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M - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.Scale.UnitTo


MAGIC - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant.Preset

Preset for the 'magic' variant, used with the MAGIC_INK in the framework.

MAGIC_INK - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool

Magic ink tool. Creates ink annotations or similar shape annotations (line, square, circle).

MainToolbar(androidx.compose.ui.Modifier,com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentState,com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiColorScheme,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1) - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.components.MainToolbarKt
Composable that displays the Main tool bar for DocumentView.
MainToolbar - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar
Main toolbar of the com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfActivity.
MainToolbarColors - class in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme
MainToolbarKt - class in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.components
makeNewGroupId() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
Creates random string to be used as a group name.
MALAY - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ocr.OcrLanguage

Malay language (en) selector for OCR processing. Use this value with performOcrOnPages when performing text detection for Malay documents. When using this value, make sure you have the Malay OCR language pack added to your app, by adding the com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr-malay dependency inside your build.gradle file:

final String pspdfkit_version = {@value com.pspdfkit.PSPDFKit#VERSION};
dependencies {
    implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr:$pspdfkit_version"
    implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr-malay:$pspdfkit_version"
MANUAL - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.checkpoint.PdfDocumentCheckpointingStrategy

A checkpoint is never created automatically.

MARKED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.note.AuthorState

The annotation has been marked by the user.

MarkupAnnotationConfiguration - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration
Configuration for markup annotations.
MarkupAnnotationConfiguration.Builder - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.MarkupAnnotationConfiguration
Interface for configuration builder.
matches(com.mercury.presentation.settings.SettingsOptions) - function in com.mercury.presentation.settings.Preset
matchExactPhrases(boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryOptions.Builder
Enables exact phrase matching.
matchExactWords(boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryOptions.Builder
Enables exact word matching.
Maui - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.initialization.CrossPlatformTechnology
maximumPreviewResultsPerDocument(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryOptions.Builder
Sets a limit of preview results in each document.
maximumPreviewResultsTotal(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryOptions.Builder
Sets a limit of all preview results.
maximumSearchResultsPerDocument(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryOptions.Builder
Sets a limit of search results in each document.
maximumSearchResultsTotal(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryOptions.Builder
Sets a limit of all search results.
maxSearchResults(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.search.SearchConfiguration.Builder
Limits the maximum number of search results.
maxSearchResults(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.search.SearchOptions.Builder
Limits the maximum number of search results.
maxZoomScale(float) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration.Builder
Sets the maximum zoom scale at which the document should be displayed.
maxZoomScale(float) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
Sets the maximum zoom scale at which the document should be displayed.
MD5 - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.signatures.HashAlgorithm


MEASUREMENT_AREA_ELLIPSE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool

Creates an elliptical area measurement annotation.

MEASUREMENT_AREA_POLYGON - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool

Creates a polygonal area measurement annotation.

MEASUREMENT_AREA_RECT - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool

Creates a rectangular area measurement annotation.

MEASUREMENT_DISTANCE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool

Creates a distance measurement annotation.

MEASUREMENT_PERIMETER - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool

Creates a perimeter measurement annotation.

MEASUREMENT_PRECISION - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationProperty

Floating point precision for float values. Used for measurement annotations.

MEASUREMENT_SCALE_CALIBRATION - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool

Creates a rectangular area measurement annotation.

MEASUREMENT_TOOLS - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.LicenseFeature

Enables the use of measurement tools which are part of the annotation toolbar. Annotation Editing must also be licensed.

MeasurementAreaAnnotationConfiguration - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration
MeasurementAreaAnnotationConfiguration.Builder - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.MeasurementAreaAnnotationConfiguration
Interface for configuration builder.
MeasurementDistanceAnnotationConfiguration - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration
Configuration for MEASUREMENT_DISTANCE annotations.
MeasurementDistanceAnnotationConfiguration.Builder - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.MeasurementDistanceAnnotationConfiguration
Interface for configuration builder.
MeasurementInfo - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements
Measurement info object contains all the measurement information available in a measurement annotation.
MeasurementMode - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements
Measurement mode.
MeasurementPerimeterAnnotationConfiguration - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration
Configuration for MEASUREMENT_PERIMETER annotations.
MeasurementPerimeterAnnotationConfiguration.Builder - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.MeasurementPerimeterAnnotationConfiguration
Interface for configuration builder.
MeasurementPrecision - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements
Number of decimal points for annotation float value rounding.
MeasurementScaleView - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.scale
This view is used as a FAB of a sort to set/show the measurement scale
MeasurementValueConfiguration - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements
Configures a measurement value and consists of a Scale, MeasurementPrecision, and a name for this configuration.
MeasurementValueConfigurationEditor - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements
Interface that allows you to modify the list of MeasurementValueConfigurations stored in the document.
MeasurementValueConfigurationEditor.ChangeListener - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfigurationEditor
Listener interface to observe changes in the document's MeasurementValueConfiguration list
MeasurementValueConfigurationPickerListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views
MeasurementValueInspectorView - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views
Inspector component for displaying the measurement text value.
measureTextWidth(java.lang.String,androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle) - function in com.mercury.presentation.documentinfo.DocumentInfoComponentsKt
MEDIA - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaUri.UriType

Local media.

MEDIA_BOX - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfBox

The media box defines the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page is to be printed. It may include any extended area surrounding the finished page for bleed, printing marks, or other such purposes. It may also include areas close to the edges of the medium that cannot be marked because of physical limitations of the output device. Content falling outside this boundary may safely be discarded without affecting the meaning of the PDF file.

MediaAnnotation - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations
Abstract annotation class holding a media file asset.
MediaGalleryView - class in com.pspdfkit.media
A view for displaying a gallery within the PDF document.
MediaLinkUtils - class in com.pspdfkit.media
Methods for handling PSPDFKit media links.
MediaLinkUtils.VideoSettings - class in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaLinkUtils
A class containing settings for the video.
MediaOptions - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions
Specifies options when playing media annotations.
MediaUri - class in com.pspdfkit.media
Representation of the parsed URI used for media links.
MediaUri.UriType - class in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaUri
Type of the media URI.
MediaViewController - class in com.pspdfkit.media
An interface to be implemented by the views that control the media files.
MediaViewListener - class in com.pspdfkit.media
A listener for media content preparation.
MediaWebView - class in com.pspdfkit.media
A web view for displaying web content.
MediaWindowType - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations
The type of the window to display the media in.
memoryCacheSize(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration.Builder
Sets the size of memory cache for rendered pages and bitmaps.
memoryCacheSize(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
Sets size of memory cache for rendered pages and bitmaps.
MenuItem - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping.presets
Class representation of the menu item in the structure.
MenuItemGroupingRule - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping
Interface for classes that will define rules for grouping ContextualToolbarMenuItems in the ContextualToolbar.
MERGE_IF_POSSIBLE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.annotations.AnnotationAggregationStrategy

Strokes that have the same color/width are merged.

This creates the minimum number of annotations.

mergePage(com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PagePdf,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask
Merges a page with a page of the task's document.
mergePage(com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PagePdf,int,com.pspdfkit.annotations.BlendMode) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask
Merges a page with a page of the task's document by using specified BlendMode.
MI - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.Scale.UnitTo


MissingDependencyException - class in com.pspdfkit.exceptions
Thrown when the dependency is missing from the project.
MM - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.Scale.UnitFrom


MM - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.Scale.UnitTo


MODIFICATION - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.DocumentPermissions

Modify the contents of the document by operations other than those controlled by bits 6, 9, and 11.

modify(android.content.Context,com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfiguration,com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfiguration,com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.MeasurementValueConfigurationPickerListener) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfigurationEditor
Modifies an existing MeasurementValueConfiguration in the current document.
modify(com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfiguration,com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfiguration,boolean,boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfigurationEditor
Replaces the `oldValue` configuration straightforward in the document's configuration list with `newValue`.
MOUSE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.signatures.BiometricSignatureData.InputMethod

A mouse was used for creating the signature.

MOUSE_DOWN - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.AnnotationTriggerEvent

Triggered on ACTION_DOWN on annotation area.

MOUSE_UP - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.AnnotationTriggerEvent

Triggered on ACTION_UP on annotation area.

Note: In order to stay backwards compatible with older PDF specifications, annotation actions returned by getAction take precedence over an additional MOUSE_UP action.

MOVE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.undo.EditingOperation

One or more pages were moved. Note: you can't apply one move after the other, you have to apply them all at the same time.

MOVE_BACKWARD - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationZIndexMove

Move the annotation one place backward.

MOVE_FORWARD - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationZIndexMove

Move the annotation one place forward.

MOVE_TO_BACK - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationZIndexMove

Move the annotation behind all other annotations on the page.

MOVE_TO_FRONT - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationZIndexMove

Move the annotation in front of all other annotations on the page.

moveAnnotation(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation,com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationZIndexMove) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
Moves the annotation with the specified z-index move action.
moveAnnotation(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
Moves the annotation to the specified z-index.
moveAnnotation(int,int,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
Moves the annotation to the specified z-index.
moveAnnotationAsync(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation,com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationZIndexMove) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
Moves the annotation with the specified z-index move action asynchronously.
moveAnnotationAsync(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
Moves the annotation to the specified z-index asynchronously.
moveAnnotationAsync(int,int,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
Moves the annotation to the specified z-index asynchronously.
moveDocument(com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentDescriptor,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentCoordinator
Moves documents in the document list to specified position.
movePages(java.util.Set,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.PdfDocumentEditor
Moves a given set of pages of the document to a specific index.
movePages(java.util.Set,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask
Moves passed pages to a new index in the document.
MULAW - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.sound.AudioEncoding

G.711Mu encoding. Playback of audio clips in this encoding is not supported.

MULTIPLY - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.BlendMode

B(cb,cs) = cb×cs Multiplies the backdrop and source colour values. The result colour is always at least as dark as either of the two constituent colours. Multiplying any colour with black produces black; multiplying with white leaves the original colour unchanged. Painting successive overlapping objects with a colour other than black or white produces progressively darker colours.

See also PorterDuff.Mode#MULTIPLY

mutate() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampPickerItem
Create new instance of this item.
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