- GALLERY - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaUri.UriType
Embedded gallery.
- GalleryImagePickerFragment - class in com.pspdfkit.document.image
- Fragment used for picking up the image from gallery / filesystem.
- GENERAL_FAILURE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult.DocumentIntegrityStatus
General validation problems.
- GENERAL_VALIDATION_PROBLEM - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult.CertificateStatus
General validation problems (bad signatures, certificate chain is too long, etc.).
- generateAppearanceStream() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Regenerates the annotation's appearance stream if necessary.
- generateAppearanceStreamAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Regenerates the annotation's appearance stream if necessary.
- generateTextPreviews(boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryOptions.Builder
- Enables generation of search preview snippets.
- GERMAN - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ocr.OcrLanguage
German language (en) selector for OCR processing. Use this value with performOcrOnPages when performing text detection for German documents. When using this value, make sure you have the German OCR language pack added to your app, by adding the
dependency inside yourbuild.gradle
file:final String pspdfkit_version = {@value com.pspdfkit.Nutrient#VERSION}; dependencies { implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr:$pspdfkit_version" implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr-german:$pspdfkit_version" }
- get(com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationType) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationConfigurationRegistry
- Retrieve configuration for given annotation type.
- get(com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationType,java.lang.Class) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationConfigurationRegistry
- Retrieve configuration for given annotation type casted to required configuration type.
- get(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationConfigurationRegistry
- Retrieve configuration for given annotation tool.
- get(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationConfigurationRegistry
- Retrieve configuration for given annotation tool and its tool variant.
- get(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant,java.lang.Class) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationConfigurationRegistry
- Retrieve configuration for given annotation tool and its variant casted to required configuration type.
- get(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,java.lang.Class) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationConfigurationRegistry
- Retrieve configuration for given annotation tool casted to required configuration type.
- get(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.PdfLibrary
- Returns a library for a given path.
- get(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.PdfLibrary
- Returns a library for a given path.
- get(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.metadata.DocumentPdfMetadata
- Retrieves a single metadata value from PDF.
- get(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.metadata.DocumentXmpMetadata
- Retrieves a single metadata value from the XMP metadata entries included in the PDF file.
- get() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.printing.DocumentPrintManager
- get(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.preferences.PSPDFKitPreferences
- Gets global singleton preferences instance.
- GET_METHOD - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.SubmitFormAction.SubmitFormActionFlag
If set, field names and values shall be submitted using an HTTP GET request. If clear, they shall be submitted using a POST request.
This flag is meaningful only when the EXPORT_FORMAT flag is set. If EXPORT_FORMAT flag is not set, this flag also should not be set.
- getAction() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.LinkAnnotation
- Returns the action set on this annotation.
- getAction() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.OutlineElement
- Returns action be run when clicking on this element.
- getAction() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.PushButtonFormConfiguration
- Gets the action of this push button form element.
- getAction() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.PushButtonFormElement
- Returns the action that should be performed once this push button is pressed.
- getActionString() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.NamedAction
- Internal PDF string describing this action.
- getActiveAnnotationTool() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns the active annotation tool.
- getActiveAnnotationTool() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Returns annotation creation tool that is currently active.
- getActiveAnnotationToolVariant() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns the variant of the active annotation tool variant (if any).
- getActiveAnnotationToolVariant() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Returns the variant of the annotation creation tool that is currently active.
- getActiveContentEditingStylingItem() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingController
- Get the ContentEditingStylingBarItem to determine which annotation inspector to display
- getActiveViewType() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently displayed view over the document.
- getActivityTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- The title set to the target activity.
- getAdditionalAction(com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.AnnotationTriggerEvent) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.WidgetAnnotation
- Returns the action that should be executed on annotation trigger event.
- getAdditionalAction(com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.AnnotationTriggerEvent) - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormField
- Returns the action that should be executed on annotation trigger event.
- getAdditionalActions() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.WidgetAnnotation
- Returns a map of additional actions keyed by their trigger events.
- getAdditionalActions() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormElementConfiguration
- Returns map of annotation trigger events and their actions for this form element.
- getAddOnChangeFormElementEditingMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.FormListener
- getAddOnEnterFormElementEditingMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.FormListener
- getAddOnExitFormElementEditingMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.FormListener
- getAddOnFormElementClickedListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.FormListener
- getAddOnFormElementDeselectedListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.FormListener
- getAddOnFormElementSelectedListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.FormListener
- getAddOnFormElementUpdatedListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.FormListener
- getAddOnFormElementValidationFailed() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.FormListener
- getAddOnFormElementValidationSuccess() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.FormListener
- getAddOnFormElementViewUpdatedListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.FormListener
- getAffectedPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.EditingChange
- Gets the affected page index.
- getAgent() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionRequest
- getAgent() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.Suggestion
- getAiAssistantColorScheme() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiColorScheme
- getAiAssistantColorScheme(androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color) - function in io.nutrient.ui.theme.ThemeWrapperKt
- getAlignment(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.contentediting.ContentEditingTextBlockAlignmentEdit
- getAllAnnotationsOfType(java.util.EnumSet) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Returns all annotations of passed types in this document.
- getAllAnnotationsOfType(java.util.EnumSet,int,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Returns all annotations of passed types in the specified page index range.
- getAllAnnotationsOfTypeAsync(java.util.EnumSet) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Returns all annotations of passed types in this document.
- getAllAnnotationsOfTypeAsync(java.util.EnumSet,int,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Returns all annotations of passed types in the specified page index range.
- getAllowMultipleBookmarksPerPage() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Indicates whether multiple bookmarks per page can be added or not, defaults to
. - getAlpha() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the annotation's main alpha (or stroke alpha).
- getAlpha(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured annotation alpha from preferences.
- getAlpha(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured annotation alpha from preferences.
- getAlpha() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Gets alpha set to the annotation creation mode.
- getAlternateFieldName() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormField
- An alternate field name that shall be used in place of the actual field name wherever the field shall be identified in the user interface (such as in error or status messages referring to the field).
- getAnchor(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.contentediting.ContentEditingTextBlockMoveAndResizeEdit
- getAnimateScrollOnEdgeTaps() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Indicates whether page changes triggered by tapping the page edge cause an animation.
- getAnnotation(int,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Returns annotation with certain object ID on the page if it exists.
- getAnnotation() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ActionSender
- The annotation that triggered action execution.
- getAnnotation() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFile
- Returns FileAnnotation to which this file is attached to.
- getAnnotation() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormElement
- Retrieve widget annotation for this form element.
- getAnnotation(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.editor.AnnotationEditor
- getAnnotation() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.note.NoteHinterDrawable
- Gets the annotation this drawable is associated with.
- getAnnotationAggregationStrategy() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationAggregationStrategyConfiguration
- Annotation aggregation strategy that should be used when creating annotations from drawn lines.
- getAnnotationAsync(int,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Returns annotation with certain object ID on the page if it exists, asynchronously.
- getAnnotationConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns annotation configuration registry with annotation configuration for supported annotation types and/or tools.
- getAnnotationConfigurationRegistry() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentConnection
- getAnnotationCreator() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Retrieve annotation creator from PSPDFKitPreferences.
- getAnnotationCreator(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.preferences.PSPDFKitPreferences
- Retrieves the annotation creator
- getAnnotationCreator() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- getAnnotationEditingController() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.annotation.DefaultAnnotationEditingInspectorController
- Returns AnnotationEditingController we are currently bound to.
- getAnnotationForIdentifier(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.annotations.InstantAnnotationProvider
- Returns the annotation for the given identifier.
- getAnnotationListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentManager
- getAnnotationManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Returns an annotation manager which you can use to register listeners from the controller.
- getAnnotationManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationEditingController
- Returns an annotation manager which you can use to register listeners from the controller.
- getAnnotationOverlayRenderStrategy(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Gets the annotation overlay render strategy for the specified annotation.
- getAnnotationPreferences() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.ui.InstantPdfFragment
- Returns manager for annotation preferences.
- getAnnotationPreferences() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns manager for annotation preferences.
- getAnnotationPreferences() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Returns an annotation editing preferences.
- getAnnotationProcessingMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.SharingOptions
- Returns annotation processing mode that describes what user wants to do with shared document annotations.
- getAnnotationProvider() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns AnnotationProvider object which handles annotations contained in this document.
- getAnnotationProvider() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.document.InstantPdfDocument
- Returns AnnotationProvider object which handles annotations contained in this document.
- getAnnotationReferences(com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.HideAction) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ActionAccessors.Companion
- Returns AnnotationReferences that are targets of the HideAction.
- getAnnotationReplies(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Gets all first-level replies to a particular annotation.
- getAnnotationRepliesAsync(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Gets all first-level replies to a particular annotation asynchronously.
- getAnnotationReplyFeatures() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Which parts of the annotation replies UI are enabled.
- getAnnotations(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Returns a list of annotations on the page.
- getAnnotations(java.util.Collection) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Returns annotations with given object numbers.
- getAnnotationsAsync(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Returns list of annotations on the page.
- getAnnotationsAsync(java.util.Collection) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Returns annotations with given object numbers, asynchronously.
- getAnnotationsAsync(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.HideAction
- Resolves target annotations.
- getAnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationSelectionController
- Gets the theme configuration used to customize the annotation selection view.
- getAnnotationsForConfiguration(com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfiguration) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfigurationEditor
- Similar as getUsageCount but returns a list of all annotations that
- getAnnotationsJson(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Returns a JSON array in string format of annotations on the page.
- getAnnotationType() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AnnotationAddRemoveEdit
- Type of annotation being referenced.
- getAppearanceStreamGenerator() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns custom appearance stream generator that overrides appearance stream generation of this annotation.
- getAppearanceStreamGenerator() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampPickerItem
- Returns appearance stream generator that replaces default stamp appearance.
- getAppearanceStreamGenerator() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AnnotationAddRemoveEdit
- Custom AP stream generator (if set).
- getApplicationPolicy() - function in com.pspdfkit.Nutrient
- Returns application policy.
- getApplicationPolicy() - function in com.pspdfkit.initialization.InitializationOptions
- getArray() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfValue
- Gets the stored List of PdfValues or null if the value isn't an array.
- getAssetName() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AssetAnnotation
- Returns the name of the asset to which this annotation is pointing to, or empty string.
- getAssetName() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.AssetDataProvider
- getAssetPath() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.source.AssetDownloadSource
- Returns the asset path of the served document.
- getAudioData() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.SoundAnnotation
- Returns audio data from the annotation.
- getAudioData() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AnnotationAddRemoveEdit
- Sound annotation audio data (if set).
- getAudioData() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AudioResourceEdit
- New value for the sound annotation's audio data.
- getAudioDataAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.SoundAnnotation
- Returns audio data from the annotation, asynchronously.
- getAudioEncoding() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.SoundAnnotation
- Encoding of the audio data.
- getAudioEncoding() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.sound.EmbeddedAudioSource
- Audio samples encoding.
- getAudioInspector() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently instantiated AudioView.
- getAudioInspectorHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.audio.AudioView
- Returns audio inspector height without any window insets (in immersive mode).
- getAudioModeManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns this fragment's audio mode manager instance for entering/leaving audio playback or recording modes.
- getAudioModeManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.audio.AudioPlaybackController
- Returns the audio mode manager from this controller.
- getAudioModeManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.audio.AudioRecordingController
- Returns the audio mode manager from this controller.
- getAudioRecordingTimeLimit() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.SoundAnnotationConfiguration
- Audio recording time limit.
- getAudioTracksCount() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.sound.AudioExtractor
- Number of audio tracks in the media file.
- getAuthor() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.note.AnnotationStateChange
- Gets the name of the author that performed the review change.
- getAuthor() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.metadata.DocumentPdfMetadata
- Returns the author of the document.
- getAuthority(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.media.AssetsContentProvider
- Returns an Uri containing the scheme and authority of this content provider.
- getAuthorState() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.note.AnnotationStateChange
- Gets the author's review state that was set in this revision.
- getAvailableColors() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationColorConfiguration
- Colors available in the color picker.
- getAvailableFillColors() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationFillColorConfiguration
- Fill colors available in the color picker.
- getAvailableFillColors() - function in com.pspdfkit.contentediting.ContentEditingFillColorConfiguration
- Fill colors available in the color picker.
- getAvailableFonts() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationFontConfiguration
- Available fonts.
- getAvailableFonts() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.fonts.FontManager
- This lists all the fonts available to use with Nutrient.
- getAvailableFonts(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.signatures.ElectronicSignatureOptions.Companion
- Gets a set of the available fonts to pick from when typing a signature.
- getAvailableIconNames() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationNoteIconConfiguration
- Names of note annotation icons available in the icon picker.
- getAvailableLineEnds() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationLineEndsConfiguration
- Supported line end types.
- getAvailableOutlineColors() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationOutlineColorConfiguration
- Outline colors available in the color picker.
- getBackground() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.SettingsColorScheme
- getBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.DocumentInfoColorScheme
- getBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.MainToolbarColors
- getBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.ToolbarPopupColors
- getBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Document paper color (white is default).
- getBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Gets the background color of the fragment.
- getBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailGrid
- Returns the background color of the thumbnail grid.
- getBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.contentediting.ContentEditingStylingBar
- Returns background color set to the content editing bar.
- getBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.forms.FormEditingBar
- Returns background color set to the form editing bar.
- getBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewModular
- Returns background color of the modular search view.
- getBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfScrollableThumbnailBar
- getBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfStaticThumbnailBar
- getBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfThumbnailBarController
- getBackgroundDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Background drawable for the annotation selection layout.
- getBackgroundDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Background drawable for the annotation selection layout.
- getBackIconColorTint() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewInline
- Returns the icon color for the back icon.
- getBackItem() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation.NavigationBackStack
- Returns the current top back item, or null.
- getBiometricData() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureMetadata
- BiometricSignatureData that will be written to the digital signature.
- getBiometricData() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature
- BiometricSignatureData that was collected with this signature.
- getBitmap() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.StampAnnotation
- Returns a bitmap from this stamp annotation if there is any.
- getBitmap() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampPickerItem
- Returns bitmap if set,
otherwise. - getBitmap() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.PushButtonFormConfiguration
- Gets bitmap that will be attached to the PushButtonFormElement.
- getBitmap() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.PushButtonFormElement
- Returns the bitmap set for this push button form element.
- getBitmap() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature
- When creating a stamp signature (as opposed to ink signature), you need to provide a bitmap.
- getBitmap() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AnnotationAddRemoveEdit
- Stamp bitmap (if set).
- getBlendMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns currently set blend mode.
- getBookmarkProvider() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns BookmarkProvider object which handles bookmarks contained in this document.
- getBookmarks() - function in com.pspdfkit.bookmarks.BookmarkProvider
- Returns the list of bookmarks in the document.
- getBookmarks() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.outline.BookmarkViewAdapter
- Called to retrieve the list of bookmarks to display.
- getBookmarks() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.outline.DefaultBookmarkAdapter
- Called to retrieve the list of bookmarks to display.
- getBookmarksAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.bookmarks.BookmarkProvider
- Returns the list of bookmarks in the document.
- getBoolean() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfValue
- Gets the stored Boolean value or false if the value isn't a boolean.
- getBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the border color of this annotation or
if no color is set. - getBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.WidgetAnnotation
- Returns the border color of this annotation or
if no color is set. - getBorderDashArray() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns currently set dash array or
if no pattern is set. - getBorderEffect() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the current border effect on the annotation or NO_EFFECT if none is set.
- getBorderEffect() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.BorderStylePreset
- Border effect specified by this preset.
- getBorderEffectIntensity() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the current border effect intensity.
- getBorderEffectIntensity() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.BorderStylePreset
- Intensity of the border effect.
- getBorderStyle() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the current border style on the annotation or NONE if none is set.
- getBorderStyle() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.PolygonAnnotation
- Returns the current border style on the annotation or NONE if none is set.
- getBorderStyle() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.BorderStylePreset
- Border style specified in this preset.
- getBorderStylePreset(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured annotation border preset from preferences.
- getBorderStylePreset(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured annotation border preset from preferences.
- getBorderStylePreset() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Gets border style preset set to the annotation creation mode.
- getBorderStylePresets() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationBorderStyleConfiguration
- Available border style presets.
- getBorderWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the border line width / thickness.
- getBottomCenterScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Scale handle drawable in the bottom center part of the annotation selection layout.
- getBottomCenterScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Scale handle drawable in the bottom center part of the annotation selection layout.
- getBottomLeftScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Scale handle drawable in the bottom left part of the annotation selection layout.
- getBottomLeftScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Scale handle drawable in the bottom left part of the annotation selection layout.
- getBottomRightScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Scale handle drawable in the bottom right part of the annotation selection layout.
- getBottomRightScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Scale handle drawable in the bottom right part of the annotation selection layout.
- getBoundingBox() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Position of this annotation on the page.
- getBoundingBox(android.graphics.RectF) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Position of this annotation on the page.
- getBoundingBox() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature
- Returns bounding box of the signature data in pdf coordinates.
- getBuildProperties() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- Returns map of build properties.
- getByteRange() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- Returns range of bytes this signature covers.
- getCacheDirectory() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.UrlDataProvider.Companion
- Returns the cache directory for UrlDataProvider.
- getCallOutPoints() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.FreeTextAnnotation
- Gets the points used to describe the call out line.
- getCenterLeftScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Scale handle drawable in the center left part of the annotation selection layout.
- getCenterLeftScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Scale handle drawable in the center left part of the annotation selection layout.
- getCenterRightScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Scale handle drawable in the center right part of the annotation selection layout.
- getCenterRightScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Scale handle drawable in the center right part of the annotation selection layout.
- getCertificateChainValidationErrorMessage() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- Returns an English string describing the reason for certificate validation failure.
- getCertificateChainValidationStatus() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- Returns status of certificate verification.
- getCertificates() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignerOptions
- A chain of certificates from the signer certificate to the trusted root.
- getChangeId() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Document Identifier used for AiAssistant represents if document is updated.
- getChangingId() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.DocumentIdentifiers
- getChangingId() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.IngestionResponse
- getChannels() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.SoundAnnotation
- The number of audio channels.
- getChannels() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.sound.EmbeddedAudioSource
- The number of audio channels.
- getCharIndexAt(int,float,float) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Return the index of the closest character whose rect intersects the given
coordinates. - getChatBackground() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getChatId() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionRequest
- getCheckpointer() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns PdfDocumentCheckpointer object which handles the checkpoint for the document.
- getCheckpointFile() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.DocumentSource
- Returns the current File checkpoint.
- getChildren() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.OutlineElement
- Returns outline element children - outline is organized in a tree-like fashion.
- getClientFeatures() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.InitializationRequest
- getCloseButton() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbar
- Returns the button used to close the toolbar.
- getCode() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.AiAssistantError
- getCode() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.DocumentErrorStates
- getColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns a color associated with this annotation or
if no color is set. - getColor(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Retrieve last configured color from preferences.
- getColor(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Retrieve last configured color from preferences.
- getColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.OutlineElement
- Returns outline element color.
- getColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfPasswordView
- Returns the password view color (input field, underline, icon tint).
- getColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Gets current color set to the annotation creation mode.
- getColors() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.SdkTheme
- getColors() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiTheme
- getCOMPLETE() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.ProgressDataProvider.Companion
- Can be returned if no real progress updates are available.
- getComposeUiColors() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiThemeKt
- Default values provider for Compose UI.
- getConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- Configuration for the core of PSPDFKit rendering engine.
- getConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfActivity
- Returns the PdfActivityConfiguration that was provided while launching this activity.
- getConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns configuration for this PdfFragment.
- getConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUi
- Returns the PdfActivityConfiguration that was provided while launching this pdf UI.
- getConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUiFragment
- Returns the PdfActivityConfiguration that was provided while launching this pdf UI.
- getConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.BaseDocumentPrintDialog
- Returns the DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration used for this dialog.
- getConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.BaseDocumentSharingDialog
- Returns the DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration used for this dialog.
- getConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Returns an active configuration.
- getConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationEditingController
- Returns an active configuration.
- getConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.MeasurementValueConfigurationEdit
- getConfiguration() - function in io.nutrient.domain.ai.AiAssistant
- The current AiAssistant configuration.
- getConfigurations() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfigurationEditor
- Query all
s currently existing in the document. - getContainerColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getContent() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionResponse
- getContentEditingConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns content editing fill color configuration Note: This method must be called after views are created (after onCreateView).
- getContentEditingManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingController
- Returns an content editing manager which you can use to register listeners from the controller.
- getContentEditingPreferences() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns manager for content editing preferences.
- getContentEditingState() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns the current content editing state.
- getContentEditingStylingBarView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently instantiated ContentEditingStylingBar.
- getContentEditingUndoManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns this fragment's undo manager instance for performing undo/redo operations of content edits.
- getContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns text contents of the annotation.
- getContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- Returns actual byte content of this signature in PDF file.
- getContentSignature() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.DocumentSource
- Returns content signature of the document if any was set.
- getContext() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.page.NewPageDialog
- getController() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.AnnotationEditingToolbar
- getController() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.popup.PdfTextSelectionPopupToolbar
- Gets the text selection controller that is currently set on the toolbar (if any).
- getCopy(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Creates a copy of this annotation that isn't attached to the document with the page index set to given index.
- getCornerRadiusPx() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuBar
- getCount() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfOutlineView.OutlinePagerAdapter
- getCreatedDate() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the creation date of the annotation.
- getCreateTextBlockButtonsContainer() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- container view for the create-textblock buttons
- getCreationDate() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.note.AnnotationStateChange
- Gets the creation date of this status change.
- getCreationDate() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.metadata.DocumentPdfMetadata
- Returns the document creation date (if set).
- getCreationDate() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- Returns date of creation of this signature in UTC timezone.
- getCreator() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the name of the creator of this annotation.
- getCreator() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.metadata.DocumentPdfMetadata
- Returns software used to create the document.
- getCreatorName() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantDocumentDescriptor
- Returns the creator name set in the JWT — if any.
- getCrossPlatformTechnology() - function in com.pspdfkit.initialization.InitializationOptions
- getCurrentConfigurationValue() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleSelectPickerInspectorView
- getCurrentFormatter() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingController
- Get the formatter that will be used to update the user selections on the UI
- getCurrentlyDisplayedContextualToolbar() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayout
- Gets the currently displayed contextual toolbar (if any).
- getCurrentlySelectedAnnotations() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationEditingController
- Returns currently edited annotation (if any).
- getCurrentlySelectedFormElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.FormEditingController
- Returns currently selected form element (if any).
- getCurrentPage() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration
- Currently displayed page
- getCurrentPosition() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.audio.AudioPlaybackController
- Returns current playback position in milliseconds.
- getCurrentPosition() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.audio.AudioRecordingController
- Returns current recording position in milliseconds.
- getCurrentProgress() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantProgress
- Returns the current progress of the reporter as a percentage between [0, 100].
- getCurrentScaleValue() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScalePickerInspectorView
- getCurrentSingleSelectedAnnotation() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationEditingController
- Returns the the currently edited annotation - only if there's just a single one being edited.
- getCurrentStyleInfo() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingController
- Returns the current style of the currently edited textblock for the current cursor position/selection, or
if there's no such thing - getCurrentTextBlockStyleInfo() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingController
- Returns the global style properties of the currently edited textblock, or
if there's no such thing - getCurrentUnit() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.UnitsPickerInspectorView
- getCurrentUserState() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.note.AnnotationReviewSummary
- Returns the state set by the current user, or NONE if none set.
- getCustomData() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Retrieves custom data for the annotation.
- getCustomText() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ComboBoxFormConfiguration
- Gets the custom text.
- getCustomText() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ComboBoxFormElement
- Returns custom value set in editable combo box.
- getCustomTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentDescriptor
- Returns custom document title that has been previously set via setTitle.
- getCustomValue() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.OptionPickerInspectorView
- Gets current custom value.
- getDarkTheme() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- Theme resource used to override dark theme of the launched activity.
- getDashArray() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.BaseLineAnnotation
- Returns currently set dash array or
if no pattern is set. - getDashArray() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.BorderStylePreset
- Returns dash array specified in this preset.
- getData() - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.Response.Success
- getDataName() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.Reference
- Name of the object used while computing the object digest.
- getDataPath() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantClient
- Returns the data path the client was created with.
- getDataProvider() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.sound.EmbeddedAudioSource
- Returns data provider with audio data in ENCODING_PCM_16BIT format.
- getDataProvider() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.DocumentSource
- Returns a DataProvider for this source.
- getDataProvider() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFileSource
- Returns data provider with data for the embedded file.
- getDataProvider() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureGraphic
- The DataProvider of this SignatureGraphic.
- getDataProvider() - function in io.nutrient.domain.ai.AiAssistant
- The current data provider.
- getDataProviderForAnnotation(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation,java.util.EnumSet) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.appearance.AppearanceStreamGenerator
- Called when the appearance stream data for the given annotation is needed.
- getDataProviderForAnnotation(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation,java.util.EnumSet) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.appearance.AssetAppearanceStreamGenerator
- Called when the appearance stream data for the given annotation is needed.
- getDataProviderForAnnotation(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation,java.util.EnumSet) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.appearance.ContentResolverAppearanceStreamGenerator
- Called when the appearance stream data for the given annotation is needed.
- getDataProviderForAnnotation(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation,java.util.EnumSet) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.CustomStampAppearanceStreamGenerator
- Called when the appearance stream data for the given annotation is needed.
- getDataToSign(android.content.Context,com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignerOptions) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SigningManager
- This function provides unsigned byte array that needs to be signed.
- getDate() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.BuildData
- Build date of the software that was used to create the digital signature.
- getDefault() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.SecondaryMeasurementUnit
- getDEFAULT_LISTED_ANNOTATION_TYPES() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Companion
- Annotation types listed by default.
- getDefaultAlpha() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationAlphaConfiguration
- Default annotation alpha.
- getDefaultBorderStylePreset() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationBorderStyleConfiguration
- Default border style preset.
- getDefaultColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationColorConfiguration
- Default annotation foreground color.
- getDefaultDocumentManager(com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentListener,com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.AnnotationListener,com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.UiListener,com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.FormListener) - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentManagerKt
- Default helper method to get DocumentManager instance.
- getDefaultDocumentSaveOptions() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns a default set of document save options which have same permissions, password and PDF version set as this document.
- getDefaultFillColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationFillColorConfiguration
- Default fill color.
- getDefaultFillColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.contentediting.ContentEditingFillColorConfiguration
- Default fill color.
- getDefaultFont() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationFontConfiguration
- Default annotation font.
- getDefaultFontFile() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.fonts.Font
- Returns the default font file to use.
- getDefaultIconName() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationNoteIconConfiguration
- Default note annotation icon name.
- getDefaultImageDocumentActivityConfiguration(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.ImageDocumentLoader
- Returns default activity configuration for image documents.
- getDefaultImageDocumentActivityConfiguration(com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.ImageDocumentLoader
- Returns default activity configuration for image documents from a given initial configuration.
- getDefaultImageDocumentConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.ImageDocumentLoader
- Returns default configuration for image documents.
- getDefaultLineEnds() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationLineEndsConfiguration
- Default line end types.
- getDefaultName(boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfiguration
- getDefaultNewPageDialogCallback() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailGrid
- Returns The default NewPageDialog.Callback that is used by default by the .
- getDefaultOutlineColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationOutlineColorConfiguration
- Default annotation outline color.
- getDefaultOverlayText() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationOverlayTextConfiguration
- Default overlay text for RedactionAnnotation.
- getDefaultPdfHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampPickerItem
- Default height of this stamp type in pdf coordinates.
- getDefaultPdfWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampPickerItem
- Default width of this stamp type in pdf coordinates.
- getDefaultPrecision() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationPrecisionConfiguration
- Default floating point precision.
- getDefaultRepeatOverlayTextSetting() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationOverlayTextConfiguration
- Default setting for the "repeat overlay text" property of RedactionAnnotations.
- getDefaultScale() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationScaleConfiguration
- Default scale.
- getDefaultSelectedMenuItem() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem
- Gets an item that will be selected by default when this item is pressed.
- getDefaultStampPickerItems(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampPickerItem
- Returns default list of stamp picker items.
- getDefaultTextSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationTextSizeConfiguration
- Default annotation text size.
- getDefaultThickness() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationThicknessConfiguration
- Default annotation thickness.
- getDefaultTypeface() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.fonts.Font
- Returns the default typeface to use, or
if this font is not available on this device. - getDefaultValue() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.editor.UnitSelectionEditText
- Returns default value.
- getDelayForSyncingLocalChanges() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.document.InstantPdfDocument
- Returns delay of automatic syncing of local changes that were made to the document.
- getDescription() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.sound.EmbeddedAudioSource
- Returns audio data description.
- getDestination() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToAction
- Destination of this action.
- getDestination() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToEmbeddedAction
- Destination of this action.
- getDestination() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToRemoteAction
- Destination of this action.
- getDestinationUri(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.FilePicker
- The file picker opens a default Android SAF by an intent with a given action.
- getDestinationUri(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.FilePicker
- The file picker opens a default Android SAF by an intent with a given action.
- getDialog() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.DownloadProgressFragment
- Returns the ProgressDialog that is used by this fragment.
- getDialogTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration
- Title of the sharing dialog.
- getDialogTitleStyle(com.pspdfkit.internal.ui.dialog.utils.DialogTitleView.DialogTitleViewStyle) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspectorViewTitleStyleProvider
- Return the titlebar style to be used for the current inspector window.
- getDictionary() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfValue
- Gets the stored Map of String and PdfValues, or null if the value isn't a dictionary.
- getDigestLocation() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.Reference
- The location of the digest value in the PDF file in bytes, or
. - getDigestMethod() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.Reference
- The algorithm used for computing the digest.
- getDigestValue() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.Reference
- The result of the digest operation (if required by the transformation) or
. - getDividerColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.SettingsColorScheme
- getDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.ImageDocument
- Gets the converted Pdf document.
- getDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.PdfDocumentEditor
- Returns the original document being edited.
- getDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.ui.InstantPdfActivity
- Returns the PdfDocument that is loaded into this pdf UI, or
if no document has been loaded yet. - getDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.ui.InstantPdfFragment
- Gets the loaded document.
- getDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- Returns the document with which the signature info is associated.
- getDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentDescriptor
- Returns document instance (if already loaded).
- getDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Gets the loaded document.
- getDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUi
- Returns the PdfDocument that is loaded into this pdf UI, or
if no document has been loaded yet. - getDocumentConnection() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentState
- Provides ability to perform specific tasks in Document.
- getDocumentCoordinator() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.ui.InstantPdfActivity
- Returns the coordinator responsible for displaying documents and switching between multiple loaded documents.
- getDocumentCoordinator() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUi
- Returns the coordinator responsible for displaying documents and switching between multiple loaded documents.
- getDocumentDescriptor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.tabs.PdfTabBarItem
- Returns document descriptor associated with this tab.
- getDocumentEditingManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.DocumentEditingController
- Returns document editing manager, so the document editing mode listeners can be registered.
- getDocumentEditor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailGrid
- Returns document editor to perform operations such as page manipulation, reordering and importing documents.
- getDocumentEditorSavingToolbarHandler() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailGrid
- Returns document editor saving toolbar handler, may return
if document has not been set. - getDocumentId() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns a document identifier.
- getDocumentId() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantDocumentDescriptor
- Document Id of the managed document.
- getDocumentId() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.Document
- getDocumentIdString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns a string representation of a document identifier.
- getDocumentInfoChangesIcon() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.DocumentInfoIconScheme
- getDocumentInfoColorScheme() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiColorScheme
- getDocumentInfoColorScheme(androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color) - function in io.nutrient.ui.theme.ThemeWrapperKt
- getDocumentInfoContentIcon() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.DocumentInfoIconScheme
- getDocumentInfoFabDoneIcon() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.DocumentInfoIconScheme
- getDocumentInfoFabEditIcon() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.DocumentInfoIconScheme
- getDocumentInfoIconScheme() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiIconScheme
- getDocumentInfoIconScheme(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer) - function in io.nutrient.ui.theme.ThemeWrapperKt
- getDocumentInfoSizeIcon() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.DocumentInfoIconScheme
- getDocumentInfoView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently instantiated PdfDocumentInfoView.
- getDocumentIntegrityStatus() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- Returns status of document integrity.
- getDocumentListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentManager
- getDocumentListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfOutlineView
- Returns the document listener this PdfOutlineView uses.
- getDocumentListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailBar
- getDocumentListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfScrollableThumbnailBar
- getDocumentListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfStaticThumbnailBar
- getDocumentListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfThumbnailBarController
- getDocumentName() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.SharingOptions
- Returns name of the document that should be used while sharing.
- getDocumentPages() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration
- Sets loaded document pages count.
- getDocumentProviderAuthority(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingProvider
- Returns authority for this DocumentSharingProvider.
- getDocuments() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentCoordinator
- Returns all documents managed by this coordinator.
- getDocuments() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionRequest
- getDocuments() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionResponse
- getDocumentSignatureInfo() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns information about digital signatures in this document.
- getDocumentSignatureInfoAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns information about digital signatures in this document.
- getDocumentSource() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns source of this document.
- getDocumentSource() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ComparisonDocument
- Returns the DocumentSource used by this comparison document.
- getDocumentSource() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentDescriptor
- Returns source from which the document should be loaded.
- getDocumentSources() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns list of DocumentSources from which this document is loaded.
- getDocumentSources() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentDescriptor
- Returns list of DocumentSources from which the document should be loaded.
- getDocumentState() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.document.InstantPdfDocument
- Returns the current state of this Instant document.
- getDocumentTitleOverlayView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns the currently instantiated document title view.
- getDouble() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfValue
- Gets the stored Double value or 0.0 if the value isn't a double.
- getDragButton() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbar
- Returns the button used to drag the toolbar (if detachable).
- getDrawablesForPage(android.content.Context,com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.links.LinkAnnotationHighlighter
- Returns all drawables for the given
. - getDrawablesForPage(android.content.Context,com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.drawable.PdfDrawableProvider
- Returns all drawables for the given
. - getDrawablesForPage(android.content.Context,com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.note.AnnotationNoteHinter
- Returns all drawables for the given
. - getDrawablesForPage(android.content.Context,com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.SearchResultHighlighter
- Returns all drawables for the given
. - getDrawablesForPageAsync(android.content.Context,com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.drawable.PdfDrawableProvider
- Returns an observable for fetching all page drawables in an asynchronous manner.
- getDrawWidthRatio() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature
- The ratio of signature width to width of the drawing view used when drawing the signature.
- getDuration() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.sound.EmbeddedAudioSource
- Audio duration in millisecond.
- getDuration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.audio.AudioPlaybackController
- Returns total playback duration in milliseconds.
- getEditableAnnotationTypes() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Returns a list of annotation types that should be editable.
- getEditingContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormElement
- Returns the editing contents of this form element based on rules in the annotation (including JavaScript).
- getEditingOperation() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.EditingChange
- The operation type.
- getEdits() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.CompoundEdit
- Edits contained in this CompoundEdit.
- getEmbeddedFiles(boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFilesProvider
- Returns the list of embedded files in the document.
- getEmbeddedFilesAsync(boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFilesProvider
- Returns the list of embedded files in the document, async.
- getEmbeddedFilesProvider() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns EmbeddedFilesProvider object which handles embedded files contained in this document.
- getEmbeddedFileWithFileNameAsync(java.lang.String,boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFilesProvider
- Returns embedded file with file name if it exists, asynchronously.
- getEmbeddedFileWithIdAsync(java.lang.String,boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFilesProvider
- Returns embedded file with given identifier if it exists, asynchronously.
- getEmptyView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently instantiated view that is shown when no document is loaded.
- getEnabledAnnotationTools() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Returns a list of annotation tools that should be enabled.
- getEnabledCopyPasteFeatures() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- The enabled CopyPasteFeatures.
- getEnabledShareFeatures() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Indicates which supported share features are enabled in the UI.
- getEnableLtv() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignerOptions
- Whether or not to enable PAdES-B-LT which includes Long Term Validation information in the signature.
- getEnableStylusOnDetection() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Indicates whether we should automatically detect the stylus.
- getEnd() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionResponse
- getEndPosition() - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.Range
- Returns the ending index for this range.
- getEntries() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PageBinding
- Enum of the possible page bindings deciding how the document will be displayed.
- getEntries() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.WritableDataProvider.WriteMode
- Describes possible write modes for the output.
- getEntries() - function in com.pspdfkit.initialization.CrossPlatformTechnology
- Types of Hybrid/cross-platform technologies that can be used with the Android SDK.
- getEntries() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.BiometricSignatureData.InputMethod
- Types of input devices that for creating a signature.
- getEntries() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureType
- Enum defining the type of digital signatures.
- getEntries() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureAppearance.SignatureAppearanceMode
- Controls how the digital signature will appear after signing.
- getEntries() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.EditingOperation
- Specifies the kind of change done by the editing operation.
- getEntries() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AnnotationAddRemoveEdit.Type
- Possible types of AnnotationAddRemoveEdit objects.
- getEntries() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.DocumentErrorStates
- Enum class representing the possible error states of a document.
- getEntries() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.Issuer
- getErrorCode() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.exceptions.InstantException
- Gets error code for the source of this exception..
- getErrorColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfPasswordView
- Returns color used as primary one in case of incorrect password entry.
- getErrorStates() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.AiAssistantEvents.Error
- getEstimatedSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureMetadata
- The estimated size is part of the size that will be reserved in the PDF document before digitally signing it.
- getException() - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.Response.Error
- getExcludedAnnotationTypes() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Returns a list of annotation types that will be excluded from rendering.
- getExportValue() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.CheckBoxFormElement
- Gets the export value set for this CheckBoxFormElement.
- getExportValue() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.RadioButtonFormElement
- Gets the export value set for this RadioButtonFormElement.
- getExternalControlState() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.contentediting.ContentEditingNativeChangeEdit
- getFabBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.DocumentInfoColorScheme
- getFabIconColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.DocumentInfoColorScheme
- getFieldNames() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.AbstractFormAction
- Returns list of target form field names.
- getFile() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.FileAnnotation
- Returns a file set for this annotation.
- getFileData() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFile
- Reads whole file and returns its data.
- getFileDescription() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFile
- Returns file description.
- getFileDescription() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFileSource
- Returns file description.
- getFileName() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFile
- Returns name of the file.
- getFileName() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFileSource
- Returns name of the file.
- getFilePicker() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailGrid
- Returns a file picker to use during a saving process.
- getFileSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFile
- Returns file size.
- getFileSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFileSource
- Returns file size.
- getFileUri(android.content.Context,com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AssetAnnotation
- Extracts asset into a file and returns the file Uri.
- getFileUri() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.DocumentSource
- Returns a file Uri if this is an Uri source.
- getFileUri(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaUri
- Returns URI of the media file that will be played.
- getFillAlpha() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the fill alpha.
- getFillColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns a fill color associated with this object or
if no color is set. - getFillColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.RedactionAnnotation
- Returns a fill color associated with this redaction or
if no color is set. - getFillColor(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Retrieve last configured fill color from preferences.
- getFillColor(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Retrieve last configured fill color from preferences.
- getFillColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.contentediting.defaults.ContentEditingPreferencesManager
- getFillColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Gets fill color set to the annotation creation mode.
- getFilter() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- Returns name of the filter used for signing.
- getFilteredPages() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PageObjectProvider
- By overriding this method subclasses can define a set of page numbers for which drawables are available.
- getFilteredPages() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.drawable.PdfDrawableProvider
- By overriding this method subclasses can define a set of page numbers for which drawables are available.
- getFilteredPages() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.overlay.OverlayViewProvider
- By overriding this method subclasses can define a set of page numbers for which drawables are available.
- getFitMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Fit mode of the document (fit-to-screen is default).
- getFixedLowResRenderPixelCount() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Returns fixed low resolution render pixel count or
. - getFlags() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Annotation flags set.
- getFlags() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.SubmitFormAction
- A set of flags specifying various characteristics of this action.
- getFlattenedAnnotationReplies(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Gets all flattened replies (all replies included but no nesting) to a particular annotation.
- getFlattenedAnnotationRepliesAsync(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Gets all flattened replies (all replies included but no nesting) to a particular annotation asynchronously.
- getFloatingHintColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfPasswordView
- Returns the text color for the password view's floating hint.
- getFont(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured annotation font from preferences.
- getFont(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured annotation font from preferences.
- getFont() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Gets the font set to the annotation creation mode.
- getFontByName(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.fonts.FontManager
- Gets the font specified by the given name or
. - getFontFiles() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.fonts.Font
- Returns all the files associated with the given font family.
- getFontName() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Gets the font name for this annotation.
- getFontPaths() - function in com.pspdfkit.initialization.InitializationOptions
- getFontSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.WidgetAnnotation
- Returns the font size of this widget annotation in PDF points.
- getForceDefaults() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationConfiguration
- Indicates whether defaults defined by this configuration should be enforced.
- getFormattedContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormElement
- Returns the formatted contents of this form element based on rules in the annotation (including JavaScript)
- getFormEditingBarView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently instantiated FormEditingBar.
- getFormElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.WidgetAnnotation
- Returns a form element for widget annotation.
- getFormElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ActionSender
- The form element that triggered action execution.
- getFormElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.CheckBoxFormField
- Returns first form element.
- getFormElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ComboBoxFormField
- Returns first form element.
- getFormElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormField
- Returns first form element.
- getFormElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ListBoxFormField
- Returns first form element.
- getFormElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.PushButtonFormField
- Returns first form element.
- getFormElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.RadioButtonFormField
- Returns first form element.
- getFormElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormField
- Returns first form element.
- getFormElementAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.WidgetAnnotation
- Returns a form element for widget annotation, asynchronously.
- getFormElementForAnnotation(com.pspdfkit.annotations.WidgetAnnotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormProvider
- Finds a form element for widget annotation.
- getFormElementForAnnotationAsync(com.pspdfkit.annotations.WidgetAnnotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormProvider
- Finds a form element for widget annotation, asynchronously.
- getFormElements() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.CheckBoxFormField
- Retrieve list of form elements that represents this field visually.
- getFormElements() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ComboBoxFormField
- Retrieve list of form elements that represents this field visually.
- getFormElements() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.EditableButtonFormField
- Retrieve list of form elements that represents this field visually.
- getFormElements() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormField
- Retrieve list of form elements that represents this field visually.
- getFormElements() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormProvider
- Returns a list of all form elements in the document.
- getFormElements() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ListBoxFormField
- Retrieve list of form elements that represents this field visually.
- getFormElements() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.PushButtonFormField
- Retrieve list of form elements that represents this field visually.
- getFormElements() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.RadioButtonFormField
- Retrieve list of form elements that represents this field visually.
- getFormElements() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.SignatureFormField
- Retrieve list of form elements that represents this field visually.
- getFormElements() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormField
- Retrieve list of form elements that represents this field visually.
- getFormElementsAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormProvider
- Returns a list of all form elements in the document, asynchronously.
- getFormElementWithName(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormProvider
- Searches for a form element by name.
- getFormElementWithNameAsync(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormProvider
- Searches for a form element with a given name, asynchronously.
- getFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.CheckBoxFormElement
- Retrieve parent form field.
- getFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ChoiceFormElement
- Retrieve parent form field.
- getFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ComboBoxFormElement
- Retrieve parent form field.
- getFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormElement
- Retrieve parent form field.
- getFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ListBoxFormElement
- Retrieve parent form field.
- getFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.PushButtonFormElement
- Retrieve parent form field.
- getFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.RadioButtonFormElement
- Retrieve parent form field.
- getFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.SignatureFormElement
- Returns the parent SignatureFormField.
- getFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormElement
- Retrieve parent form field.
- getFormFields() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormProvider
- Returns a list of all form fields in the document.
- getFormFieldsAsync(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.AbstractFormAction
- Resolves target form fields that are affected by this action.
- getFormFieldsAsync(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.SubmitFormAction
- Resolves target form fields that should be submitted.
- getFormFieldsAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormProvider
- Returns the list of all form fields in the document, asynchronously.
- getFormFieldWithFullyQualifiedName(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormProvider
- Searches for a form field with fully qualified field name.
- getFormFieldWithFullyQualifiedNameAsync(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormProvider
- Searches for a form field with fully qualified field name, asynchronously.
- getFormListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentManager
- getFormManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.FormEditingController
- Returns the form manager which can be used to register form editing listeners.
- getFormProvider() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns FormProvider object which handles forms contained in this document.
- getForwardItem() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation.NavigationBackStack
- Returns the current top forward item, or null.
- getFragment() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.base.FragmentSpecialModeController
- Gets fragment on which the special mode is currently active.
- getFullyQualifiedName() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormElement
- Returns the fully qualified name for the form element.
- getFullyQualifiedName() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormField
- Returns the fully qualified name of the form field.
- getGroup() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the group string of the annotation.
- getGroupIconColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.DocumentInfoColorScheme
- getGroupPreset(int,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping.presets.AnnotationCreationToolbarGroupingRule
- Implementation of this method should return desired preset (structured list of menu items) based on the provided capacity (space left on the toolbar) and the amount of items that needs to be fitted.
- getGroupPreset(int,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping.presets.AnnotationEditingToolbarGroupingRule
- Implementation of this method should return desired preset (structured list of menu items) based on the provided capacity (space left on the toolbar) and the amount of items that needs to be fitted.
- getGroupPreset(int,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping.presets.DocumentEditingToolbarGroupingRule
- Implementation of this method should return desired preset (structured list of menu items) based on the provided capacity (space left on the toolbar) and the amount of items that needs to be fitted.
- getGroupPreset(int,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping.presets.PresetMenuItemGroupingRule
- Implementation of this method should return desired preset (structured list of menu items) based on the provided capacity (space left on the toolbar) and the amount of items that needs to be fitted.
- getGroupTitleTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.DocumentInfoColorScheme
- getGuideLineColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Guide line color.
- getGuideLineColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Guide line color.
- getGuideLineIncrease() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Defines size of the drawn guide line that will protrude outside of the selection rect (on each side).
- getGuideLineIncrease() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Defines size of the drawn guide line that will protrude outside of the selection rect (on each side).
- getGuideLineIntervals() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Defines guide line on/off intervals sizes.
- getGuideLineWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Guide line width in pixels.
- getGuideLineWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Guide line width in pixels.
- getHashAlgorithm() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureMetadata
- Returns the algorithm to hash the document before the signature is created.
- getHashAlgorithm() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- getHashForDocumentRange(int,java.util.List,com.pspdfkit.signatures.HashAlgorithm) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns the hash of a particular byte range of the document.
- getHashForDocumentRange(java.util.List,com.pspdfkit.signatures.HashAlgorithm) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns the hash of a particular byte range of the document.
- getHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.Destination
- getHeight() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.LinkRect
- getHideUserInterfaceWhenCreatingAnnotations() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- Returns whether user interface controls should be hidden when annotation creation toolbar is in vertical position (left/right).
- getHighlightBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewModular
- Returns the background color of the highlighted search result.
- getHighlightBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewModular
- Returns the border color of the highlighted search result.
- getHighlightedText() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.TextMarkupAnnotation
- Returns text highlighted by this annotation.
- getHighlightedTextBlocks() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.TextMarkupAnnotation
- Returns list of highlighted text blocks for this annotation.
- getHighlightTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewModular
- Returns the text color of the highlighted search result.
- getHintColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfPasswordView
- Returns input field hint color.
- getHintTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewInline
- Returns hint text color for the inline search text input field.
- getHref() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.Link
- getIcon() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.ShareTarget
- Returns icon of the target app.
- getIcon() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu.ActionMenuItem
- Returns Item's icon.
- getIcon() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem
- Gets the icon used for the menu item.
- getIconColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getIconColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem
- Gets the default color of the menu icon.
- getIconColorActivated() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem
- Gets the color for the icon when activated (if the item is selectable).
- getIconName() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.FileAnnotation
- Returns the name of the icon that should be displayed for this annotation.
- getIconName() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.NoteAnnotation
- Returns the name of the icon that should be displayed for this annotation.
- getIconName() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.SoundAnnotation
- Returns the name of the icon that should be displayed for this annotation.
- getIconResourceId() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfPasswordView
- Returns icon displayed above the input field.
- getIcons() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.SdkTheme
- getIcons() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiTheme
- getIconsColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.forms.FormEditingBar
- Returns color of the icons on this form editing bar.
- getId() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFile
- Returns identifier of this embedded file.
- getId() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature
- Signature id number used in signature database.
- getId() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.popup.PopupToolbarMenuItem
- Gets the menu item id.
- getIdentifierForAnnotation(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.annotations.InstantAnnotationProvider
- Returns the unique identifier used by Instant for the given annotation.
- getIdentifiers() - function in io.nutrient.domain.ai.AiAssistant
- The current document identifiers.
- getImageDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns the loaded image document, or
if this fragment does not hold an image document. - getImageDocumentSource() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.ImageDocument
- Returns the image document source which may be a DataProvider or a file Uri.
- getImplementation() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfActivity
- Gets the PdfUiImpl.
- getImplementation() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUi
- Simply gets the current PdfUiImpl
- getImplementation() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUiFragment
- Intended for internal usage only.
- getIndex() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionResponse
- getIndexedUIDs() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.PdfLibrary
- Returns list of UIDs of documents currently indexed.
- getIndexStatus() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.LibraryIndexStatus
- Returns current indexing status of a document in the document library.
- getIndexStatusForUID(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.PdfLibrary
- Returns indexing status for a document with passed UID.
- getInitialDocumentName() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration
- Default name displayed in the sharing dialog.
- getInkColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature
- Colour of the ink signature
- getInnerChatBackground() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getInnerChatTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getInput() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.Parameters
- getInputFieldBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewModular
- Returns modular search input field background color.
- getInputFieldHintColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewModular
- Returns modular search input field hint text color.
- getInputFieldTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewModular
- Returns modular search input field text color.
- getInputFormat() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormElement
- Input format of this text field.
- getInputFormatString() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormElement
- Input format string of this text field, if any.
- getInputMethod() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.BiometricSignatureData
- Returns input method that was used to create the signature.
- getInputMethod() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.signatures.SignatureUiData
- The device that was used to create the signature.
- getInReplyTo() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Retrieves the annotation this annotation replies to, or
it this annotation is not a reply or the license doesn't support replies feature. - getInReplyToAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Retrieves the annotation this annotation replies to asynchronously.
- getInspectorView(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspector
- Retrieve PropertyInspectorView at specified location.
- getInspectorViewCount() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspector
- Returns the number of PropertyInspectorViews inside inspector.
- getInstantClient() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.document.InstantPdfDocument
- Returns instant client managing this document.
- getInstantDocumentDescriptor() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.document.InstantPdfDocument
- Returns instant document handle for this document.
- getInstantDocumentDescriptorForJwt(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantClient
- Returns the document descriptor matching the data encoded in the given JWT.
- getInstantRecordGroup() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Gets instant record group of the annotation, or
if this annotation is detached. - getIntent() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.FreeTextAnnotation
- Returns type (also called intent) of the free text annotation.
- getInternal() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Gets APIs for restricted internal usage only.
- getInternal() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormField
- Returns the InternalFormFieldApi.
- getInternal() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantDocumentDescriptor
- Returns internal descriptor implementation.
- getInternal() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns the InternalPdfFragmentApi.
- getInverse() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation.NavigationBackStack.NavigationItem
- getIssuer() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionRequest
- getIssuerCn() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.X509CertificateData
- The issuer's CN (common name).
- getIssuerDn() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.X509CertificateData
- The issuer's DN (distinguished name).
- getItemCount() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfScrollableThumbnailBar
- getItemCount() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.ThumbnailAdapter
- getItemId() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu.ActionMenuItem
- Return the resource id for this menu item.
- getItemLabelBackground() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailGrid
- Returns the thumbnail grid background label background.
- getItemLabelTextStyle() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailGrid
- Returns the thumbnail grid item's label text style.
- getItemOffsets(android.graphics.Rect,com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspectorView,com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspector) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspector.ItemDecoration
- Retrieve offset for the given inspector view.
- getItemOffsets(android.graphics.Rect,com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspectorView,com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspector) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.PropertyInspectorDividerDecoration
- Retrieve offset for the given inspector view.
- getItemPosition(Object) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfOutlineView.OutlinePagerAdapter
- getItemTabButtonId(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfOutlineView.OutlinePagerAdapter
- Returns item tab button id.
- getItemTitleTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.DocumentInfoColorScheme
- getItemToAnnotationToolMapping() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.AnnotationCreationToolbar.ItemToAnnotationToolMapper
- Gets the sparse array mapping contextual toolbar menu item ids with the pair of annotation tool and its variant that it handles.
- getItemType() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu.ActionMenuItem
- Return type of the action menu item.
- getItemValueHintTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.DocumentInfoColorScheme
- getItemValueTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.DocumentInfoColorScheme
- getJavascript() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.RenditionAction
- Returns a text string containing a JavaScript script to be executed when the action is triggered.
- getJavaScriptProvider() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns JavaScriptProvider object which handles JavaScript execution for this document.
- getJob() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.DownloadProgressFragment
- Returns the set DownloadJob (if any).
- getJwt() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantDocumentDescriptor
- JWT used to authenticate access to the document.
- getJwt() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.AiAssistantConfiguration
- getKeyLength() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.PublicKey
- Returns the approximate length of the security parameter.
- getKeywords() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.metadata.DocumentPdfMetadata
- Returns document keywords.
- getLabel() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.ShareTarget
- Returns name of the target app displayed to the user in share dialog.
- getLabel() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormOption
- The label of the option.
- getLabel() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu.ActionMenuItem
- Returns Item's label.
- getLabelTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.SettingsColorScheme
- getLastAnnotationTools() - function in com.pspdfkit.preferences.PSPDFKitPreferences
- Gets the list of annotation tools as they were last used/selected.
- getLastToolbarPosition(com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbar,com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams.Position) - function in com.pspdfkit.preferences.PSPDFKitPreferences
- Gets the last position of the given toolbar.
- getLatestSignatureCreationDate() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DocumentSignatureInfo
- Returns latest signing date of all signatures in the document.
- getLayerName() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantDocumentDescriptor
- Name of the managed document layer.
- getLayerName() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.Document
- getLayout() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- the id for the layout used by the launched activity, defaults to R.layout.pspdf__pdf_activity
- getLayoutMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Layout mode of the document (PageLayoutMode.AUTO is default).
- getLayoutMode() - function in io.nutrient.ui.settings.SettingsOptions
- Continuous or paginated scrolling.
- getLayoutStyle() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfStaticThumbnailBar
- Gets layout style of this thumbnail bar.
- getLeft() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.Destination
- getLeft() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.LinkRect
- getLeftSelectedImage() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfStaticThumbnailBar
- getLength() - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.Range
- Returns length of this range.
- getLength() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.source.AssetDownloadSource
- Returns the total length of the download.
- getLength() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.source.ContentResolverDownloadSource
- Returns the total length of the download.
- getLength() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.source.DownloadSource
- Returns the total length of the download.
- getLength() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.source.URLDownloadSource
- Returns the total length of the download.
- getLicenseFeatures() - function in com.pspdfkit.Nutrient
- Gets all the LicenseFeature that are enabled with the current license.
- getLicenseKey() - function in com.pspdfkit.initialization.InitializationOptions
- getLineAnnotation() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleCalibrationPickerInspectorView
- getLineColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ComparisonDocument
- Returns the color used for tinting strokes of the document when performing comparison.
- getLineEnd() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.FreeTextAnnotation
- The line end for the call out line.
- getLineEnds() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.LineAnnotation
- Returns current line ending styles for this line.
- getLineEnds() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.PolylineAnnotation
- Returns current line ending styles for this polyline.
- getLineEnds(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured annotation line ends types from preferences.
- getLineEnds(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured annotation line ends types from preferences.
- getLineEnds() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Returns current line ending styles for drawn lines.
- getLines() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.InkAnnotation
- Returns list of lines of this Ink annotation represents.
- getLines() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature
- List of ink lines in pdf points.
- getLineSpacing(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.contentediting.ContentEditingTextBlockLineSpacingEdit
- getLineStyle() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.BaseLineAnnotation
- Returns currently set line drawing style.
- getLineWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.BaseLineAnnotation
- Gets line width/thickness.
- getLineWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.InkAnnotation
- Gets ink line width/thickness.
- getLineWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature
- Signature line width in pdf points.
- getLinkAnnotationBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Background color drawn on top of a link annotation.
- getLinkAnnotationBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Background color drawn on top of a link annotation.
- getLinkAnnotationBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Border color for link annotations.
- getLinkAnnotationBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Border color for link annotations.
- getLinkAnnotationHighlightBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Background color drawn on top of highlighted (i.e.
- getLinkAnnotationHighlightBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Background color drawn on top of highlighted (i.e.
- getLinkAnnotationHighlightBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Border color of highlighted (i.e.
- getLinkAnnotationHighlightBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Border color of highlighted (i.e.
- getLinks() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionResponse
- getListedAnnotationTypes() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- Returns a set of annotation types to be displayed in the annotation list.
- getListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.BaseDocumentPrintDialog
- Returns the com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentPrintDialog.PrintDialogListener to call once the dialog is ready to perform the share action.
- getListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.BaseDocumentSharingDialog
- Returns the com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentSharingDialog.SharingDialogListener to call once the dialog is ready to perform the share action.
- getListItemBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewModular
- Returns the background color of the list items.
- getListItemBackgroundColor(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewModular
- Sets the background color of the list items.
- getListItemSubtitleColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewModular
- Returns the text color of the list item subtitle.
- getListItemTitleColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewModular
- Returns the title color of the list items.
- getListSelector() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewModular
- Returns the list item selector.
- getLoadingProgressDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Returns drawable resource for the throbber displayed while loading the document.
- getLocalDocumentDescriptors() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantClient
- Returns document descriptors for locally cached documents.
- getLocalizedDescription(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult.CertificateStatus
- Returns localized description for the certificate status issues.
- getLocalizedDescription(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult.DocumentIntegrityStatus
- Returns localized description for the document integrity status issue.
- getLocalizedDescription(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult.ValidationProblem
- getLocalizedQuantityString(android.content.Context,int,java.util.Locale,android.view.View,int,kotlin.Array) - function in com.pspdfkit.listeners.DefaultLocalizationListener
- Called when a quantity (pluralizable) string needs to be localized and has to return a localized string.
- getLocalizedQuantityString(android.content.Context,int,java.util.Locale,android.view.View,int,kotlin.Array) - function in com.pspdfkit.listeners.LocalizationListener
- Called when a quantity (pluralizable) string needs to be localized and has to return a localized string.
- getLocalizedString(android.content.Context,int,java.util.Locale,android.view.View) - function in com.pspdfkit.listeners.DefaultLocalizationListener
- Called when a string needs to be localized and has to return a localized string.
- getLocalizedString(android.content.Context,int,java.util.Locale,android.view.View,kotlin.Array) - function in com.pspdfkit.listeners.DefaultLocalizationListener
- Called when a string needs to be localized and has to return a localized string.
- getLocalizedString(android.content.Context,int,java.util.Locale,android.view.View) - function in com.pspdfkit.listeners.LocalizationListener
- Called when a string needs to be localized and has to return a localized string.
- getLocalizedString(android.content.Context,int,java.util.Locale,android.view.View,kotlin.Array) - function in com.pspdfkit.listeners.LocalizationListener
- Called when a string needs to be localized and has to return a localized string.
- getLocation() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- Returns location for signing if the signer attached it.
- getLocation() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureMetadata
- The place where the document was signed.
- getLoggers() - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.PdfLog
- Returns loggers that are currently registered.
- getLong() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfValue
- Gets the stored Long value or 0 if the value isn't an integer.
- getMainPageCreateTextBlockButton() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- create-textblock button for the main page
- getMainToolbar() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiColorScheme
- getMainToolbarColors(androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color) - function in io.nutrient.ui.theme.ThemeWrapperKt
- Below are all the default values from MaterialTheme for compose elements.
- getMajorVersion() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfVersion
- Gets major version number of this PDF version.
- getMappingName() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormField
- (Optional; PDF 1.3) The mapping name that shall be used when exporting interactive form field data from the document.
- getMarkupRectangles() - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.TextSelectionRectangles
- getMatrix() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PageCanvas
- Returns a custom transformation matrix for the content.
- getMatrix() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PagePdf
- Returns a custom transformation matrix for PDF content.
- getMaxAlpha() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationAlphaConfiguration
- Maximal annotation alpha.
- getMaxEncryptionKeyLength() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfVersion
- Returns the maximum length for the encryption key for this version.
- getMaximumHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspector
- Returns maximum height of the view in the bottom sheet.
- getMaximumHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorDetailView
- Called to get the maximum height the detail view will be.
- getMaximumHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorView.ColorPickerDetailView
- Called to get the maximum height the detail view will be.
- getMaximumHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.CustomColorPickerInspectorDetailView
- Called to get the maximum height the detail view will be.
- getMaximumPreviewResultsPerDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryOptions
- Returns maximum number of preview results in each document.
- getMaximumPreviewResultsTotal() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryOptions
- Returns maximum number of preview results for the search query.
- getMaximumSearchResultsPerDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryOptions
- Returns maximum number of results in each document.
- getMaximumSearchResultsTotal() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryOptions
- Returns maximum number of results for the search query.
- getMaximumValue() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.editor.UnitSelectionEditText
- Returns maximum value of the unit.
- getMaxLength() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormConfiguration
- Maximum length of text allowed in the text field.
- getMaxLength() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormElement
- Maximum length of text allowed in the text field.
- getMaxSearchResults() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.search.SearchConfiguration
- Maximum search results.
- getMaxTextSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationTextSizeConfiguration
- Maximal annotation text size.
- getMaxThickness() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationThicknessConfiguration
- Maximal annotation thickness.
- getMaxZoomScale() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Maximum zoom scale in the document.
- getMayContainDocumentInfoView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfDocumentInfoView
- getMayContainDocumentInfoView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfOutlineView
- getMeasurementInfo() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns MeasurementInfo when the annotation is a measurement annotation (see isMeasurement,
if not. - getMeasurementPrecision() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.ShapeAnnotation
- Returns the MeasurementPrecision of this shape annotation if this is a measurement,
if not. - getMeasurementScale() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.ShapeAnnotation
- Returns the Scale of this shape annotation if this is a measurement,
if not. - getMeasurementScaleView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently instantiated MeasurementScaleView.
- getMeasurementValueConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Gets the MeasurementValueConfiguration for measurement annotations.
- getMeasurementValueConfigurationEditor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Get an editor object that allows you to add/delete/modify measurement scales MeasurementValueConfiguration
- getMediaOptions() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.MediaAnnotation
- Media options flags set.
- getMemoryCacheSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Size of the memory cache (defaults to 1/4 of the available heap size).
- getMenuBar() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarSubMenu
- Returns menu bar with ContextualToolbarMenuItems show in this submenu.
- getMenuItems() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PopupToolbar
- Gets menu items currently displayed in this popup toolbar.
- getMenuItems() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu.ActionMenu
- Retrieve list of action menu items.
- getMenuItems() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbar
- Gets the list of originally set menu items.
- getMenuItems() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuBar
- Returns a copy of currently set menu items.
- getMessage() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.AiAssistantError
- getMessage() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.AiAssistantEvents.Error
- getMessage() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.DocumentErrorStates
- getMessage() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.RestApiError
- getMetadata() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.metadata.DocumentPdfMetadata
- Returns full metadata of the document.
- getMetadata() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignerOptions
- DigitalSignatureMetadata that contains additional metadata to add to the signature.
- getMetaData(android.content.pm.PackageManager,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.PackageManagerExtensions
- Retrieves meta-data information about an application package that is installed on the system using appropriate API for Android Tiramisu and upwards.
- getMetadataForUID(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.PdfLibrary
- Returns metadata appended to document with enqueueDocumentsWithMetadata call.
- getMinAlpha() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationAlphaConfiguration
- Minimal annotation alpha.
- getMineChatBackground() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getMineChatTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getMinimumHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspector
- getMinimumHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorDetailView
- getMinimumHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.CustomColorPickerInspectorDetailView
- getMinimumSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the minimum size of the annotation.
- getMinimumSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.BaseLineAnnotation
- Returns the minimum size of the annotation.
- getMinimumSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.FreeTextAnnotation
- Returns the minimum size of the annotation.
- getMinimumSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.ShapeAnnotation
- Returns the minimum size of the annotation.
- getMinimumSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.StampAnnotation
- Returns the minimum size of the annotation.
- getMinimumValue() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.editor.UnitSelectionEditText
- Returns minimum value of the unit.
- getMinimumVersion() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.BuildData
- Minimum version of the software that is required to process the signature.
- getMinorVersion() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfVersion
- Gets minor version number of this PDF version.
- getMinTextSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationTextSizeConfiguration
- Minimal annotation text size.
- getMinThickness() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationThicknessConfiguration
- Minimal annotation thickness.
- getModificationDate() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.files.EmbeddedFile
- Returns file modification date.
- getModificationDate() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.metadata.DocumentPdfMetadata
- Returns the date of when the document was last modified (if any).
- getModifiedConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.MeasurementValueConfigurationEdit.Modify
- getModifiedDate() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the date when this annotation was last modified.
- getName() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the content of Title/Name field of this annotation.
- getName() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfiguration
- getName() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.PredefinedStampType
- Returns name of the predefined stamp type.
- getName() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampType
- The name of this stamp type.
- getName() - function in com.pspdfkit.bookmarks.Bookmark
- Returns a human-readable description of this bookmark.
- getName() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormElement
- Returns the name for the form element.
- getName() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormField
- Name of the form field.
- getName() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- Returns name of the signer of this signature.
- getName() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.BuildData
- Name of the software module that was used to create the digital signature.
- getName() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.fonts.Font
- Returns the name of the font family.
- getName() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant
- Gets the name of this annotation tool variant, or
if this is the default one. - getName() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant.Preset
- Gets the name that this preset's variant will use.
- getNamedActionType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.NamedAction
- Type of this action.
- getNameForDisplay(boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfiguration
- getNativeNewPageConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.NewPage
- Returns native NewPageConfiguration object.
- getNavigateBackButton() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns the currently instantiate navigate back button.
- getNavigateForwardButton() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns the currently instantiate navigate forward button.
- getNavigationHistory() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns the navigation history owned by this manager.
- getNavigationHistory() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation.PageNavigator
- Returns the navigation history owned by this manager.
- getNavigationTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewInline
- Returns the text color for the navigation text (that states the current displayed result).
- getNewValue() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AnnotationPropertyEdit
- New value of the property, or
if that was set afterwards. - getNewZIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AnnotationZIndexEdit
- New annotation z-index
- getNextElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormElement
- Returns next form element in tab order.
- getNextElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormElementConfiguration
- Gets next FormElement in form tab order, may be
- getNextIcon() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.forms.FormEditingBar
- Return resource id of the icon marking navigation to the next form.
- getNextIcon() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewInline
- Returns next search result button icon.
- getNextIconColorTint() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewInline
- Returns the icon color for the next search result icon.
- getNormalizedToRawTransformation(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.projection.PdfProjection
- Returns a transformation matrix for converting normalized page coordinates (for the given
) to raw page coordinates. - getNoteAnnotationIcon(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured annotation icon from preferences.
- getNoteAnnotationIcon(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured annotation icon from preferences.
- getObjectNumber() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- The object number of this annotation inside the PDF document file.
- getObjectNumber() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AnnotationEdit
- Object number of the edited annotation, or {@value Annotation#OBJECT_NUMBER_NOT_SET} if not set.
- getOldValue() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AnnotationPropertyEdit
- Old value of the property, or
if no value was previously set. - getOldZIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AnnotationZIndexEdit
- Old annotation z-index.
- getOnAnnotationDeselected() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.AnnotationListener
- getOnAnnotationSelected() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.AnnotationListener
- getOnAnnotationSelectionFinished() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.AnnotationListener
- getOnDocumentClick() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentListener
- getOnDocumentLoaded() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentListener
- getOnDocumentLoadFailed() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentListener
- getOnDocumentSave() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentListener
- getOnDocumentSaveCancelled() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentListener
- getOnDocumentSaved() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentListener
- getOnDocumentSaveFailed() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentListener
- getOnDocumentScroll() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.UiListener
- getOnDocumentZoomed() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentListener
- getOnImmersiveModeEnabled() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.UiListener
- getOnPageChanged() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentListener
- getOnPageClick() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentListener
- getOnPageUpdated() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentListener
- getOnPrepareAnnotationSelection() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.AnnotationListener
- getOpacity() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.note.NoteHinterDrawable
- getOperatingSystem() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.BuildData
- Operation system that was used while generating the digital signature.
- getOptions() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ChoiceFormElement
- Retrieve the list of options that should be presented to the user.
- getOptions() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ComboBoxFormConfiguration
- Gets the list of options for the given choices of the form element.
- getOptions() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ListBoxFormConfiguration
- Gets the list of options for the given choices of the form element.
- getOptions() - function in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaUri
- Options inside the [] brackets in
link. - getOrDefault(T) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.Response
- getOrNull() - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.Response
- getOutline() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns list of top-level (outline / table-of-contents) bookmarks.
- getOutlineAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns list of top-level (outline / table-of-contents) bookmarks, asynchronously.
- getOutlineColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.RedactionAnnotation
- Returns the color used for the redaction's border in its preview state.
- getOutlineColor(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Retrieve last configured outline color from preferences.
- getOutlineColor(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Retrieve last configured outline color from preferences.
- getOutlineColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Gets outline color set to the annotation creation mode.
- getOutlineElements() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfOutlineView.DocumentOutlineProvider
- Returns list of outline elements, asynchronously.
- getOutlineElementState() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Indicates whether the outline elements expanded or collapsed.
- getOutlineView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently instantiated PdfOutlineView.
- getOutputDataProvider() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignerOptions
- Destination where the signed document will be written.
- getOutputFile() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.DownloadJob
- Returns the output file as defined by the started DownloadRequest.
- getOverlaidAnnotations() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Gets annotations that should be rendered as overlays.
- getOverlaidAnnotationTypes() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Gets annotation types that should be rendered as overlays.
- getOverlappingSignature() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.SignatureFormElement
- Searches the document for an ink or stamp signature that overlaps this form element.
- getOverlappingSignatureAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.SignatureFormElement
- Searches the document for an ink or stamp signature that overlaps this form element, asynchronously.
- getOverlappingSignatures() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.SignatureFormElement
- Searches the document for ink or stamp signatures that overlaps this form element.
- getOverlayRenderStrategy(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.rendering.AnnotationOverlayRenderStrategy
- Returns overlay render strategy that should be used for rendering specific annotation.
- getOverlayText() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.RedactionAnnotation
- Returns the text that should be displayed at the specified
when a redaction has been applied. - getOverlayText(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured overlay text from preferences.
- getOverlayText(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured overlay text from preferences.
- getOverlayText() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Gets the overlay text set to the annotation creation mode.
- getPackageName() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.ShareTarget
- Returns share target package name.
- getPadesSignatureLevel() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- getPage() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- Returns the 0-indexed page number at which the document will be initially displayed.
- getPageBinding() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns the current document's PageBinding.
- getPageBox(int,com.pspdfkit.document.PdfBox) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns rectangle describing one of the PDF page boxes.
- getPageCount() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns number of pages in this document.
- getPageCount() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.PdfDocumentEditor
- Returns the page count of the edited document.
- getPageCount() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Gets number of pages in the document.
- getPageCount() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation.PageNavigator
- Gets number of pages in the document.
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- The page number to which this annotation belongs.
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ActionSender
- The page index of this action sender.
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToAction
- Page this action points to.
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToEmbeddedAction
- Page index in the target document to skip to once the action is executed.
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToRemoteAction
- Page this action points to.
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.bookmarks.Bookmark
- Returns page index of the page this bookmark can point to.
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.Destination
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryPreviewResult
- Returns page index of the page this preview result belongs to.
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ComparisonDocument
- Returns the index of the page to use for comparison within the document.
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PagePdf
- Returns the index of this page in the source document.
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Gets currently displayed document page.
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUi
- Returns current page index set on the document.
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation.PageNavigator
- Gets currently displayed document page.
- getPageIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.PageEdit
- Index of the page the edit operation happened
- getPageIndex() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.DocumentLinkResponse
- getPageIndexDestination() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.EditingChange
- Gets the page index destination if it was a move change.
- getPageIndexForPageLabel(java.lang.String,boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Gets the page index for the given page label.
- getPageLabel() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.OutlineElement
- Page label of target page if one exists and Action in getAction is a go to page action.
- getPageLabel(int,boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Gets the page label.
- getPageNumberOverlayView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently instantiated page number view.
- getPagePadding() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- The padding between pages (defaults to 16dp).
- getPageRect() - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.PageRect
- Returns the rect representing the position of the object on screen.
- getPageReferenceSourceIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.EditingChange
- If it was a reference insertion change, the index origin of the page reference.
- getPageRotation(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns a page rotation in degrees.
- getPageSize(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns a page size in PDF points.
- getPagesProcessed() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessor.ProcessorProgress
- Returns the number of pages processed up to this point.
- getPagesToRemove(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.SharingOptions
- Retrieve set of pages that need to be removed by PdfProcessor before sharing.
- getPagesWithViews() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.overlay.OverlayViewProvider
- By overriding this method subclasses can define a set of page numbers for which views are available.
- getPageText(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns text content of the document page.
- getPageText(int,android.graphics.RectF) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns text content inside given page rectangle.
- getPageText(int,int,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns text content between two character indexes.
- getPageTextLength(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Gets number of characters in text on the page.
- getPageTextRects(int,int,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns the rects of the range of characters on a page.
- getPageTextRects(int,int,int,boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns the rects of the range of characters on a page.
- getPageTitle(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfOutlineView.OutlinePagerAdapter
- getPageToViewTransformation(int,android.graphics.Matrix) - function in com.pspdfkit.projection.ViewProjection
- Returns a Matrix for transforming PDF coordinates to view coordinates.
- getParameters() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionRequest
- getParameters() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.Suggestion
- getParentMenuId(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbar
- getParsedUri() - function in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaUri
- Creates Uri object from the getUri.
- getPassword() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.DocumentSaveOptions
- Returns the password that'll be set on the document if these options are used.
- getPassword() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.DocumentSource
- Returns password for unlocking currently pointed to file.
- getPassword() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.timestamp.TimestampData
- password can be optional depending upon the timestamp authority url provided
- getPassword() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfPasswordView
- Returns currently entered password.
- getPasswordView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns currently set password view for the fragment.
- getPath() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.LaunchAction
- Path to the application that shall be launched or the document that shall be opened or printed.
- getPdfActivityViews() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentConnection
- getPdfFragment() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.ui.InstantPdfActivity
- Returns the PdfFragment that is used to show the document.
- getPdfFragment() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUi
- Returns the PdfFragment that is used to show the document.
- getPdfMetadata() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns metadata (title, author, creation date, ...) of this document, stored in the PDF document dictionary.
- getPdfPath() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToEmbeddedAction
- Relative path to the embedded PDF document.
- getPdfPath() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToRemoteAction
- Relative path to the PDF document this action points to.
- getPdfProjection() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns auxiliary projection class for mapping coordinate space between raw and normalized Pdf.
- getPdfUi() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentConnection
- getPdfVersion() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.DocumentSaveOptions
- Returns the PDF version of the document that'll be saved using these options.
- getPdfVersion() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns current PDF version of the document.
- getPermanentId() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Unique Document Identifier used for AiAssistant.
- getPermanentId() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.DocumentIdentifiers
- getPermanentId() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.IngestionResponse
- getPermissions() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.DocumentSaveOptions
- Returns the permissions that'll be set on the document if saved using these options.
- getPermissions() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns set of currently applied permission flags on this document.
- getPoints() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.LineAnnotation
- Returns starting and ending point of this line in PDF coordinates.
- getPoints() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.PolygonAnnotation
- Returns polygon points in PDF coordinates.
- getPoints() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.PolylineAnnotation
- Returns polyline points in PDF coordinates.
- getPointSequences() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.signatures.SignatureUiData
- Point sequences that are in this draw view.
- getPopup() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.MainToolbarColors
- getPosition() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PageCanvas
- Returns the alignment of drawn content on the target page.
- getPosition() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PageImage
- Returns the page image position on the page.
- getPosition() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PagePdf
- Returns the alignment of this page contents on the target page.
- getPosition() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbar
- Gets position of the toolbar.
- getPosition() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem
- Gets the position of menu item in the toolbar.
- getPositionOfItemWithTabButtonId(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfOutlineView.OutlinePagerAdapter
- Returns the position of item with given tab button id.
- getPositionRect() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PageImage
- Returns the position of the page image on the page.
- getPositiveButtonText() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration
- The text to display in the positive button of the sharing dialog.
- getPrecision() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementInfo
- getPrecision() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfiguration
- getPrecision() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.ScaleAndPrecision
- getPrecision() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.SecondaryMeasurementUnit
- getPressureList() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.signatures.SignatureUiData
- A list of floating point values.
- getPressurePoints() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.BiometricSignatureData
- Returns pressure points that were collected during signature creation.
- getPrevIcon() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.forms.FormEditingBar
- Return resource id of the icon marking navigation to the previous form.
- getPrevIcon() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewInline
- Returns previous search result button icon.
- getPrevIconColorTint() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewInline
- Returns the icon color for the previous search result icon.
- getPreviewRange() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryOptions
- Returns length of text preview snippet.
- getPreviewText() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryPreviewResult
- Returns the preview text of the found text result.
- getPreviousElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormElement
- Returns previous form element in tab order.
- getPreviousElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormElementConfiguration
- Gets previous FormElement in form tab order, may be
- getPrivateKey() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignerOptions
- Alternatively a private key used by java.security.Signature to sign documents
- getPrivateKeyEntry() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignerOptions
- Private key entry containing certificates (usually created by p12 file) used by java.security.Signature to sign documents
- getPrivateKeyEntryFromP12Stream(java.io.InputStream,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.KeyFileHelpersKt
- Convenience method to load a certificate/private key pair from a PKCS#12 file (usually with .p12 extension).
- getPrivateKeyFromPemFile(java.io.InputStream) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.KeyFileHelpersKt
- Takes an input stream containing a PEM encoded private key and returns a PrivateKey instance.
- getProblems() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- Returns of list of problems when validation status is either WARNING or ERROR.
- getProcessorTask(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.SharingOptions
- Converts sharing options to PdfProcessorTask usable for processing document via PdfProcessor.
- getProducer() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.metadata.DocumentPdfMetadata
- Returns software library used to create the document.
- getProgress() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.DownloadJob
- Returns an Observable that emits Progress events of the download.
- getProgress() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.LibraryIndexStatus
- Returns current indexing progress of a document in the document library (if currently indexing).
- getProperties() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AnnotationAddRemoveEdit
- For internal use only!
- getPropertyInspectorCoordinator() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUi
- Returns property inspector coordinator layout.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorDetailView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ContentEditingFontSizesPickerView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ContentEditingLineSpacingPickerView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.CustomColorPickerInspectorDetailView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.EraserPreviewInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.FontPickerInspectorDetailView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.FontPickerInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.FreeTextAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.InkAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.MeasurementValueInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.OptionPickerInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.PrecisionPickerInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.RedactionAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleCalibrationPickerInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleNameInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScalePickerInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleSelectPickerInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ShapeAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.SliderPickerInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.SwitchInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.TextInputInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.TogglePickerInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.UnitsPickerInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMaxHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ZIndexInspectorView
- Returns maximum height that this view with all its detail views will occupy.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorDetailView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ContentEditingFontSizesPickerView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ContentEditingLineSpacingPickerView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.CustomColorPickerInspectorDetailView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.EraserPreviewInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.FontPickerInspectorDetailView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.FontPickerInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.FreeTextAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.InkAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.MeasurementValueInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.OptionPickerInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.PrecisionPickerInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.RedactionAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleCalibrationPickerInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleNameInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScalePickerInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleSelectPickerInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ShapeAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.SliderPickerInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.SwitchInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.TextInputInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.TogglePickerInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.UnitsPickerInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyInspectorMinHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ZIndexInspectorView
- Height of the parent PropertyInspector that this view would like it to have.
- getPropertyKey() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AnnotationPropertyEdit
- Key of the property that was edited.
- getPSPDFKitViews() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUi
- Returns object with inflated PSPDFKit views.
- getPSPDFViewType() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews.PSPDFView
- Returns the current type of this view.
- getPSPDFViewType() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfDocumentInfoView
- Returns the current type of this view.
- getPSPDFViewType() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfOutlineView
- Returns the current type of this view.
- getPSPDFViewType() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfReaderView
- Returns the current type of this view.
- getPSPDFViewType() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailBar
- Returns the current type of this view.
- getPSPDFViewType() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailGrid
- Returns the current type of this view.
- getPSPDFViewType() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewLazy
- Returns the current type of this view.
- getPSPDFViewType() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfScrollableThumbnailBar
- Returns the current type of this view.
- getPSPDFViewType() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfStaticThumbnailBar
- Returns the current type of this view.
- getPublicKey() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.X509CertificateData
- Certificate's public key.
- getPublicKeyScheme() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.PublicKey
- Returns the underlying public key scheme.
- getQueuedUIDs() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.PdfLibrary
- Returns list of UIDs of documents queued for indexing.
- getRadioGroup() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.RadioButtonFormElement
- Gets all radio buttons in the radio buttons group.
- getRange() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryPreviewResult
- Returns the range of this result in the document text.
- getRangeInPreviewText() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryPreviewResult
- Returns the range of the result in the preview text.
- getRawToNormalizedTransformation(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.projection.PdfProjection
- Returns a transformation matrix for converting raw page coordinates (for the given
) to normalized page coordinates. - getReaderView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently instantiated PdfReaderView.
- getReason() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- Returns reason for signing if the signer attached it.
- getReason() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureMetadata
- The reason why the document was signed.
- getRecentlyUsedColors() - function in com.pspdfkit.preferences.PSPDFKitPreferences
- Gets the recently used colors.
- getRecordedListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- getRecordingSampleRate() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.SoundAnnotationConfiguration
- Audio recording sample rate.
- getRecordingTimeLimit() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.audio.AudioRecordingController
- Returns maximum recording time in milliseconds.
- getRectangles() - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.TextSelectionRectangles
- getRects() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.BaseRectsAnnotation
- Returns list of all rectangles that represent this markup annotation in PDF coordinates.
- getRects() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.DocumentLinkResponse
- getRedactionButtonWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.redaction.RedactionView
- Returns the width in pixels of the redaction button.
- getRedactionView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently instantiated RedactionView.
- getReferences() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- getRenditionActionType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.RenditionAction
- Type of rendition action to be performed on the specified screen annotation (if any).
- getRepeatOverlayText(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured repeat overlay text setting from preferences.
- getRepeatOverlayText(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured repeat overlay text setting from preferences.
- getRepeatOverlayText() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Returns whether the overlay text should be repeated or not.
- getRepliesCount() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.note.NoteHinterDrawable
- Delivers the amount of note replies for the associated annotation.
- getRequest() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.AiAssistantError
- getRequestCode() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.image.GalleryImagePickerFragment
- Gets request code to be given to the intent when starting image picker activity for result.
- getRequestId() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionRequest
- getRequestId() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionResponse
- getRequestId() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.InitializationRequest
- getResizeGuideSnapAllowance() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Defines aggressiveness of snapping to guide lines.
- getResponseState() - function in io.nutrient.domain.ai.AiAssistant
- The current response state.
- getRetryButtonBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getRetryEnabled() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.AiAssistantEvents.Error
- getReuseExistingSignatureAppearanceStream() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureAppearance
- Controls whether or not an existing appearance stream for the signature should be used.
- getReviewHistory(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Gets the review history of an annotation.
- getReviewHistoryAsync(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Gets the review history of an annotation asynchronously.
- getReviewNames() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.note.AnnotationReviewSummary
- Get's the map between the set state and a list of authors whose last set status is that one.
- getReviewSummary(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Gets a summary information about the given annotation's review state.
- getReviewSummaryAsync(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Gets a summary information about the given annotation's review state asynchronously.
- getRevision() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.BuildData
- The software module revision number.
- getRevisionText() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.BuildData
- String representation of the software module revision number.
- getRichMediaAnnotationAsync(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.RichMediaExecuteAction
- Returns rich media annotation associated with this action, asynchronously.
- getRichMediaAnnotationObjectNumber() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.RichMediaExecuteAction
- Returns the object number of the referenced rich media annotation (if any).
- getRichMediaExecuteActionType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.RichMediaExecuteAction
- Type of action to be performed on the specified rich media annotation.
- getRichText() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns rich text contents of the annotation.
- getRichText() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormConfiguration
- getRichText() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormElement
- Current rich text value.
- getRotatedPageSize(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.PdfDocumentEditor
- Returns page size of a given page already rotated.
- getRotation() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.FreeTextAnnotation
- Returns the clockwise rotation of this free text annotation in degrees.
- getRotation() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.StampAnnotation
- Returns the clockwise rotation of this stamp in degrees.
- getRotation() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PageImage
- Returns currently set rotation for this image.
- getRotationHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Scale handle drawable of the annotation selection layout for the rotation.
- getRotationHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Scale handle drawable of the annotation selection layout for the rotation.
- getRotationOffset(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns the rotation offset applied to this page in degrees.
- getSampleRate() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.SoundAnnotation
- The number of audio samples for each channel per second.
- getSampleRate() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.sound.EmbeddedAudioSource
- The sampling rate, in samples per second.
- getSampleSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.SoundAnnotation
- The number of bits per sample value per channel.
- getSampleSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.sound.EmbeddedAudioSource
- The number of bits per sample value per channel.
- getSaveReverseText() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.PdfLibrary
- Indicates whether saving the reverse text is enabled.
- getScale() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementInfo
- getScale() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfiguration
- getScale() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.ScaleAndPrecision
- getScreenAnnotationAsync(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.RenditionAction
- Returns screen annotation associated with this rendition action, asynchronously.
- getScreenAnnotationObjectNumber() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.RenditionAction
- Returns the object number of the referenced screen annotation (if any).
- getScreenRect() - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.PageRect
- Returns the rect representing the current draw position of the object on the screen transformed with current page scroll, zoom or other transformations.
- getScreenTimeout() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUi
- Gets screen timeout in milliseconds that has been added to the predefined system timeout, TIMEOUT_DEFAULT or TIMEOUT_INFINITE.
- getScreenTimeoutMillis() - function in io.nutrient.ui.settings.SettingsOptions
- Specifies the duration that needs to pass without user interaction until the screen is turned off.
- getScript() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.JavaScriptAction
- Returns JavaScript code to be executed.
- getScrollDirection() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Scroll direction of the document (horizontal is default).
- getScrollDirection() - function in io.nutrient.ui.settings.SettingsOptions
- Set page scroll direction.
- getScrollMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Scroll mode of the document (per-page is default).
- getScrollMode() - function in io.nutrient.ui.settings.SettingsOptions
- Continuous or paginated scrolling.
- getScrollOnEdgeTapEnabled() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Indicates whether tapping on the page edge causes the page to scroll.
- getScrollOnEdgeTapMargin() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- The margin in DP in which taps on the page edge trigger page navigation.
- getSearchConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- Returns the search configuration applied to the search views.
- getSearchConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchView
- Config options for search
- getSearchConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewLazy
- Config options for search
- getSearchResultAnimationPadding() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.SearchResultHighlighter
- Returns padding of the highlighted search result used when pop-out animating the currently selected search result.
- getSearchResultAnnotationPadding() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.SearchResultHighlighter
- Returns padding of the highlighted search result used when highlighting annotations.
- getSearchResultBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.SearchResultHighlighter
- Returns color of the highlighted search result.
- getSearchResultBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.SearchResultHighlighter
- Returns border color of the highlighted search result.
- getSearchResultBorderWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.SearchResultHighlighter
- Returns border width of the highlighted search result.
- getSearchResultCornerRadiusToHeightRatio() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.SearchResultHighlighter
- Returns ratio between corner radius of the search result rectangle and its height.
- getSearchResultMaxCornerRadius() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.SearchResultHighlighter
- Returns maximal corner radius of the highlighted search result.
- getSearchResultMinCornerRadius() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.SearchResultHighlighter
- Returns minimal corner radius of the highlighted search result.
- getSearchResultPadding() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.SearchResultHighlighter
- Returns padding of the the highlighted search result used when highlighting document text.
- getSearchType() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- Returns the search type set on the activity.
- getSearchView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently instantiated PdfSearchView.
- getSearchView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewLazy
- Returns the active search view (if initialized).
- getSecondaryMeasurementUnit() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Gets the secondary unit value from the document
- getSecondPageCreateTextBlockButton() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- create-textblock button for the second page (in double page mode)
- getSelectedAnnotationFontScalingOnResizeEnabled() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Indicates whether the font scaling when resizing Freetext annotations with the bottom right handle is enabled.
- getSelectedAnnotationResizeEnabled() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Indicates whether the selected annotation resizing is enabled or not.
- getSelectedAnnotationResizeGuidesEnabled() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Indicates whether the annotation selection resize guide lines are enabled or not.
- getSelectedAnnotations() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns a list of currently selected annotations, or an empty list if no annotations were selected.
- getSelectedButtons() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.CheckBoxFormField
- Gets a list of form elements that are currently selected.
- getSelectedButtons() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.EditableButtonFormField
- Gets a list of form elements that are currently selected.
- getSelectedButtons() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.RadioButtonFormField
- Gets a list of form elements that are currently selected.
- getSelectedColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.SettingsColorScheme
- getSelectedFormElement() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns currently selected form element.
- getSelectedIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ComboBoxFormConfiguration
- Gets the index with the selected option.
- getSelectedIndexes() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ChoiceFormElement
- Returns list of indexes of the selected options.
- getSelectedIndexes() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ListBoxFormConfiguration
- Gets the list of indexes with a selected option.
- getSelectedOptions() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.OptionPickerInspectorView
- Returns list of all selected options indexes.
- getSelectedPage() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfScrollableThumbnailBar
- getSelectedPages() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailGrid
- Retrieves the currently selected pages of the thumbnail grid.
- getSelectedPages() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.DocumentEditingController
- Gets currently selected pages on document editor.
- getSelectedThumbnailBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailBar
- Returns the border color for the selected thumbnail in the thumbnail bar.
- getSelectedThumbnailBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfScrollableThumbnailBar
- Returns the border color for the selected thumbnail in the thumbnail bar.
- getSelectedThumbnailBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfStaticThumbnailBar
- Returns the border color for the selected thumbnail in the thumbnail bar.
- getSelectedThumbnailBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfThumbnailBarController
- Returns the border color for the selected thumbnail in the thumbnail bar.
- getSelectedThumbnailBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.ThumbnailAdapter
- Returns the border color for the selected thumbnail in the thumbnail bar.
- getSelectedTrackDuration() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.sound.AudioExtractor
- Returns selected track duration in milliseconds.
- getSelectionBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Annotation selection border color.
- getSelectionBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Annotation selection border color.
- getSelectionBorderWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Annotation selection border width in pixels.
- getSelectionBorderWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Annotation selection border width in pixels.
- getSelectionEditHandleColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Annotation selection edit handle color.
- getSelectionEditHandleColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Annotation selection edit handle color.
- getSelectionPadding() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Annotation selection padding.
- getSelectionPadding() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Annotation selection padding.
- getSelectionScaleHandleColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Annotation selection scale handle color.
- getSelectionScaleHandleColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Annotation selection scale handle color.
- getSender() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionResponse
- getSeparatorColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewModular
- Returns the input field separator color.
- getSerialNumber() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.X509CertificateData
- The certificate's serial number.
- getServerUrl() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantClient
- Returns the server URL the client was created with.
- getServerUrl() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.AiAssistantConfiguration
- getSessionHistory() - function in io.nutrient.domain.ai.AiAssistant
- Retrieves the session history for a given session ID.
- getSessionId() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.AiAssistantConfiguration
- getSessionId() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.InitializationRequest
- getSettingsColorScheme() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiColorScheme
- getSettingsColorScheme(androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color,androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color) - function in io.nutrient.ui.theme.ThemeWrapperKt
- getSettingsMenuItemShown() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- Returns items shown in the settings menu.
- getShareAction() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DefaultDocumentSharingController
- Returns share action handled by this controller.
- getShareAction() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.ShareTarget
- Returns share action used for sharing to share target.
- getShareAction() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu.SharingMenu
- Returns a previously set ShareAction or
if no share action was set. - getSharedFileDirectory(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingProvider
- Returns directory from which DocumentSharingProvider can share files.
- getShareIntent(android.content.Context,android.net.Uri,com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.ShareAction) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingIntentHelper
- Creates share intent for sharing
using givenshareAction
. - getShareIntent(android.content.Context,android.net.Uri,com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.ShareTarget) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingIntentHelper
- Creates share intent for sharing
to givenshareTarget
. - getShareIntent(android.content.Context,com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.ShareAction,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingIntentHelper
- Creates share intent for sharing PDF file from DocumentSharingProvider with
. - getShareIntents(android.content.Context,android.net.Uri,kotlin.Array) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingIntentHelper
- Generates list of sharing intents for all apps supporting given ShareAction.
- getShareIntentsAsync(android.content.Context,android.net.Uri,com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.ShareAction) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingIntentHelper
- Generates list of sharing intents for all apps supporting given ShareAction asynchronously.
- getShareTarget() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DefaultDocumentSharingController
- Returns share target that this controller is sharing to.
- getShareTarget(android.content.Context,com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.ShareAction,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingIntentHelper
- Creates ShareTarget for given
. - getShareTarget(android.content.Context,com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.ShareAction,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingIntentHelper
- Creates ShareTarget for given
. - getShareTarget() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu.SharingMenuItem
- Returns ShareTarget associated with this menu item.
- getShareTargets(android.content.Context,java.util.List) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingIntentHelper
- Generates list of share targets for all apps handling given intents.
- getShareTargetsAsync(android.content.Context,java.util.List) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingIntentHelper
- Generates list of share targets for all apps handling given intents.
- getShareTextIntent(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingIntentHelper
- Generates intent for sharing plain text.
- getShouldZoomOutBounce() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Should the zoom out below the minimum zoom have a bounce-back effect on a page.
- getShowDateTimezone() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureAppearance
- Indicates whether the date will include the timezone, if
. - getShowGapBetweenPages() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Whether to show gap between pages in double page mode or not.
- getShowNoteEditorForNewNoteAnnotations() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Indicates whether the NoteEditor should be shown automatically when creating new note.
- getShowSignatureLocation() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureAppearance
- Indicates whether or not the location where the signature was created will be shown.
- getShowSignatureReason() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureAppearance
- Indicates whether or not the reason for the signature will be shown.
- getShowSignDate() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureAppearance
- Indicates whether the date of the signature will be shown or not.
- getShowSignerName() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureAppearance
- Indicates whether the name of the signer will be shown or not.
- getShowSignHereOverlay() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Indicates whether the sign here overlay is shown on signature form fields.
- getShowSmartGuides() - function in io.nutrient.ui.settings.SettingsOptions
- Enables smart guides for predefined angles.
- getShowToolbarMenu() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentConnection
- This function is used to show/hide overflow menu dropdown in toolbar
- getShowWatermark() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureAppearance
- Indicates whether the PSPDFKit watermark will be shown.
- getSiblingPageIndex(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Gets page sibling index (usable in double page mode).
- getSiblingPageIndex(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUi
- Gets page sibling index (usable in double page mode).
- getSignatureAlgorithm() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- getSignatureAppearance() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureMetadata
- SignatureAppearance that will be used to determine how the signature looks once signing is done.
- getSignatureAppearanceMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureAppearance
- The SignatureAppearanceMode controls how the signature will be displayed.
- getSignatureColorOptions() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Defines the signature color options available when using the "Draw" or "Type" signing UI.
- getSignatureColorOptions() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.signatures.ElectronicSignatureOptions
- Defines the signature color options available when using the "Draw" or "Type" signing UI.
- getSignatureCreationModes() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- The ways in which the user can choose to add their signature.
- getSignatureCreationModes() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration.Builder
- The ways in which the user can choose to add their signature.
- getSignatureCreationModes() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.signatures.ElectronicSignatureOptions
- Which modes do you want to support?
- getSignatureFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignerOptions
- Signature form field to be signed.
- getSignatureFormFields() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DocumentSignatureInfo
- Returns all signature fields in this document.
- getSignatureGraphic() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureAppearance
- The SignatureGraphic can be displayed instead of the signer name.
- getSignatureInfo() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.SignatureFormElement
- Returns information of signature attached to this form element.
- getSignatureInfo() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.SignatureFormField
- Returns the digital signing information attached to this form element.
- getSignaturePickerOrientation() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- The orientation to use for the signature picker, defaults to SignaturePickerOrientation.AUTOMATIC.
- getSignatures() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.storage.DatabaseSignatureStorage
- Gets the currently stored signatures.
- getSignatures() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.storage.SignatureStorage
- Gets the currently stored signatures.
- getSignatureSavingStrategy() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- The saving strategy used when adding signatures.
- getSignatureSavingStrategy() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.signatures.ElectronicSignatureOptions
- The saving strategy used when adding signatures.
- getSignatureStorage() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Gets the currently used signature storage that will be used to store signatures when they're added to the document.
- getSignatureType() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- getSignatureWatermark() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureAppearance
- Gets the signature watermark that will be shown unless showWatermark is false.
- getSigners() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DocumentSignatureInfo
- Returns a list of names of all signers in the document.
- getSigningCertificate() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- getSigningCertificate() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.timestamp.TimestampInformation
- Returns a reference to the certificate that signed this trusted timestamp.
- getSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.AssetDataProvider
- Return the actual file size of the PDF document which is provided by this data provider.
- getSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.ContentResolverDataProvider
- Return the actual file size of the PDF document which is provided by this data provider.
- getSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.DataProvider
- Return the actual file size of the PDF document which is provided by this data provider.
- getSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.UrlDataProvider
- Return the actual file size of the PDF document which is provided by this data provider.
- getSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.tabs.PdfTabBar
- Returns number of tabs in the tab bar.
- getSize(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.contentediting.ContentEditingTextBlockMoveAndResizeEdit
- getSnapToPoint() - function in io.nutrient.ui.settings.SettingsOptions
- Enables snapping to page graphics for measurement tools.
- getSnapToSelf() - function in io.nutrient.ui.settings.SettingsOptions
- Enables snapping to itself at the end of shape drawing.
- getSnippetLength() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.search.SearchConfiguration
- The search snippet length, which is a number of letters displayed in the search result preview.
- getSortKey() - function in com.pspdfkit.bookmarks.Bookmark
- Returns an integer determining sort order for this bookmark.
- getStampRect() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature
- Bounding rectangle for this signature's bitmap.
- getStampsForPicker() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.StampAnnotationConfiguration
- Default set of stamp annotations.
- getStampType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.StampAnnotation
- Returns type of this stamp if it's one of the standard types listed in StampType.
- getStampType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.PredefinedStampType
- Returns the stamp type this predefined stamp type is using.
- getStampType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampPickerItem
- Returns type of this stamp if it's one of the standard types listed in StampType.
- getStartIntent(android.content.Context,com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,com.pspdfkit.document.printing.PrintOptions,com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.printing.PrintActivity
- Gets intent for starting the print activity.
- getStartPosition() - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.Range
- Returns starting index of this range.
- getStartSearchChars() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.search.SearchConfiguration
- The number of letter after which the search starts.
- getStartSearchOnCurrentPage() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.search.SearchConfiguration
if the search should be started on the current page,false
to start from the beginning.- getStartZoomScale() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- The scale at which the document should start.
- getState() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentDescriptor
- Returns UI state associated with the document.
- getState() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Gets current state of the fragment.
- getState() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorView.ColorPickerDetailView
- Called when it's time to save the view state.
- getState() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.CustomColorPickerInspectorDetailView
- Called when it's time to save the view state.
- getState() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionResponse
- getStateByCode(java.lang.Integer) - function in io.nutrient.data.models.DocumentErrorStates.Companion
- getStrategy() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.checkpoint.PdfDocumentCheckpointer
- Returns the strategy used for saving the checkpoint.
- getString() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfValue
- Gets the stored String value or null if the value isn't a string.
- getStyle() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.OutlineElement
- Returns outline element text style.
- getSubActions() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.Action
- Returns list of sub actions of this action.
- getSubFilter() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- Returns name of the subfilter used for signing.
- getSubject() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the subject of this annotation.
- getSubject() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.metadata.DocumentPdfMetadata
- Returns the subject of the document.
- getSubjectCn() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.X509CertificateData
- The subject's CN (common name).
- getSubjectDn() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.X509CertificateData
- The subject's DN (distinguished name).
- getSubMenuItems() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem
- Gets the list of submenu items (if any).
- getSubmenuSizePx() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbar
- Returns the submenu's size in pixels, or the amount of space needed for the submenu.
- getSubmitButtonDisabledColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getSubmitButtonEnabledColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getSubtitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.StampAnnotation
- Returns text in second line of the stamp if any is available.
- getSubtitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampPickerItem
- Returns text in second line of the stamp if any is available.
- getSuggestedCreator() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.AnnotationCreatorInputDialogFragment
- Obtains the suggested creator from the arguments Bundle.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspector
- Returns best height for this view.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorDetailView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ContentEditingFontSizesPickerView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ContentEditingLineSpacingPickerView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.CustomColorPickerInspectorDetailView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.EraserPreviewInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.FontPickerInspectorDetailView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.FontPickerInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.FreeTextAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.InkAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.MeasurementValueInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.OptionPickerInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.PrecisionPickerInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.RedactionAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleCalibrationPickerInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleNameInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScalePickerInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleSelectPickerInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ShapeAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.SliderPickerInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.SwitchInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.TextInputInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.TogglePickerInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.UnitsPickerInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestedHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ZIndexInspectorView
- Returns best height of this view when shown in inspector.
- getSuggestions() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionResponse
- getSupportedProperties() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationConfiguration
- Controls which annotation properties are enabled for this annotation type.
- getSupportPackageInfo(android.content.pm.PackageManager,java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.PackageManagerExtensions
- Retrieves overall information about an application package that is installed on the system using appropriate API for Android Tiramisu and upwards.
- getSupportParcelable(android.os.Bundle,java.lang.String,java.lang.Class) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.BundleExtensions
- Gets parcelable with the value associated to the given key using appropriate API for Android Tiramisu and upwards.
- getSupportParcelableArrayList(android.os.Bundle,java.lang.String,java.lang.Class) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.BundleExtensions
- Gets parcelable array list with the value associated to the given key using appropriate API for Android Tiramisu and upwards.
- getSupportParcelableExtra(android.content.Intent,java.lang.String,java.lang.Class) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.IntentExtensions
- Retrieves extended data from the intent.
- getSystemFontManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.Nutrient
- Returns The FontManager giving you access to the system fonts.
- getTabBar() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns the currently instantiated tab bar view.
- getTabBarHidingMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- Returns the tab bar hiding mode set on the activity.
- getTabBarItem(com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentDescriptor) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.tabs.PdfTabBar
- Searches tabs for tab that corresponds to the given document descriptor.
- getTabOrder() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormProvider
- Returns order of FormElement for document.
- getTabOrderAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormProvider
- Returns order of FormElement for document, asynchronously.
- getTabs() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.tabs.PdfTabBar
- Returns list of tabs in the tab bar.
- getTargetFormFieldsAsync(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.AbstractFormAction
- Returns form fields targeted by this action.
- getTempFileDirectory(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingProvider
- Returns directory from which DocumentSharingProvider can share temporary files.
- getText() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormConfiguration
- getText() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormElement
- Current text value.
- getText() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.Link
- getText() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.Suggestion
- getTextBlockId() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.contentediting.ContentEditingEdit
- getTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampPickerItem
- Returns text textColor if set,
otherwise. - getTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.MainToolbarColors
- getTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.forms.FormEditingBar
- Return color of the text on this form editing bar.
- getTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewInline
- Returns text color for the inline search text input field.
- getTextFieldBackgroundColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getTextFieldHintColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getTextFieldTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getTextForBlocks(java.util.List) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns page text for a list of text blocks.
- getTextInsets() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.FreeTextAnnotation
- Gets the insets that are applied to the text.
- getTextJustification() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the text justification used by this free text annotation.
- getTextSelection() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns the current text selection.
- getTextSelection() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.TextSelectionController
- Returns the current text selection.
- getTextSelectionManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.TextSelectionController
- Gets text selection manager for registering text selection listeners from the controller.
- getTextSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the text size set to this annotation.
- getTextSize(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured text size from preferences.
- getTextSize(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured text size from preferences.
- getTextSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Gets text size set to the annotation creation mode.
- getTextStrokeColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.FreeTextAnnotation
- Returns text stroke color of this annotation.
- getTheme() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- Theme resource used to override default theme of the launched activity.
- getThemeMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Theme mode of the whole app (ThemeMode.DEFAULT is default).
- getThemeMode() - function in io.nutrient.ui.settings.SettingsOptions
- Default or night theme.
- getThickness(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured annotation thickness from preferences.
- getThickness(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults.AnnotationPreferencesManager
- Gets last configured annotation thickness from preferences.
- getThickness() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Gets thickness set to the annotation creation mode.
- getThumbnailBarMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- Returns the thumbnail bar mode set on the activity.
- getThumbnailBarView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently instantiated PdfThumbnailBar.
- getThumbnailBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailBar
- Returns the border color for the thumbnails in the thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfScrollableThumbnailBar
- Returns the border color for the thumbnails in the thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfStaticThumbnailBar
- Returns the border color for the thumbnails in the thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfThumbnailBarController
- Returns the border color for the thumbnails in the thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailBorderColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.ThumbnailAdapter
- Returns the border color for the thumbnails in the thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailGrid() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.base.ThumbnailGridSpecialModeController
- Gets thumbnail grid on which the special mode is currently active.
- getThumbnailGridView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns currently instantiated PdfThumbnailGrid.
- getThumbnailHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailBar
- Returns the height of the thumbnails in thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfScrollableThumbnailBar
- Returns the height of the thumbnails in thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfStaticThumbnailBar
- Returns the height of the thumbnails in thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfThumbnailBarController
- Returns the height of the thumbnails in thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailHeight() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.ThumbnailAdapter
- Returns the height of the thumbnails in thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailOffsetX(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfStaticThumbnailBar
- getThumbnailWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailBar
- Returns the width of the thumbnails in thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfScrollableThumbnailBar
- Returns the width of the thumbnails in thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfStaticThumbnailBar
- Returns the width of the thumbnails in thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfThumbnailBarController
- Returns the width of the thumbnails in thumbnail bar.
- getThumbnailWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.ThumbnailAdapter
- Returns the width of the thumbnails in thumbnail bar.
- getTimePoints() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.BiometricSignatureData
- Returns time points that were registered during signature creation.
- getTimePoints() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.signatures.SignatureUiData
- A list of time intervals.
- getTimestamp() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.CompletionResponse
- getTimestampData() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureMetadata
- timestampData is an optional field, it “upgrades” the signature to PAdES B-T level to include a cryptographic timestamp token to prove that the signed document existed at a given point in time.
- getTimestampStatus() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- getTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.StampAnnotation
- Returns text in first line of the stamp if any is available.
- getTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampPickerItem
- Returns text in first line of the stamp if any is available.
- getTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.OutlineElement
- Returns outline title.
- getTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns a document title.
- getTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.metadata.DocumentPdfMetadata
- Returns the title given to the document.
- getTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.AssetDataProvider
- Displayable document title to be used if PDF document does not contain metadata.
- getTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.ContentResolverDataProvider
- Displayable document title to be used if PDF document does not contain metadata.
- getTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.DataProvider
- Displayable document title to be used if PDF document does not contain metadata.
- getTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.UrlDataProvider
- Displayable document title to be used if PDF document does not contain metadata.
- getTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentState
- Provides the title of the document.
- getTitle(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentDescriptor
- Returns displayable document title.
- getTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem
- Gets the title assigned to the menu item.
- getTitle() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.popup.PopupToolbarMenuItem
- Gets the menu item title resource string.
- getTitleResId() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.PredefinedStampType
- String resource id for localized stamp subject.
- getTitleTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.MainToolbarColors
- getTitleTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.SettingsColorScheme
- getToken() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.IngestionResponse
- getToolbarInset() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayout
- Calculates inset that should be applied on views under currently displayed toolbar to correctly inset their content below toolbar.
- getToolbarRowSize() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuBar
- getToolbarTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.AiAssistantColorScheme
- getTop() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.Destination
- getTop() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.LinkRect
- getTopCenterScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Scale handle drawable in the top center part of the annotation selection layout.
- getTopCenterScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Scale handle drawable in the top center part of the annotation selection layout.
- getTopLeftScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Scale handle drawable in the top left part of the annotation selection layout.
- getTopLeftScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Scale handle drawable in the top left part of the annotation selection layout.
- getTopRightScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration
- Scale handle drawable in the top right part of the annotation selection layout.
- getTopRightScaleHandleDrawable() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.AnnotationSelectionViewThemeConfiguration.Builder
- Scale handle drawable in the top right part of the annotation selection layout.
- getTotalPages() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessor.ProcessorProgress
- Returns the total number of pages queued to be processed.
- getTouchRadii() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.signatures.SignatureUiData
- A list of floating point values.
- getTouchRadius() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.BiometricSignatureData
- Returns touch radius of the input device.
- getTrainedDataFilename() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ocr.OcrLanguage
- Returns the name of the .traineddata file that is used for the given language.
- getTransformMethod() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.Reference
- Returns the transformation method that was used to generate the digest.
- getTrustedCertificates() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.TrustedKeyStore
- Returns the list of trusted certificates.
- getTrustedDate() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.timestamp.TimestampInformation
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.CircleAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.FileAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.FreeTextAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.HighlightAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.InkAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.LineAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.LinkAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.NoteAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.PolygonAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.PolylineAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.RedactionAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.RichMediaAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.ScreenAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.SoundAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.SquareAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.SquigglyAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.StampAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.StrikeOutAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.UnderlineAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.UnknownAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.WidgetAnnotation
- Gets the annotation type of the annotation.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.Action
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToAction
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToEmbeddedAction
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.GoToRemoteAction
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.HideAction
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ImportDataAction
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.JavaScriptAction
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.LaunchAction
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.NamedAction
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.RenditionAction
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ResetFormAction
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.RichMediaExecuteAction
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.SubmitFormAction
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.UriAction
- Returns type of action to make down-casting easier.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.Destination
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfValue
- Gets the type of this PdfValue, which is one of PdfValueType.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.CheckBoxFormElement
- Gets form type for
. - getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ComboBoxFormElement
- Gets form type for
. - getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormElement
- Returns type of the form field.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormField
- Type of the form field.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.ListBoxFormElement
- Gets form type for ListBoxFormElement.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.PushButtonFormElement
- Gets form type for PushButtonFormElement.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.RadioButtonFormElement
- Gets form type for RadioButtonFormElement.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.SignatureFormElement
- Gets form type for SignatureFormElement.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextFormElement
- Gets form type for TextFormElement.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.UnknownFormElement
- Gets form type for UnknownFormElement.
- getType(android.net.Uri) - function in com.pspdfkit.initialization.InitializationProvider
- getType(android.net.Uri) - function in com.pspdfkit.media.AssetsContentProvider
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaUri
- Type of the media uri.
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignerOptions
- type can be either BASIC or CADES (default).
- getType() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations.AnnotationAddRemoveEdit
- Type of edit, whether the annotation was added or removed from the document.
- getType() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.RestApiError
- getType() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.Suggestion
- getUiColors() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiThemeKt
- Default values provider for Custom colors.
- getUid() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.DocumentSource
- Returns Uid of this document source.
- getUid() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- This is the unique identifier for this document.
- getUid() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.QueryPreviewResult
- Returns UID of the document this preview result belongs to.
- getUid() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.AssetDataProvider
- Unique document identifier used in all caching processes in Nutrient.
- getUid() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.ContentResolverDataProvider
- Unique document identifier used in all caching processes in Nutrient.
- getUid() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.DataProvider
- Unique document identifier used in all caching processes in Nutrient.
- getUid() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.UrlDataProvider
- Unique document identifier used in all caching processes in Nutrient.
- getUid() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentDescriptor
- Returns unique document ID.
- getUiListener() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentManager
- getUnderlyingError() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.exceptions.InstantException
- If there is an identifiable subsystem failure, this will hold the original error code.
- getUndoManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.ui.InstantPdfFragment
- Returns this fragment's undo manager instance for performing undo/redo operations of annotation edits.
- getUndoManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns this fragment's undo manager instance for performing undo/redo operations of annotation edits.
- getUndoManager() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingController
- Delivers the content editing undo manager
- getUnit() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.SecondaryMeasurementUnit
- getUnitLabel() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.editor.UnitSelectionEditText
- Returns current unit label.
- getUnitLengthNotSelectable() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.editor.UnitSelectionEditText
- Gets length of the unit.
- getUnselectedColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.SettingsColorScheme
- getUnselectedTextColor() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.SettingsColorScheme
- getUri() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.SubmitFormAction
- The target URI for form submission.
- getUri() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.UriAction
- Target URI.
- getUri() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.source.ContentResolverDownloadSource
- Returns the Uri pointing to the content provider served document.
- getUri() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.AssetDataProvider
- Returns the Uri from which this provided was created.
- getUri() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.ContentResolverDataProvider
- Returns the Uri from which this provided was created.
- getUri() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.UriDataProvider
- Returns the Uri from which this provided was created.
- getUri() - function in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaUri
- Uri part of the
link. - getUri() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureGraphic
- The Uri of this SignatureGraphic.
- getUriForFile(android.content.Context,java.io.File) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingProvider
- Return a content URI for a file stored in getSharedFileDirectory directory.
- getUrl() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.html.ResourceRequest
- Gets the URL for which the resource request was made.
- getUrl() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.timestamp.TimestampData
- url param requires a link to services that provides Time Stamp Authority which adds a trusted timestamp to code or to an electronic signature, provides a digital seal of data integrity and a trusted date and time of when the transaction took place.
- getUsageCount(com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfiguration) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfigurationEditor
- Checks how many annotations are using the provided configuration.
- getUseAlternateBackground() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem
- Returns true, if this menu item triggers a background change on the toolbar.
- getUseCubicInterpolationForInkAnnotations() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Indicates whether cubic interpolation should be used for ink annotations.
- getUseRectangleSelectionForMarkupAnnotations() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration
- Indicates whether the annotations are limited to the page bounds.
- getUserId() - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantDocumentDescriptor
- Id of the user the layer managed by the handle belongs to.
- getUserId() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.AiAssistantConfiguration
- getUserId() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.InitializationRequest
- getUserInterfaceViewMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration
- Returns the user interface mode set on the activity.
- getUserInterfaceViewMode() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUi
- Return current user interface view mode that activity is using.
- getUsername() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.timestamp.TimestampData
- username can be optional depending upon the timestamp authority url provided
- getUuid() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- A unique in-memory identifier for each annotation.
- getUuid() - function in com.pspdfkit.bookmarks.Bookmark
- Returns UUID of this bookmark.
- getValidationStatus() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- Returns overall validity status of the digital signature.
- getValidFrom() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.X509CertificateData
- Returns the "valid_from" date of this certificate.
- getValidUntil() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.X509CertificateData
- Returns the "valid_until" date of this certificate.
- getValue() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormOption
- The export value of the option.
- getValue() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.editor.UnitSelectionEditText
- Gets current value.
- getVerticalInset() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.InspectorViewsContainer
- getVerticalTextAlignment() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation
- Returns the vertical text alignment used by this free text annotation.
- getVerticalTextAlignment() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.WidgetAnnotation
- Returns the vertical text alignment used by this widget annotation.
- getVideoSettingsFromOptions(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaLinkUtils
- Parses video settings from provided options url.
- getVideoSettingsFromOptions() - function in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaUri
- Parses video settings from provided options.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorDetailView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ContentEditingFontSizesPickerView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ContentEditingLineSpacingPickerView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.CustomColorPickerInspectorDetailView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.EraserPreviewInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.FontPickerInspectorDetailView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.FontPickerInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.FreeTextAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.InkAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.MeasurementValueInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.OptionPickerInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.PrecisionPickerInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.RedactionAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleCalibrationPickerInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleNameInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScalePickerInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ScaleSelectPickerInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ShapeAnnotationPreviewInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.SliderPickerInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.SwitchInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.TextInputInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.TogglePickerInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.UnitsPickerInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ZIndexInspectorView
- Casts the inspector view to the View class and returns it.
- getViewByType(com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews.Type) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews
- Returns view by the specified type.
- getViewId() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PopupToolbar
- Returns the id of the content view for this toolbar.
- getViewId() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.popup.PdfTextSelectionPopupToolbar
- Returns the id of the content view for this toolbar.
- getViewProjection() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Returns the ViewProjection for transforming between the view coordinates and PDF coordinates.
- getViewsForPage(android.content.Context,com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.overlay.OverlayViewProvider
- Returns all views for the given
. - getViewToPageTransformation(int,android.graphics.Matrix) - function in com.pspdfkit.projection.ViewProjection
- Returns a Matrix for transforming view coordinates to PDF coordinates.
- getViewWithOverlappingToolbarShown() - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentState
- Keep track of whether a full screen view is shown that is not the document view so we can handle the main toolbar clipping
- getVisibleDetailView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspector
- Retrieve detail view that is currently visible in the property inspector.
- getVisibleDetailView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspectorController
- Retrieve detail view that is currently visible in the property inspector.
- getVisibleDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentCoordinator
- Returns currently visible document (if any).
- getVisibleItems() - function in io.nutrient.ui.settings.SettingsOptions
- Items that should be visible in the settings dialog.
- getVisiblePages() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Fetch the list of pages currently visible on the screen.
- getVisiblePdfRect(android.graphics.RectF,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Sets
to contain the visible PDF rect of the givenpageIndex
. - getVisualizerFlowable() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.audio.AudioRecordingController
- Returns flowable emitting recorded samples usable for audio visualizer.
- getWidth() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.Destination
- getWidth() - function in io.nutrient.data.models.LinkRect
- getWindowMediaType() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.MediaAnnotation
- Returns type of the window to be used when playing this media content.
- getWindowToken() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfPasswordView
- getX509Certificates(java.security.KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.KeyFileHelpersKt
- getX509Certificates fetches the certificateChain and if its null it fetches certificate from the KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry checks if they are X509Certificate and returns all in a list
- getXmpMetadata() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument
- Returns document metadata stored in the XMP metadata entries included in the PDF file.
- getZIndex(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Gets the z-index of the provided annotation.
- getZIndexAsync(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Gets the z-index of the provided annotation.
- getZoom() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.Destination
- getZoomScale(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Gets zoom scale at the specified page.
- getZOrder() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PageCanvas
- Returns the z-order of the content to be added to a page.
- getZOrder() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PageImage
- Returns the z-order of the image when added toa page.
- getZOrder() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PagePdf
- Returns the z-order of the content to be added to a page.
- GOBACK - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.NamedAction.NamedActionType
Return back.
- goBack() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation.NavigationBackStack
- Goes back one step, or does nothing if the stack is already empty.
- GOFORWARD - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.NamedAction.NamedActionType
Return forward.
- goForward() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation.NavigationBackStack
- Goes forward one step, or does nothing if the stack is already empty.
- GOTO - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ActionType
- GOTO_EMBEDDED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ActionType
- GOTO_REMOTE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ActionType
- GoToAction - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions
- PDF action representing a change to another page.
- GoToEmbeddedAction - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions
- Action that allows jumping to a PDF file that is embedded in the document.
- GOTOPAGE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.NamedAction.NamedActionType
Go to page with the owning annotation/form element.
- GoToRemoteAction - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions
- PDF action representing a change to page in another PDF document.
- groupMenuItems(java.util.List,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping.DefaultMenuItemGroupingRule
- Performs grouping of the provided list of menu items based on the available toolbar capacity, meaning the max number of items it can fit.
- groupMenuItems(java.util.List,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping.MenuItemGroupingRule
- Performs grouping of the provided list of menu items based on the available toolbar capacity, meaning the max number of items it can fit.
- groupMenuItems(java.util.List,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping.presets.PresetMenuItemGroupingRule
- Performs grouping of the provided list of menu items based on the available toolbar capacity, meaning the max number of items it can fit.