- d(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,kotlin.Array) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.PdfLog
- Logs a DEBUG log message.
- d(java.lang.String,java.lang.Throwable,java.lang.String,kotlin.Array) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.PdfLog
- Logs a DEBUG log message.
- d(java.lang.String,java.util.concurrent.Callable) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.PdfLog
- Logs a DEBUG log message.
- DANISH - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ocr.OcrLanguage
Danish language (en) selector for OCR processing. Use this value with performOcrOnPages when performing text detection for Danish documents. When using this value, make sure you have the Danish OCR language pack added to your app, by adding the
dependency inside yourbuild.gradle
file:final String pspdfkit_version = {@value com.pspdfkit.Nutrient#VERSION}; dependencies { implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr:$pspdfkit_version" implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr-danish:$pspdfkit_version" }
- DARKEN - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.BlendMode
B(cb, cs) = min(cb, cs) Selects the darker of the backdrop and source colours. The backdrop is replaced with the source where the source is darker; otherwise, it is left unchanged.
See also
- DASHED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.BorderStyle
- DASHED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant.Preset
Preset for the 'dashed' variant, used with the POLYGON, SQUARE and CIRCLE in the framework.
- DATABASE_ERROR - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.instant.exceptions.InstantErrorCode
The data could not be written to the instant database. Any other interactions with the database are likely to fail, too. If the problem persists across restarts of the app, remove this document’s local storage, and start anew.
Note: More details can be found in the underlying error getUnderlyingError, which will be the integer SQLite error code.
- DatabaseSignatureStorage - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures.storage
- Our default SignatureStorage implementation that uses the SQLite database to store signatures.
- DataProvider - class in com.pspdfkit.document.providers
- A data provider is allows PSPDFKit to load a PDF document for any custom source (e.g.
- DATE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.forms.TextInputFormat
Date format. Returned for "AFDate" JavaScript format.
- decodeBitmap(android.content.Context,android.net.Uri) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.image.BitmapUtils
- Read bitmap from an
. - decodeBitmapAsync(android.content.Context,android.net.Uri) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.image.BitmapUtils
- Decode bitmap from an
asynchronously. - default(com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiColorScheme,com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiIconScheme) - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.SdkTheme.Companion
- default() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiColorScheme.Companion
- default() - function in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme.UiIconScheme.Companion
- DEFAULT - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming.ThemeMode
Default theme mode.
- DEFAULT - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.OutlineElementState
- DEFAULT - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant.Preset
Preset for default variant used in the framework.
- DefaultAnnotationCreationInspectorController - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.annotation
- Controller for annotation creation inspector.
- DefaultAnnotationEditingInspectorController - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.annotation
- Annotation inspector for annotation editing.
- DefaultApplicationPolicy - class in com.pspdfkit.configuration.policy
- Default application policy which doesn't add any restrictions - all features are enabled.
- DefaultBookmarkAdapter - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.outline
- Default implementation of BookmarkViewAdapter which handles bookmark behaviour for the default BookmarkListView.
- defaultConfiguration() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementValueConfiguration
- DefaultContentEditingInspectorController - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.contentediting
- Controller for form editing inspector.
- DefaultContentEditingInspectorController.ContentEditingPropertyInspector - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.contentediting.DefaultContentEditingInspectorController
- DefaultDocumentSharingController - class in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing
- Default implementation of DocumentSharingController.
- DefaultListeners - class in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors
- Contains the default values used by com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.views.DocumentView
- DefaultLocalizationListener - class in com.pspdfkit.listeners
- Default implementation of a LocalizationListener which just calls through to default Android localization methods in android.content.res.Resources class and picks up strings from XML files.
- DefaultMenuItemGroupingRule - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping
- Default grouping rule implementation.
- DefaultOutlineViewListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.outline
- Default implementation of OnOutlineElementTapListener and OnAnnotationTapListener to handle interactions with annotations and outline in PdfOutlineView.
- DefaultSharingMenu - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu
- Displays fixed actions for printing and opening documents in addition to standard share actions shown in SharingMenu.
- DefaultSharingMenu.SharingMenuListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu.DefaultSharingMenu
- Callback for actions performed inside sharing menu.
- defaultToolbarEnabled(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Enable/disable default toolbar.
- defaultVariant() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant
- Gets an instance of the default annotation tool variant used in the framework.
- DELETE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask.AnnotationProcessingMode
This will delete the annotation.
- delete(android.net.Uri,java.lang.String,kotlin.Array) - function in com.pspdfkit.initialization.InitializationProvider
- delete(android.net.Uri,java.lang.String,kotlin.Array) - function in com.pspdfkit.media.AssetsContentProvider
- deleteAllCheckpoints() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.checkpoint.PdfDocumentCheckpointer
- Deletes all checkpoints stored on-disk.
- deleteCachedFileForUrl(java.net.URL) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.UrlDataProvider.Companion
- Deletes the cached file for the given URL if it exists.
- deleteCachedFiles() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.UrlDataProvider.Companion
- Deletes all downloaded files from the cache.
- deleteCheckpoint() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.checkpoint.PdfDocumentCheckpointer
- Deletes the checkpoint if exists.
- deleteCheckpointAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.checkpoint.PdfDocumentCheckpointer
- Asynchronously deletes the checkpoint.
- deleteCurrentlySelectedAnnotations() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationEditingController
- Deletes currently selected annotations from the document.
- deleteDatabase(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.storage.DatabaseSignatureStorage
- Deletes the database used by this signature storage.
- deleteFile(android.content.Context,android.net.Uri) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingProvider
- Deletes file handled by this provider.
- deleteTemporaryFile(android.content.Context,android.net.Uri) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.image.ImagePicker
- Deletes temporary file previously created by capturing image through camera.
- density(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.html.HtmlToPdfConverter
- Sets the density that should be used when converting HTML images to PDF.
- DEPARTMENTAL - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.PredefinedStampType
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.appearance.AssetAppearanceStreamGenerator
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.appearance.ContentResolverAppearanceStreamGenerator
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampPickerItem
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampType
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.Range
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.TextSelection
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.TextSelectionRectangles
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ComparisonDocument
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.AssetDataProvider
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.ContentResolverDataProvider
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.UrlDataProvider
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaUri
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureMetadata
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureGraphic
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.timestamp.TimestampData
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentDescriptor
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation.NavigationBackStack
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation.NavigationBackStack.NavigationItem
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant
- describeContents() - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.Size
- DESCRIPTION_ONLY - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.signatures.SignatureAppearance.SignatureAppearanceMode
Show the signature description (date, reason, etc.). The left part will be "Digitally signed by", instead of a "real" ink signature.
- deselect() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.CheckBoxFormConfiguration.Builder
- Deselects checkbox form element button.
- deselect() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.EditableButtonFormElement
- Deselects the button.
- deselect() - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.RadioButtonFormConfiguration.Builder
- Deselects checkbox form element button.
- Destination - class in com.pspdfkit.document
- A destination defines a particular view of a document, consisting of the following items: - The page of the document that shall be displayed.
- DestinationType - class in com.pspdfkit.document
- This enumeration defines a particular view of a document, part of a Destination.
- destroyItem(android.view.ViewGroup,int,Object) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.ViewStatePagerAdapter
- detachContextualToolbar() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayout
- Detach current contextual toolbar (if any) from the layout so it's able to move.
- detachContextualToolbar() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayoutController
- Detach current contextual toolbar (if any) from the layout so it's able to move.
- DIACRITIC_INSENSITIVE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.search.CompareOptions
If specified, text search ignores diacritics (for example o-umlaut == o).
- DialogNewPageFactory - class in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.page
- A factory for creating new pages using the NewPageDialog.
- dialogTitle(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration.Builder
- Sets the dialog title.
- DIAMOND - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.LineEndType
- DICTIONARY - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfValue.PdfValueType
- DIFFERENCE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.BlendMode
B(cb,cs) = cb–cs Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colours from the lighter colour: Painting with white inverts the backdrop colour; painting with black produces no change.
- DIGITAL_SIGNATURES - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.LicenseFeature
Digitally sign PDF forms.
- DigitalSignatureInfo - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures
- A digital signature stored inside a PDF document.
- DigitalSignatureInfo.BuildData - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- Build data dictionary of a software that created the digital signature.
- DigitalSignatureInfo.Reference - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- Signature reference dictionary.
- DigitalSignatureInfo.ReferenceTransformMethod - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo
- List of possible transformation methods of a Reference.
- DigitalSignatureMetadata - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures
- DigitalSignatureMetadata contains all metadata like appearance config, algorithm and other configuration needed for signing data
- DigitalSignatureMetadata.CREATOR - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureMetadata
- DigitalSignatureType - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures
- Enum defining the type of digital signatures.
- DigitalSignatureValidationResult - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures
- Detailed status about validity of a DigitalSignatureInfo.
- DigitalSignatureValidationResult.CertificateStatus - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- Status of the certificate that was used for signing the document.
- DigitalSignatureValidationResult.DocumentIntegrityStatus - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- Status of the signed document.
- DigitalSignatureValidationResult.ValidationProblem - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult
- Problems that prevented proper validation of a signature.
- DigitalSignatureValidator - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures
- Validates digital signatures.
- DirectWritingStrategy - class in com.pspdfkit.document.providers
- A WritingStrategy that immediately writes to the WritableDataProvider.
- DIRTY - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.instant.document.InstantDocumentState
The document is valid but has local changes that have not been synced to the server.
Note: If automatic syncing of local changes is not disabled (by using SYNC_LOCAL_CHANGES_DISABLED in setDelayForSyncingLocalChanges) your changes will be sent to the server during the next sync cycle. If you have disabled automatic syncing, calling syncAnnotations will sync all your local changes to the server and fetch the newest updates from it.
- disableAnnotationLimitedToPageBounds() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration.Builder
- Disables the page bounds limit imposed when dragging annotations.
- disableAnnotationLimitedToPageBounds() - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Disables the page bounds limit imposed when dragging annotations.
- disableBackwardMovements() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ZIndexInspectorView
- Disables z-index reordering backward movement buttons.
- disableCertificateRevocationCheck() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidator
- Certificate revocation checks (OCSP) are by default enabled.
- DISABLED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.annotations.AnnotationReplyFeatures
The annotation reply ui is disabled completely.
- disableForwardMovements() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ZIndexInspectorView
- Disables z-index reordering forward movement buttons.
- disableProperty(com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationProperty) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationConfiguration.Builder
- Removes specific property from the supported properties.
- discardRecording() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.audio.AudioRecordingController
- Discards recorded audio data.
- discardTransaction() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.PdfDocumentEditor
- Discards the current batch of document operations.
- dismiss() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PopupToolbar
- Hides/dismisses the popup toolbar.
- dismiss() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu.ActionMenu
- Dismiss action menu if shown.
- dismiss() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.document.editor.DocumentEditorProgressDialog
- dismiss(androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManager) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.signatures.ElectronicSignatureFragment
- Dismisses any previously shown signature picker fragment.
- dismiss() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.popup.PdfTextSelectionPopupToolbar
- Hides/dismisses the popup toolbar.
- dispatchKeyEvent(android.view.KeyEvent) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfActivity
- dispatchKeyEvent(android.view.KeyEvent) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspector
- Custom back key handling to implement navigation from detail view.
- dispatchTouchEvent(android.view.MotionEvent) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailBar
- dispatchTouchEvent(android.view.MotionEvent) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspector
- Handle touches outside edit text so focus is released.
- displayColorPicker(boolean,com.pspdfkit.internal.contentediting.models.StyleInfo) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.contentediting.DefaultContentEditingInspectorController
- Called when the user clicks the font color button on the content editing styling bar
- displayColorPicker(com.pspdfkit.internal.contentediting.models.StyleInfo) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingController
- Called when the user clicks the font color button on the content editing styling bar
- displayColorPicker(boolean,com.pspdfkit.internal.contentediting.models.StyleInfo) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingInspectorController
- Called when the user clicks the font color button on the content editing styling bar
- displayContextualToolbar(com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbar,boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayout
- Sets the contextual toolbar to be displayed in the coordinator.
- displayContextualToolbar(com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbar,boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ToolbarCoordinatorLayoutController
- Sets the contextual toolbar to be displayed in the coordinator.
- displayFontNamesSheet(boolean,java.util.List,com.pspdfkit.internal.contentediting.models.StyleInfo) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.contentediting.DefaultContentEditingInspectorController
- Called when the user clicks the font name button on the content editing styling bar
- displayFontNamesSheet(com.pspdfkit.internal.contentediting.models.StyleInfo) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingController
- Called when the user clicks the font name button on the content editing styling bar
- displayFontNamesSheet(boolean,java.util.List,com.pspdfkit.internal.contentediting.models.StyleInfo) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingInspectorController
- Called when the user clicks the font name button on the content editing styling bar
- displayFontSizesSheet(boolean,com.pspdfkit.internal.contentediting.models.StyleInfo) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.contentediting.DefaultContentEditingInspectorController
- Called when the user clicks the font size button on the content editing styling bar
- displayFontSizesSheet(com.pspdfkit.internal.contentediting.models.StyleInfo) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingController
- Called when the user clicks the font size button on the content editing styling bar
- displayFontSizesSheet(boolean,com.pspdfkit.internal.contentediting.models.StyleInfo) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingInspectorController
- Called when the user clicks the font size button on the content editing styling bar
- displayLineSpacingSheet(boolean,java.lang.Float) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.contentediting.DefaultContentEditingInspectorController
- Called when the user clicks the line spacing button on the content editing styling bar
- displayLineSpacingSheet(java.lang.Float) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingController
- Called when the user clicks the line spacing button on the content editing styling bar
- displayLineSpacingSheet(boolean,java.lang.Float) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingInspectorController
- Called when the user clicks the line spacing button on the content editing styling bar
- displayScalePicker(boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.annotation.DefaultAnnotationCreationInspectorController
- Toggles between shown/hidden state of the annotation inspector and displays the measurements scale picker.
- displayScalePicker() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Displays/hides an annotation inspector for the measurement annotation types.
- displayScalePicker(boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationInspectorController
- Toggles between shown/hidden state of the annotation inspector and displays the measurements scale picker.
- dispose() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.note.AlignedAnnotationHinterDrawable
- Disposes the drawable.
- dispose() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.note.NoteMultilineAnnotationHinterDrawable
- Disposes the drawable.
- dispose() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.note.NoteTextMarkupAnnotationHinterDrawable
- Disposes the drawable.
- DISTANCE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.MeasurementMode
Distance measurement.
- DOCMDP - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureInfo.ReferenceTransformMethod
Used to detect modifications to a document relative to a signature field that is signed by the originator of a document.
- Document - class in io.nutrient.data.models
- DOCUMENT_EDITING - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.LicenseFeature
Allows editing of documents.
- DOCUMENT_INTEGRITY_FAILURE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult.ValidationProblem
Document integrity validation failed;
- DOCUMENT_SHARING - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.sharing.ShareFeatures
Document sharing inside PdfActivity. Enables share button in the main toolbar of PdfActivity.
- DocumentActionListener - class in com.pspdfkit.document
- Handles PDF actions triggered inside the PDF document - these are usually things like button presses, form submission, etc.
- DocumentComparisonDialog - class in com.pspdfkit.document.processor
- Dialog for visually comparing two versions of a document.
- DocumentConnection - class in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors
- This acts as a bridge between PdfFragment and DocumentView to access respective functionalities.
- DocumentCoordinator - class in com.pspdfkit.ui
- Coordinates loading and display of multiple documents in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfActivity.
- DocumentCoordinator.OnDocumentCoordinatorEmptyListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentCoordinator
- Listener for the last document being removed from the DocumentCoordinator.
- DocumentCoordinator.OnDocumentsChangedListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentCoordinator
- Listener for changes made to documents managed by DocumentCoordinator.
- DocumentCoordinator.OnDocumentVisibleListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.DocumentCoordinator
- Listener for document becoming visible in the DocumentCoordinator.
- DocumentDescriptor - class in com.pspdfkit.ui
- Describes a document and its UI state.
- DocumentEditingController - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller
- Default controller for editing PDF pages.
- DocumentEditingManager - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.manager
- Interface for objects that manage a Document Editor.
- DocumentEditingManager.OnDocumentEditingModeChangeListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.manager.DocumentEditingManager
- Listener for entering/exiting document editing mode.
- DocumentEditingManager.OnDocumentEditingPageSelectionChangeListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.manager.DocumentEditingManager
- Listener for document editing page selection.
- DocumentEditingToolbar - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar
- Toolbar for communication with document editing mode.
- DocumentEditingToolbarGroupingRule - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping.presets
- Default grouping rule of the com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.DocumentEditingToolbar.
- DocumentEditingToolbarItemPresets - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping.presets
- List of different presets for the com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.DocumentEditingToolbar (based on the available space of icons visible on the current device).
- documentEditorEnabled(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Enable/disable document editing functionality in the page grid.
- DocumentEditorProgressDialog - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.document.editor
- Progress dialog for Document Editor.
- DocumentErrorStates - class in io.nutrient.data.models
- Enum class representing the possible error states of a document.
- DocumentErrorStates.Companion - class in io.nutrient.data.models.DocumentErrorStates
- DocumentIdentifiers - class in io.nutrient.data.models
- Data class representing the document identifiers.
- DocumentInfoColorScheme - class in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme
- DocumentInfoIconScheme - class in com.pspdfkit.compose.theme
- documentInfoViewEnabled(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Enable/disable document info view.
- DocumentJsonFormatter - class in com.pspdfkit.document.formatters
- Exports and imports changes made to annotations and form fields of a PdfDocument into a JSON string.
- DocumentJsonFormatterException - class in com.pspdfkit.document.formatters
- Exception thrown by the DocumentJsonFormatter when encountering an import/export error.
- DocumentLinkResponse - class in io.nutrient.data.models
- DocumentListener - class in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors
- Wrapper for holding all DocumentListener callbacks
- DocumentListener - class in com.pspdfkit.listeners
- Listeners for document events on the the PdfFragment.
- documentListeners(kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function5,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function3,kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2) - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DefaultListeners
- DocumentManager - class in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors
- Contains all types of listeners provided to com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.views.DocumentView
- DocumentManagerKt - class in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors
- documentPages(java.lang.Integer) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration.Builder
- Sets loaded document pages count.
- DocumentPdfMetadata - class in com.pspdfkit.document.metadata
- This class allows you to modify a PDF documents metadata.
- DocumentPermissions - class in com.pspdfkit.document
- A set of flags specifying which operations shall be permitted when the document is opened with user access.
- DocumentPrintDialog - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog
- Dialog with document print options.
- DocumentPrintDialog.PrintDialogListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentPrintDialog
- Listener for the printing dialog.
- DocumentPrintDialogFactory - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog
- Allows you to create custom sharing dialogs instead of using the default one.
- DocumentPrintManager - class in com.pspdfkit.document.printing
- Manager for printing PDF documents via Android built-in print framework.
- documentSavedSuccessfully() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.checkpoint.PdfDocumentCheckpointer
- Logs that the saving succeeded and resets the dirty status of the document to false.
- DocumentSaveOptions - class in com.pspdfkit.document
- Configures options for saving a document.
- DocumentScrollListener - class in com.pspdfkit.listeners.scrolling
- Interface for listeners that can receive scrolling events of a PdfFragment.
- DocumentSharingController - class in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing
- Base class for sharing controllers.
- DocumentSharingDialog - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog
- Dialog with document sharing options.
- DocumentSharingDialog.SharingDialogListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentSharingDialog
- Listener for sharing dialog.
- DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog
- Configuration for document sharing dialog.
- DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration.Builder - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration
- Builder used to construct DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration instance.
- DocumentSharingDialogFactory - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog
- Allows you to create custom sharing dialogs instead of using the default one.
- DocumentSharingIntentHelper - class in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing
- Helper for creating share intents.
- DocumentSharingManager - class in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing
- Manager for handling pdf document sharing to other applications.
- DocumentSharingProvider - class in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing
- Provider allowing access to shared files.
- DocumentSharingProviderProcessor - class in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing
- Prepares data in DocumentSharingProvider for sharing via Android's share framework.
- DocumentSharingProviderProcessor.PdfProcessorProgressListener - class in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingProviderProcessor
- Listener for PdfProcessor progress updates used when preparing PdfDocument for sharing.
- DocumentSignatureInfo - class in com.pspdfkit.signatures
- Contains information about signatures of a document.
- DocumentSource - class in com.pspdfkit.document
- Represents a document source which may be a DataProvider or a file Uri.
- DocumentState - class in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors
- A state object that can be hoisted to control and observe properties of the com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.views.DocumentView.
- DocumentStateKt - class in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors
- documentTitleOverlayEnabled(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Show/hide document title.
- DocumentView(android.net.Uri,androidx.compose.ui.Modifier,com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentManager) - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.views.DocumentViewKt
- Composable that displays the Document in the specified Uri.
- DocumentView(com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentState,androidx.compose.ui.Modifier,com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors.DocumentManager) - function in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.views.DocumentViewKt
- Composable that displays the Document in the specified Uri.
- DocumentViewKt - class in com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.views
- DocumentXmpMetadata - class in com.pspdfkit.document.metadata
- This class allows you to modify a PDF documents metadata.
- doesDeviceSupportConversion(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.html.HtmlToPdfConverter
- Checks whether PSPDFKit can perform HTML-to-PDF conversion on this device.
- doesDeviceSupportReaderView(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfReaderView
- Checks whether PSPDFKit can show `PdfReaderView` on this device.
- DotNetBindings - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.initialization.CrossPlatformTechnology
- DOUBLE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.page.PageLayoutMode
Pages will always be displayed in the double page mode.
- DOUBLE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfValue.PdfValueType
- downloadDocumentAsync(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantDocumentDescriptor
- Downloads document from Instant Server (Nutrient Document Engine) asynchronously.
- DownloadException - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download.exceptions
- Exceptions thrown when there is an issue with downloading a document through DownloadJob/UrlDataProvider
- DownloadException.DownloadFileException - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download.exceptions.DownloadException
- Thrown when we run into file system issues with the download file for the download job
- DownloadException.DownloadOnMainThreadException - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download.exceptions.DownloadException
- Thrown if you try to open a remote document/image with any of the PdfDocumentLoader or ImageDocumentLoader open methods on the main thread.
- DownloadException.NetworkException - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download.exceptions.DownloadException
- Something network related occurred during the download process.
- DownloadException.NotEnoughDiskSpaceException - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download.exceptions.DownloadException
- Thrown when there is not enough disk space to download the document.
- DownloadException.OutputFileException - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download.exceptions.DownloadException
- Thrown when we run into file system issues with the output file for the download job.
- DownloadException.OutputFolderException - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download.exceptions.DownloadException
- Thrown when we can't create the folder for the downloaded file.
- DownloadJob - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download
- A task that can download a PDF document from a DownloadSource.
- DownloadJob.ProgressListener - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download.DownloadJob
- Definition of callback objects for observing downloads.
- DownloadJob.ProgressListenerAdapter - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download.DownloadJob
- An empty implementation of a ProgressListener.
- DownloadProgressFragment - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download
- A fragment for retaining a DownloadJob and showing its progress.
- DownloadRequest - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download
- A request for downloading a PDF document.
- DownloadRequest.Builder - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download.DownloadRequest
- Builder for a DownloadRequest.
- DownloadSource - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download.source
- A remote PDF resource that can be downloaded by the DownloadJob.
- DRAFT - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.PredefinedStampType
- DRAGGED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.listeners.scrolling.ScrollState
Signifies that the document is currently being dragged by the user.
- DRAW - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.signatures.SignatureCreationMode
The user draws their signature. For example using a finger or stylus.
- draw(android.graphics.Canvas) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.note.NoteHinterDrawable
- duplicatePages(java.util.Set) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.PdfDocumentEditor
- Duplicates pages of the document.
- duplicateSelectedPages() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.DocumentEditingController
- Perform duplicate selected pages action on document editor.
- DUTCH - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ocr.OcrLanguage
Dutch language (en) selector for OCR processing. Use this value with performOcrOnPages when performing text detection for Dutch documents. When using this value, make sure you have the Dutch OCR language pack added to your app, by adding the
dependency inside yourbuild.gradle
file:final String pspdfkit_version = {@value com.pspdfkit.Nutrient#VERSION}; dependencies { implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr:$pspdfkit_version" implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr-dutch:$pspdfkit_version" }