&D, Quality, Production, Packaging, and Marketing, manufacturing companies can reduce risk and ensure quality while avoiding process bottlenecks. That means products get to market faster.
Quality Control
Workflow management and automation replace manual, paper-based quality management systems that are inefficient and prone to error. An automated quality management system increases compliance whether an organization is beholden to regulatory rules, is interested in improving its quality standards, or conforming to ISO Standards.
More Examples
Purchase Requisition
Capital Expense Request
Contract Management
New Product Evaluation
Central Supply Requests
Item Exception Requests
New Product Evaluation
Report Requests
Note : Check out our eBook “Finance Workflow Automation in Manufacturing” for more ideas.
Human Resources
Employee Change of Status
HR Inquiry
Payroll Adjustment
Information Technology
Access Requests
Project Requests
Work Orders
Office Move
Security Incident Reporting
Manufacturing Industry Case Studies
Download our free “Workflow Automation Guide”
Learn about how workflow automation can help remove process bottlenecks and streamline your organization.
Customer Quote
“The ability to create and manage our workflows without a lot of third-party help was very attractive. It was easy to learn by diving right into the program.”
– Mike Ebner, an IT Manager for U.S. Pipe
We Understand Workflow for Manufacturing
We got our start in healthcare over ten years ago. It’s a unique industry with challenges, regulations, and complexity not seen in other industries and we thrive in it. Our experienced service and support team can ensure your workflow project is successful, on time and on budget.