- TabBarHidingMode - class in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity
- Mode controlling whether the tab bar should be shown or hidden depending on if there are loaded documents.
- TAMPERED_DOCUMENT - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult.DocumentIntegrityStatus
The document has been tampered with since the last time it was signed.
- TempFileWritingStrategy - class in com.pspdfkit.document.providers
- A WritingStrategy that writes to a temporary file and writes to the [ ] only when all data was written.
- terminate() - function in io.nutrient.domain.ai.AiAssistant
- Terminates the assistant.
- TEXT - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormType
Text field control. Text field is a box or space in which the user can enter text.
- TEXT_COPY_PASTE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.policy.ApplicationPolicy.PolicyEvent
Copy/paste policy event. Checked when user selects text on page to determine if copying text is allowed. All features related to this such as sharing and copying/pasting into the search bar will be disabled if copying text is not allowed.
- TEXT_SELECTION_SHARING - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.sharing.ShareFeatures
Sharing selected text. Enables sharing button in both text selection toolbar and text selection popup toolbar.
- TEXT_SIZE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationProperty
Free-text annotation's text size. Controls text size slider in the annotation inspector.
- TextBlock - class in com.pspdfkit.datastructures
- Represents a text located on a document page.
- TextBlockHelpersKt - class in com.pspdfkit.utils
- TextFormConfiguration - class in com.pspdfkit.forms
- Configuration class of com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormElement for the creation of a using addFormElementToPage.
- TextFormConfiguration.Builder - class in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormConfiguration
- Builder used to construct TextFormConfiguration instance.
- TextFormElement - class in com.pspdfkit.forms
- Represents a text control in a PDF form.
- TextFormField - class in com.pspdfkit.forms
- A text form field in a PDF form.
- TextInputFormat - class in com.pspdfkit.forms
- Supported types of text input for forms.
- TextInputInspectorView - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views
- Inspector component for entering some text.
- TextInputInspectorView.TextInputListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.TextInputInspectorView
- Listener for picked values.
- TextMarkupAnnotation - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations
- Abstract base-class of all text markup annotations: HighlightAnnotation, , UnderlineAnnotation and StrikeOutAnnotation.
- TextSearch - class in com.pspdfkit.document.search
- Searches text inside a PdfDocument.
- TextSelection - class in com.pspdfkit.datastructures
- TextSelection represents a selection of text on a document page.
- TextSelectionController - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller
- Default controller given when entering text selection mode.
- TextSelectionController.OnSearchSelectedTextListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.TextSelectionController
- Listener invoked when TextSelectionController wants to perform search for the selected text.
- textSelectionEnabled(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration.Builder
- Enables or disables text selection (both programmatically and via long-press gesture).
- textSelectionEnabled(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Enables or disables text selection (both programmatically and via long-press gesture).
- TextSelectionManager - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.manager
- Interface for objects that manage a list of text selection listener instances.
- TextSelectionManager.OnTextSelectionChangeListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.manager.TextSelectionManager
- Listener for text selection changes.
- TextSelectionManager.OnTextSelectionModeChangeListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.manager.TextSelectionManager
- Listener for entering and exiting text selection mode.
- textSelectionPopupToolbarEnabled(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration.Builder
- Sets whether the text selection popup toolbar is enabled or not.
- textSelectionPopupToolbarEnabled(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Sets whether the text selection popup toolbar is enabled or not.
- TextSelectionRectangles - class in com.pspdfkit.datastructures
- Represents lists of rectangles under which is the text selection to be performed.
- TextSelectionRectangles.CREATOR - class in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.TextSelectionRectangles
- Creator for creating the TextSelectionRectangles object from Parcel.
- TextSelectionToolbar - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar
- Toolbar displayed on text selection.
- textToBitmap(java.lang.String,com.pspdfkit.ui.fonts.Font,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Float,android.util.DisplayMetrics) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature.Companion
- Creates a bitmap from text that the user typed and a font the user chose.
- theme(java.lang.Integer) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Sets a
used to override default activity theme. - THEME - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.settings.SettingsMenuItemType
- themeDark(java.lang.Integer) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Sets a
used to override dark activity theme. - themeMode(com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.ThemeMode) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration.Builder
- Sets the app theme mode.
- themeMode(com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.ThemeMode) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Sets the app theme mode.
- ThemeMode - class in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming
- Describes theme mode applied to the whole app.
- ThemeWrapperKt - class in io.nutrient.ui.theme
- THICKNESS - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationProperty
Annotation thickness - i.e. line width for shape annotations. Controls thickness slider in the annotation inspector.
- THREE_DP - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementPrecision
For example: "0.001"
- THUMBNAIL_BAR_MODE_FLOATING - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.ThumbnailBarMode
Floating thumbnail bar.
- THUMBNAIL_BAR_MODE_NONE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.ThumbnailBarMode
Thumbnail bar disabled.
- THUMBNAIL_BAR_MODE_PINNED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.ThumbnailBarMode
Pinned thumbnail bar.
- THUMBNAIL_BAR_MODE_SCROLLABLE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.ThumbnailBarMode
Scrollable thumbnail bar with larger images.
- ThumbnailAdapter - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail
- Recycler adapter for creating thumbnail views inside the PdfScrollableThumbnailBar.
- ThumbnailAdapter.OnThumbnailClickListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.ThumbnailAdapter
- Listener for receiving page changes caused by the user touching the ThumbnailAdapter.
- ThumbnailBarMode - class in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity
- Describes thumbnail bar mode.
- thumbnailGridEnabled(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Show/hide the actionbar icon to show grid of thumbnail pages.
- ThumbnailGridSpecialModeController - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.base
- A special mode controller bound to the com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailGrid.
- TIME - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextInputFormat
Time format. Returned for "AFTime" JavaScript format.
- TIMED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.checkpoint.PdfDocumentCheckpointingStrategy
A checkpoint is created periodically, if the document has unsaved changes.
- timeout(long) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.html.HtmlToPdfConverter
- Sets the timeout for loading the HTML document when converting.
- TimestampData - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures.timestamp
- TimestampData contains info needed to verify timestamps
- TimestampData.CREATOR - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures.timestamp.TimestampData
- TimestampInformation - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures.timestamp
- A structure that contains information about a digital signature timestamp.
- title(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Sets the actionbar activity title.
- title(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.html.HtmlToPdfConverter
- Sets the document title (set via setTitle).
- toAnnotation(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,java.lang.Integer,android.graphics.PointF) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature
- Builds InkAnnotation or StampAnnotation from signature data.
- toAnnotation(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,java.lang.Integer,android.graphics.RectF) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature
- Builds InkAnnotation or StampAnnotation from signature data.
- toAnnotation(java.lang.Integer) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature
- Builds InkAnnotation or StampAnnotation from signature data.
- toAnnotationType() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool
- Convert to AnnotationType which creation is handled by this tool.
- toDataDescriptor() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.DocumentSource
- Converts the DocumentSource to a NativeDataDescriptor.
- toDisplayString(com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementPrecision) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementPrecision
- Returns a formatted version of the enum to be used for UI selectors or other display purposes.
- toggle() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.audio.AudioPlaybackController
- Toggles audio playback state.
- toggle() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.audio.AudioRecordingController
- Toggles recording.
- toggleAnnotationInspector() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Displays/hides an annotation inspector for the selected annotation type.
- toggleAnnotationInspector() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationEditingController
- Displays/hides an annotation inspector for the selected annotation.
- toggleAnnotationInspector(boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationInspectorController
- Toggles between shown/hidden state of the annotation inspector.
- toggleMainToolbarVisibility(boolean,long,long) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayout
- Toggles the visibility of the main toolbar.
- TOGGLENOVIEW - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationFlags
[Not supported] If set, invert the interpretation of the NoView flag for certain events.
- TogglePickerInspectorView - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views
- Inspector component for selecting boolean values.
- TogglePickerInspectorView.TogglePickerListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.TogglePickerInspectorView
- Listener for toggle changes.
- toggleSelection() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.EditableButtonFormElement
- Toggles button selection.
- toggleUserInterface() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUi
- Toggles the visibility of user interface controls.
- toggleView(java.lang.Integer) - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentState
- Toggles the view based on the provided MENU_OPTIONS in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfActivity.
- toggleView(com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews.Type) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Toggles the view with the specified type.
- toggleView(com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews.Type,long) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Toggles the view with the specified type.
- toGrayscale(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration.Builder
- Sets if the colors will be converted to grayscale.
- toGrayscale(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Sets if the colors will be converted to grayscale.
- toGrayscale(boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.rendering.AnnotationRenderConfiguration.Builder
- Sets whether annotation colors will be converted to grayscale.
- toGrayscale(boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.rendering.PageRenderConfiguration.Builder
- Sets if the colors will be converted to grayscale.
- toInstantJson() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Produces Instant JSON representation of this annotation.
- toInstantJson() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.StampAnnotation
- Produces Instant JSON representation of this annotation.
- toJson() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature
- Converts a signature into a JSON object.
- toJsonObject() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionRequest
- toJsonObject() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.Document
- toJsonObject() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.InitializationRequest
- toLandscape() - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.Size
- Create size in landscape orientation.
- toNormalizedPoint(android.graphics.PointF,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.projection.PdfProjection
- Maps a raw PDF point to a normalized PDF point.
- ToolbarCoordinatorLayout - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar
- This layout is responsible for handling toolbars.
- ToolbarCoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayout
- Layout parameters for ContextualToolbars added to ToolbarCoordinatorLayout.
- ToolbarCoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams.Position - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams
- Possible toolbar positions on the screen.
- ToolbarCoordinatorLayout.OnContextualToolbarLifecycleListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayout
- Listener for the lifecycle of the ContextualToolbar as it goes through the .
- ToolbarCoordinatorLayout.OnContextualToolbarMovementListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayout
- Listener for ContextualToolbar movements inside the ToolbarCoordinatorLayout.
- ToolbarCoordinatorLayout.OnContextualToolbarPositionListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayout
- Listener for ContextualToolbar position changes inside the .
- ToolbarCoordinatorLayoutController - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar
- An interface to be implemented by ToolbarCoordinatorLayout through which other components are enabled to control the toolbar movements, animations, etc.
- ToolbarExtKt - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar
- ToolbarPopupColors - class in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme
- TOP - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.VerticalTextAlignment
The text is vertically aligned to the top.
- TOP - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PagePosition
- TOP - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.note.AlignedAnnotationHinterDrawable.VerticalAlignment
- TOP - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams.Position
- TOP_LEFT - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PagePosition
- TOP_LEFT - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.overlay.OverlayLayoutParams.LayoutPosition
- TOP_RIGHT - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PagePosition
- TOP_SECRET - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.PredefinedStampType
- toPdfPoint(android.graphics.PointF,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.projection.ViewProjection
- Converts the coordinates stored within
from the view coordinate space (i.e. - toPdfRect(android.graphics.RectF,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.projection.PdfProjection
- Maps a raw PDF rect to a normalized PDF rect.
- toPdfRect(android.graphics.RectF,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.projection.ViewProjection
- Converts the view coordinates stored in
to PDF coordinates on the givenpageIndex
. - toPortrait() - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.Size
- Create size in portrait orientation.
- toRawPoint(android.graphics.PointF,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.projection.PdfProjection
- Maps a normalized PDF point to a raw PDF point.
- toRawRect(android.graphics.RectF,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.projection.PdfProjection
- Maps a normalized PDF rect to a raw PDF rect.
- toRect() - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.Size
- Expresses this size as (0, 0, width, height) rect.
- toRect(android.graphics.RectF) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.Size
- Expresses this size as (0, 0, width, height) rect.
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.AbstractFormAction
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToAction
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToEmbeddedAction
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToRemoteAction
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.HideAction
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.LaunchAction
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.NamedAction
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.RenditionAction
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ResetFormAction
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.RichMediaExecuteAction
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.SubmitFormAction
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.UriAction
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.Scale
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.Scale.UnitFrom
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.Scale.UnitTo
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.SecondaryMeasurementUnit
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampType
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.bookmarks.Bookmark
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.Range
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.TextBlock
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.Destination
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.DocumentSource
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.OutlineElement
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfValue
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.DownloadRequest
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.source.AssetDownloadSource
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.source.ContentResolverDownloadSource
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.source.URLDownloadSource
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.html.ResourceRequest
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryPreviewResult
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.NewPage
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PageImage
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessor.ProcessorProgress
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.search.SearchResult
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.search.SearchResult.TextSnippet
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.SharingOptions
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormOption
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantProgress
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.exceptions.InstantException
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaUri
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.BuildData
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.Reference
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureGraphic
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation.NavigationBackStack.NavigationItem
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.EdgeInsets
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.PageRect
- toString() - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.Size
- toString() - function in io.nutrient.ui.settings.SettingsOptions
- toViewPoint(android.graphics.PointF,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.projection.ViewProjection
- Converts the coordinates stored within
from the PDF coordinate space of the givenpageIndex
to the view coordinate space (i.e. - toViewRect(android.graphics.RectF,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.projection.ViewProjection
- Converts the PDF coordinates stored in
(of the givenpageIndex
) to view coordinates. - TranslateSubmenuToolbarCompletableOnSubscribe - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.rx
- Asynchronously chainable animation on the submenu toolbar.
- TRAPNET - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationType
- TRIM_BOX - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfBox
A rectangle, expressed in default user space units, that shall define the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming.
- TrustedKeyStore - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures
- Singleton object that holds the list of trusted certificates used for digital signature validation and signing.
- TURKISH - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ocr.OcrLanguage
Turkish language (en) selector for OCR processing. Use this value with performOcrOnPages when performing text detection for Turkish documents. When using this value, make sure you have the Turkish OCR language pack added to your app, by adding the
dependency inside yourbuild.gradle
file:final String pspdfkit_version = {@value com.pspdfkit.Nutrient#VERSION}; dependencies { implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr:$pspdfkit_version" implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr-turkish:$pspdfkit_version" }
- TWO_DP - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementPrecision
For example: "0.01"
- TYPE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.signatures.SignatureCreationMode
The user types their name and selects a style for their signature from a small number of fonts.
- TYPE3D - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationType