- cache(boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.rendering.PageRenderConfiguration.Builder
- Use PSPDFKits disk and memory cache to render subsequent bitmaps faster.
- cacheFileNameFromUrl(java.net.URL) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.UrlDataProvider.Companion
- creates a unique cache file name for the given URL.
- CADES - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureType
CAdES, or CMS Advanced Electronic Signatures, is a set of extensions over CMS to make the signature suitable as an advanced electronic signature.
- CALLOUT - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant.Preset
Preset for the 'callout' variant, used with the FREETEXT_CALLOUT in the framework.
- CAMERA - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool
Creates stamp annotation from camera image.
- CameraImagePickerFragment - class in com.pspdfkit.document.image
- Fragment used for firing up the camera for capturing an image.
- cancel() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.download.DownloadJob
- Cancel the running download.
- cancel() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.PropertyInspector
- Request cancellation of the inspector.
- CANCELLED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.note.AuthorState
The change has been cancelled.
- cancelSharing() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DefaultDocumentSharingController
- Cancels sharing process.
- cancelSharing() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingController
- Cancels sharing process.
- canClearFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.FormEditingController
- Checks whether selected form element value can be cleared.
- canClearFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.FormElementViewController
- Checks whether selected form element value can be cleared.
- CANONICAL_FORMAT - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.SubmitFormAction.SubmitFormActionFlag
If set, any submitted field values representing dates shall be converted to the standard PDF format.
- canPlay(com.pspdfkit.annotations.SoundAnnotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.audio.AudioModeManager
- Checks whether sound annotation audio data is supported for playback.
- canRecord(com.pspdfkit.annotations.SoundAnnotation) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.audio.AudioModeManager
- Checks whether sound annotation can be recorded into.
- canRedo() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.PdfDocumentEditor
- Checks if redo operation is possible on document editor.
- canRedo() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.UndoManager
- Returns whether there are edits that can be redone or not.
- canRemoveBookmark(com.pspdfkit.bookmarks.Bookmark) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.outline.BookmarkViewAdapter
- Called to check if bookmark can be removed from the list.
- canUndo() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.PdfDocumentEditor
- Checks if undo operation is possible on document editor.
- canUndo() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.UndoManager
- Returns whether there are edits that can be undone or not.
- canWrite() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.ContentResolverDataProvider
- Indicates whether this data provider is writable.
- canWrite() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.WritableDataProvider
- Indicates whether this data provider is writable.
- captureEndValues(android.transition.TransitionValues) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.transition.EpicenterTranslateClipReveal
- captureStartValues(android.transition.TransitionValues) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.transition.EpicenterTranslateClipReveal
- CARET - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationType
- CASE_INSENSITIVE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.search.CompareOptions
If specified, text search ignores case.
- CENTER - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.FreeTextAnnotation.FreeTextTextJustification
- CENTER - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.VerticalTextAlignment
The text is vertically centered.
- CENTER - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PagePosition
- CENTER - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.note.AlignedAnnotationHinterDrawable.HorizontalAlignment
- CENTER - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.note.AlignedAnnotationHinterDrawable.VerticalAlignment
- CENTER - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.overlay.OverlayLayoutParams.LayoutPosition
- CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_FAILURE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult.ValidationProblem
The certificate chain produced an error.
- changeAllAnnotations(com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask.AnnotationProcessingMode) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask
- Changes ALL annotations in document according to AnnotationProcessingMode.
- changeAnnotationCreationMode(com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool,com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationCreationController
- Starts an annotation creation mode with different annotation tool selected.
- changeAnnotations(java.util.List,com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask.AnnotationProcessingMode) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask
- Changes passed annotations according to passed AnnotationProcessingMode.
- changeAnnotationsOfType(com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationType,com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask.AnnotationProcessingMode) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask
- Changes all annotation of a certain type according to the passed in processing mode.
- changeFormsOfType(com.pspdfkit.forms.FormType,com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask.AnnotationProcessingMode) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask
- Changes all form annotations of a certain type according to the passed in processing mode.
- changeStrokeColorOnPage(int,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask
- Adjusts color of all strokes on the given page.
- checkAndAdjustConfiguration(com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration) - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.ui.InstantPdfActivityIntentBuilder.Companion
- Returns an adjusted copy of the given configuration to match the requirements for Instant.
- CHECKBOX - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormType
Control which toggles between two states - on and off.
- CheckBoxFormConfiguration - class in com.pspdfkit.forms
- Configuration class of com.pspdfkit.forms.CheckBoxFormElement for the creation of a com.pspdfkit.forms.CheckBoxFormField using addFormElementsToPage or addFormElementToPage.
- CheckBoxFormConfiguration.Builder - class in com.pspdfkit.forms.CheckBoxFormConfiguration
- Builder used to construct CheckBoxFormConfiguration instance.
- CheckBoxFormElement - class in com.pspdfkit.forms
- A single checkbox form control which can be toggled to on or off.
- CheckBoxFormField - class in com.pspdfkit.forms
- One or more check boxes that can toggle between two states - on and off.
- checkpointExists() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.checkpoint.PdfDocumentCheckpointer
- Checks if a checkpoint for the document exists.
- checkProviderConfiguration(android.content.Context) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingProvider
- Tests if DocumentSharingProvider is configured correctly in
. - checkProviderConfiguration(android.content.Context,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingProvider
- Tests if DocumentSharingProvider is configured correctly in
. - ChoiceFormElement - class in com.pspdfkit.forms
- Represents a choice form control in a PDF form.
- ChoiceFormField - class in com.pspdfkit.forms
- Represents a choice form field in a PDF form.
- CIRCLE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationType
Circle can also be an elliptical area measurement
- CIRCLE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.LineEndType
- CIRCLE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationTool
Creates circle annotations.
- CircleAnnotation - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations
- Represents a circle on the page.
- CLEAN - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.instant.document.InstantDocumentState
The document is valid and has no local changes.
Note: If you are listening for server changes via setListenToServerChanges this also implies that you have the latest observable changes from the server.
- clear() - function in com.pspdfkit.listeners.OnVisibilityChangedListenerManager
- Removes all previously added OnVisibilityChangedListener instances.
- clear() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.storage.DatabaseSignatureStorage
- Clear all the entries from the database.
- clear() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.storage.SignatureStorage
- Clears the storage by removing all the signatures from it.
- clearBackStackListeners() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation.NavigationBackStack
- Removes all previously added back stack listeners.
- clearCaches() - function in com.pspdfkit.Nutrient
- Clears pageBitmap memory cache to free memory.
- clearCaches() - function in com.pspdfkit.PSPDFKit
- Clears pageBitmap memory cache to free memory.
- clearCaches(android.content.Context,java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.PSPDFKit
- Clears pageBitmap memory cache to free memory.
- clearContentEditing() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.ContentEditingController
- Called when the user clicks the clear button on the content editing styling bar
- clearDirty() - function in com.pspdfkit.bookmarks.Bookmark
- Marks bookmark not dirty.
- clearDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PSPDFKitViews.PSPDFView
- Called by the activity when the view should unbind the previously set document.
- clearDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfOutlineView
- Called by the activity when the view should unbind the previously set document.
- clearDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfReaderView
- Called by the activity when the view should unbind the previously set document.
- clearDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailBar
- Called by the activity when the view should unbind the previously set document.
- clearDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfThumbnailGrid
- Called by the activity when the view should unbind the previously set document.
- clearDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewLazy
- Called by the activity when the view should unbind the previously set document.
- clearDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfScrollableThumbnailBar
- Called by the activity when the view should unbind the previously set document.
- clearDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfStaticThumbnailBar
- Called by the activity when the view should unbind the previously set document.
- clearDocument() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail.PdfThumbnailBarController
- clearFixedMenuItems() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu.ActionMenu
- Clear all fixed menu items.
- clearFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.FormEditingController
- Clears selected form element value.
- clearFormField() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.FormElementViewController
- Clears selected form element value.
- clearHistory() - function in com.pspdfkit.undo.UndoManager
- Clears the history of all currently recorded edits.
- clearIndex() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.library.PdfLibrary
- Completely clears the index for this library.
- clearMenuItems() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu.ActionMenu
- Clear all menu items.
- clearPageLabels() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.PdfProcessorTask
- Removes all page labels in the document.
- clearPreferences() - function in com.pspdfkit.preferences.PSPDFKitPreferences
- Wipes all user preferences, handle with care.
- clearSearch() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchView
- Clears the search input field as well as any previously collected search results.
- clearSearch() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewLazy
- Clears the search input field as well as any previously collected search results.
- clearSearchResults() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.SearchResultHighlighter
- Clears all previously selected search results.
- clearSelectedAnnotations() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfFragment
- Clears all currently selected Annotations.
- clearStandardMenuItems() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu.ActionMenu
- Clear all standard menu items.
- clearTrustedCertificates() - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.TrustedKeyStore
- Clears the list.
- cloneWithPassword(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.DocumentSource
- Returns a copy of this source with new password set.
- close() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.providers.OutputStreamAdapter
- close() - function in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaGalleryView
- Close currently played media file.
- close() - function in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaViewController
- Close currently played media file.
- close() - function in com.pspdfkit.media.MediaWebView
- Close currently played media file.
- CLOSE_DISABLED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.tabs.PdfTabBarCloseMode
Hide the close button.
- CLOSE_ENABLED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.tabs.PdfTabBarCloseMode
Always show the close button.
- CLOSE_ONLY_SELECTED_TAB - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.tabs.PdfTabBarCloseMode
Only show the close button on the selected tab.
- CLOSED_ARROW - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.LineEndType
- CLOUDY - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.BorderEffect
Cloudy border effect. Can be customized using setBorderEffectIntensity.
- CLOUDY - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.AnnotationToolVariant.Preset
Preset for the 'cloudy' variant, used with the POLYGON, SQUARE and CIRCLE in the framework.
- CM - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.Scale.UnitFrom
- CM - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements.Scale.UnitTo
- COLLAPSED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.OutlineElementState
- collapseRedactionOptions() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.redaction.RedactionView
- Collapses redaction menu options if expanded
- COLOR - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationProperty
Annotation foreground color. Controls foreground color picker in the annotation inspector.
- COLOR_BURN - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.BlendMode
Darkens the backdrop colour to reflect the source colour. Painting with white produces no change.
- COLOR_DODGE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.BlendMode
Brightens the backdrop colour to reflect the source colour. Painting with black produces no changes.
- ColorPickerInspectorDetailView - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views
- Detail view of the ColorPickerInspectorView used in PropertyInspector.
- ColorPickerInspectorView - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views
- Inspector component for picking colors.
- ColorPickerInspectorView.ColorPickerDetailView - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorView
- Interface implemented by the different color picker detail views.
- ColorPickerInspectorView.ColorPickerListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ColorPickerInspectorView
- Listener for color changes.
- com.pspdfkit - package com.pspdfkit
- com.pspdfkit.analytics - package com.pspdfkit.analytics
- com.pspdfkit.annotations - package com.pspdfkit.annotations
- com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions - package com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions
- com.pspdfkit.annotations.appearance - package com.pspdfkit.annotations.appearance
- com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration - package com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration
- com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults - package com.pspdfkit.annotations.defaults
- com.pspdfkit.annotations.links - package com.pspdfkit.annotations.links
- com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements - package com.pspdfkit.annotations.measurements
- com.pspdfkit.annotations.note - package com.pspdfkit.annotations.note
- com.pspdfkit.annotations.sound - package com.pspdfkit.annotations.sound
- com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps - package com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps
- com.pspdfkit.bookmarks - package com.pspdfkit.bookmarks
- com.pspdfkit.compose.theme - package com.pspdfkit.compose.theme
- com.pspdfkit.configuration - package com.pspdfkit.configuration
- com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity - package com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity
- com.pspdfkit.configuration.annotations - package com.pspdfkit.configuration.annotations
- com.pspdfkit.configuration.forms - package com.pspdfkit.configuration.forms
- com.pspdfkit.configuration.page - package com.pspdfkit.configuration.page
- com.pspdfkit.configuration.policy - package com.pspdfkit.configuration.policy
- com.pspdfkit.configuration.rendering - package com.pspdfkit.configuration.rendering
- com.pspdfkit.configuration.search - package com.pspdfkit.configuration.search
- com.pspdfkit.configuration.settings - package com.pspdfkit.configuration.settings
- com.pspdfkit.configuration.sharing - package com.pspdfkit.configuration.sharing
- com.pspdfkit.configuration.signatures - package com.pspdfkit.configuration.signatures
- com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming - package com.pspdfkit.configuration.theming
- com.pspdfkit.contentediting - package com.pspdfkit.contentediting
- com.pspdfkit.contentediting.defaults - package com.pspdfkit.contentediting.defaults
- com.pspdfkit.datastructures - package com.pspdfkit.datastructures
- com.pspdfkit.document - package com.pspdfkit.document
- com.pspdfkit.document.checkpoint - package com.pspdfkit.document.checkpoint
- com.pspdfkit.document.download - package com.pspdfkit.document.download
- com.pspdfkit.document.download.exceptions - package com.pspdfkit.document.download.exceptions
- com.pspdfkit.document.download.source - package com.pspdfkit.document.download.source
- com.pspdfkit.document.editor - package com.pspdfkit.document.editor
- com.pspdfkit.document.editor.page - package com.pspdfkit.document.editor.page
- com.pspdfkit.document.files - package com.pspdfkit.document.files
- com.pspdfkit.document.formatters - package com.pspdfkit.document.formatters
- com.pspdfkit.document.html - package com.pspdfkit.document.html
- com.pspdfkit.document.image - package com.pspdfkit.document.image
- com.pspdfkit.document.library - package com.pspdfkit.document.library
- com.pspdfkit.document.metadata - package com.pspdfkit.document.metadata
- com.pspdfkit.document.office - package com.pspdfkit.document.office
- com.pspdfkit.document.printing - package com.pspdfkit.document.printing
- com.pspdfkit.document.processor - package com.pspdfkit.document.processor
- com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ocr - package com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ocr
- com.pspdfkit.document.providers - package com.pspdfkit.document.providers
- com.pspdfkit.document.search - package com.pspdfkit.document.search
- com.pspdfkit.document.sharing - package com.pspdfkit.document.sharing
- com.pspdfkit.exceptions - package com.pspdfkit.exceptions
- com.pspdfkit.forms - package com.pspdfkit.forms
- com.pspdfkit.forms.exceptions - package com.pspdfkit.forms.exceptions
- com.pspdfkit.initialization - package com.pspdfkit.initialization
- com.pspdfkit.instant.annotations - package com.pspdfkit.instant.annotations
- com.pspdfkit.instant.client - package com.pspdfkit.instant.client
- com.pspdfkit.instant.document - package com.pspdfkit.instant.document
- com.pspdfkit.instant.exceptions - package com.pspdfkit.instant.exceptions
- com.pspdfkit.instant.listeners - package com.pspdfkit.instant.listeners
- com.pspdfkit.instant.ui - package com.pspdfkit.instant.ui
- com.pspdfkit.javascript - package com.pspdfkit.javascript
- com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.components - package com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.components
- com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors - package com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.interactors
- com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.views - package com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.views
- com.pspdfkit.listeners - package com.pspdfkit.listeners
- com.pspdfkit.listeners.scrolling - package com.pspdfkit.listeners.scrolling
- com.pspdfkit.media - package com.pspdfkit.media
- com.pspdfkit.preferences - package com.pspdfkit.preferences
- com.pspdfkit.projection - package com.pspdfkit.projection
- com.pspdfkit.signatures - package com.pspdfkit.signatures
- com.pspdfkit.signatures.listeners - package com.pspdfkit.signatures.listeners
- com.pspdfkit.signatures.storage - package com.pspdfkit.signatures.storage
- com.pspdfkit.signatures.timestamp - package com.pspdfkit.signatures.timestamp
- com.pspdfkit.ui - package com.pspdfkit.ui
- com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu - package com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu
- com.pspdfkit.ui.annotations - package com.pspdfkit.ui.annotations
- com.pspdfkit.ui.audio - package com.pspdfkit.ui.audio
- com.pspdfkit.ui.contentediting - package com.pspdfkit.ui.contentediting
- com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog - package com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog
- com.pspdfkit.ui.document.editor - package com.pspdfkit.ui.document.editor
- com.pspdfkit.ui.documentinfo - package com.pspdfkit.ui.documentinfo
- com.pspdfkit.ui.drawable - package com.pspdfkit.ui.drawable
- com.pspdfkit.ui.editor - package com.pspdfkit.ui.editor
- com.pspdfkit.ui.fonts - package com.pspdfkit.ui.fonts
- com.pspdfkit.ui.forms - package com.pspdfkit.ui.forms
- com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector - package com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector
- com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.annotation - package com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.annotation
- com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.contentediting - package com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.contentediting
- com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.forms - package com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.forms
- com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views - package com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views
- com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation - package com.pspdfkit.ui.navigation
- com.pspdfkit.ui.note - package com.pspdfkit.ui.note
- com.pspdfkit.ui.outline - package com.pspdfkit.ui.outline
- com.pspdfkit.ui.overlay - package com.pspdfkit.ui.overlay
- com.pspdfkit.ui.redaction - package com.pspdfkit.ui.redaction
- com.pspdfkit.ui.rendering - package com.pspdfkit.ui.rendering
- com.pspdfkit.ui.scale - package com.pspdfkit.ui.scale
- com.pspdfkit.ui.scrollbar - package com.pspdfkit.ui.scrollbar
- com.pspdfkit.ui.search - package com.pspdfkit.ui.search
- com.pspdfkit.ui.settings - package com.pspdfkit.ui.settings
- com.pspdfkit.ui.settings.components - package com.pspdfkit.ui.settings.components
- com.pspdfkit.ui.signatures - package com.pspdfkit.ui.signatures
- com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller - package com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller
- com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.base - package com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.base
- com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.manager - package com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.manager
- com.pspdfkit.ui.tabs - package com.pspdfkit.ui.tabs
- com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail - package com.pspdfkit.ui.thumbnail
- com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar - package com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar
- com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping - package com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping
- com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping.presets - package com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.grouping.presets
- com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.popup - package com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.popup
- com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.rx - package com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.rx
- com.pspdfkit.ui.transition - package com.pspdfkit.ui.transition
- com.pspdfkit.undo - package com.pspdfkit.undo
- com.pspdfkit.undo.edit - package com.pspdfkit.undo.edit
- com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations - package com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.annotations
- com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.contentediting - package com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.contentediting
- com.pspdfkit.undo.exceptions - package com.pspdfkit.undo.exceptions
- com.pspdfkit.utils - package com.pspdfkit.utils
- COMBOBOX - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormType
Control which displays drop-down list optionally accompanied by an editable text box in which the user can type a value other than the predefined choices.
- ComboBoxFormConfiguration - class in com.pspdfkit.forms
- Configuration class of com.pspdfkit.forms.ComboBoxFormElement for the creation of a com.pspdfkit.forms.ComboBoxFormField using addFormElementToPage.
- ComboBoxFormConfiguration.Builder - class in com.pspdfkit.forms.ComboBoxFormConfiguration
- Builder used to construct ComboBoxFormConfiguration instance.
- ComboBoxFormElement - class in com.pspdfkit.forms
- A form control which displays drop-down list.
- ComboBoxFormField - class in com.pspdfkit.forms
- A form field which displays drop-down list.
- COMMENT_CREATED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.instant.annotations.InstantAnnotationProvider.NonAnnotationChange
- COMMENT_DELETED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.instant.annotations.InstantAnnotationProvider.NonAnnotationChange
- commitTransaction() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.PdfDocumentEditor
- Ends a batch of document editor operations and commits them immediately.
- CompareOptions - class in com.pspdfkit.document.search
- Flags for SearchOptions
- compareOptions(kotlin.Array) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.search.SearchOptions.Builder
- Sets CompareOptions to control various aspects of text search such as case sensitivity or whether regular expression search is enabled.
- compareOptions(java.util.EnumSet) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.search.SearchOptions.Builder
- Sets CompareOptions to control various aspects of text search such as case sensitivity or whether regular expression search is enabled.
- compareTo(com.pspdfkit.bookmarks.Bookmark) - function in com.pspdfkit.bookmarks.Bookmark
- compareTo(com.pspdfkit.datastructures.Range) - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.Range
- compareTo(com.pspdfkit.datastructures.TextBlock) - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.TextBlock
- compareTo(com.pspdfkit.document.search.SearchResult) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.search.SearchResult
- compareTo(com.pspdfkit.utils.PageRect) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.PageRect
- compareTo(com.pspdfkit.utils.Size) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.Size
- COMPARISON - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.LicenseFeature
Enables comparing, merging and recoloring document pages.
- ComparisonDialogListener - class in com.pspdfkit.document.processor
- This interface provides a callback when performing document comparison using the DocumentComparisonDialog.
- ComparisonDocument - class in com.pspdfkit.document.processor
- This class holds the data used for document comparison.
- COMPLETED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.note.AuthorState
The change has been completed.
- COMPLETED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.PredefinedStampType
- CompoundEdit - class in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit
- Edit that contains list of Edits lined up in the list chronologically as they were executed.
- CONFIDENTIAL - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.PredefinedStampType
- configuration(com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Replaces all properties from the PdfConfiguration
- configuration(com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration) - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.ui.InstantPdfActivityIntentBuilder
- Sets PdfActivityConfiguration to be set on the target InstantPdfActivity in which the document(s) will be displayed.
- configuration(com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfActivityIntentBuilder
- Sets PdfActivityConfiguration to be set on the target PdfActivity in which the document(s) will be displayed.
- configuration(com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUiFragmentBuilder
- Sets PdfActivityConfiguration to be set on the target PdfUiFragment in which the document(s) will be displayed.
- CONTENT_EDITING - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.LicenseFeature
Enabled editing text directly on the document page with the UI
- ContentEditingController - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller
- ContentEditingEdit - class in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.contentediting
- Baseclass for all content editing undo/redo actions.
- contentEditingEnabled(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration.Builder
- Enable/disable content editing functionality.
- contentEditingEnabled(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Enable/disable content editing functionality.
- ContentEditingFillColorConfiguration - class in com.pspdfkit.contentediting
- Configuration for content editing fill color.
- ContentEditingFontNamesPickerView - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views
- This is a simple list of fonts for the ContentEditingStylingBar used in PropertyInspector.
- ContentEditingFontSizesPickerView - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views
- This is a simple list of font sizes for the ContentEditingStylingBar used in PropertyInspector.
- ContentEditingInspectorController - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller
- Controller responsible for interaction between ContentEditingController and content editing views.
- ContentEditingLineSpacingPickerView - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views
- ContentEditingLineSpacingPickerView.LineSpacingPickerListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views.ContentEditingLineSpacingPickerView
- ContentEditingManager - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.manager
- Interface for objects that manage content editing listeners.
- ContentEditingManager.OnContentEditingContentChangeListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.manager.ContentEditingManager
- Listener for content editing changes.
- ContentEditingManager.OnContentEditingModeChangeListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.manager.ContentEditingManager
- Listener for entering and exiting content editing mode.
- ContentEditingNativeChangeEdit - class in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.contentediting
- Any content changes made by the NativeContentEditor (which is text-change and change of style (font, textcolor, textsize)) can simply be un-/redone by calling NativeContentEditingCommand.RESTORE with a specific HistoryIndex and the id of the textblock.
- ContentEditingPreferencesManager - class in com.pspdfkit.contentediting.defaults
- ContentEditingStylingBar - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.contentediting
- Bottom auxiliary bar displayed when editing documents.
- ContentEditingStylingBar.OnContentEditingBarLifecycleListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.contentediting.ContentEditingStylingBar
- Listener for the lifecycle of the ContentEditingStylingBar.
- ContentEditingStylingBarItem - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller
- This enum represents the item that the user has clicked on the ContentEditingStylingBar
- ContentEditingTextBlockAlignmentEdit - class in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.contentediting
- Content editing undo-edit for text alignment changes.
- ContentEditingTextBlockLineSpacingEdit - class in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.contentediting
- ContentEditingTextBlockMoveAndResizeEdit - class in com.pspdfkit.undo.edit.contentediting
- Content Editing undo-edit object for textblock move/resize operations (mainly from drag & drop)
- ContentEditingToolbar - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar
- Toolbar shown when pdf content is being edited.
- ContentResolverAppearanceStreamGenerator - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.appearance
- Annotation appearance stream generator that supplies a PDF file from a ContentProvider to be used as annotation appearance stream.
- ContentResolverDataProvider - class in com.pspdfkit.document.providers
- Data provider for opening PDF documents directly from a ContentProvider using Android's content resolver framework.
- ContentResolverDownloadSource - class in com.pspdfkit.document.download.source
- A source for downloading a document from a ContentProvider.
- contentSignatures(kotlin.Array) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfActivityIntentBuilder
- Sets list of content signatures for when the opened document is merged from several documents or for a single document.
- contentSignatures(kotlin.Array) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.PdfUiFragmentBuilder
- Sets list of content signatures for when the opened document is merged from several documents or for a single document.
- ContextDataProvider - class in com.pspdfkit.document.providers
- Abstract data provider that allows subclasses to retrieve the application context by calling .
- ContextualToolbar - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar
- Base class of all contextual toolbars.
- ContextualToolbar.OnMenuItemClickListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbar
- Listener for menu items clicks.
- ContextualToolbar.OnMenuItemLongClickListener - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbar
- Listener for long clicks on menu items with submenu.
- ContextualToolbarMenuBar - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar
- This view is a component of contextual toolbar.
- ContextualToolbarMenuBar.MenuItemPosition - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuBar
- Possible positions for toolbar menu items.
- ContextualToolbarMenuItem - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar
- Represents a single menu item in the ContextualToolbar.
- ContextualToolbarMenuItem.Position - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem
- Possible positions for toolbar menu items.
- ContextualToolbarMenuItem.SubmenuIndicatorPosition - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem
- Possible positions for submenu indicator (in those views that have it).
- ContextualToolbarSubMenu - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar
- This view is a component of contextual toolbar.
- CONTINUOUS - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.page.PageScrollMode
Page scrolling will stop in whatever position the user stopped dragging
- CONTROLS_ENABLED - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.MediaOptions
Specifies the controls should be enabled.
- convertToPdfAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.html.HtmlToPdfConverter
- Performs HTML-to-PDF conversion to a temporary file in application's cache directory.
- convertToPdfAsync(java.io.File) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.html.HtmlToPdfConverter
- Performs HTML-to-PDF conversion to specified file.
- convertToPdfAsync() - function in com.pspdfkit.document.office.OfficeToPdfConverter
- Performs Office-to-PDF conversion to a temporary file in the application's cache directory.
- convertToPdfAsync(java.io.File) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.office.OfficeToPdfConverter
- Performs Office-to-PDF conversion to the specified file.
- CopyPasteFeatures - class in com.pspdfkit.configuration.annotations
- Sub features of copy/paste that can be enabled or disabled.
- copyPastEnabled(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.PdfConfiguration.Builder
- Enable/disable copy and paste of annotations.
- copyPastEnabled(java.lang.Boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.configuration.activity.PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder
- Enable/disable copy and paste of annotations.
- Cordova - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.initialization.CrossPlatformTechnology
- COULD_NOT_CHECK_REVOCATION_STATUS - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureValidationResult.ValidationProblem
The certificate OCSP revocation check failed (likely due to a network error).
- create(int,com.pspdfkit.datastructures.Range,java.util.List,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.TextBlock
- Creates a TextBlock from the given page.
- create(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation,com.pspdfkit.datastructures.Range,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.search.SearchResult
- Create an immutable search result with a preview snippet from annotation text.
- create(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,int,com.pspdfkit.datastructures.Range,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.search.SearchResult
- Creates an immutable search result with a preview snippet from page text
- create(android.content.Context,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantClient
- Creates Instant Server (Nutrient Document Engine) client that is going to connect to server at
. - create(android.content.Context,java.net.URL) - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantClient
- Creates Instant Server (Nutrient Document Engine) client that is going to connect to server at
. - create(android.content.Context,okhttp3.HttpUrl) - function in com.pspdfkit.instant.client.InstantClient
- Creates Instant Server (Nutrient Document Engine) client that is going to connect to server at
. - createActionMenuIcon(android.content.Context,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.actionmenu.ActionMenu
- Gets icon from drawable resource styled properly so it can be used in action menu.
- createAnnotationFromInstantJson(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Creates an annotation from the Instant JSON annotation format.
- createAnnotationFromInstantJsonAsync(java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider
- Creates an annotation from the Instant JSON annotation format asynchronously.
- createCalibrationLineAnnotation(int,android.graphics.PointF,android.graphics.PointF) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.LineAnnotation
- Creates a new LineAnnotation with the `isCalibration` flag set to true.
- createDocumentPrintDialog() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentPrintDialogFactory
- Creates a dialog to be displayed during the sharing flow.
- createDocumentSharingDialog() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentSharingDialogFactory
- Creates a dialog to be displayed during the sharing flow.
- createForDocument(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.editor.PdfDocumentEditorFactory
- Creates document editor to perform operations such as page manipulation, reordering and importing documents.
- createFromInternalDocument(com.pspdfkit.internal.model.InternalPdfDocument) - function in com.pspdfkit.forms.FormProviderFactory
- Creates the InternalFormProvider.
- createFromParcel(android.os.Parcel) - function in com.pspdfkit.datastructures.TextSelectionRectangles.CREATOR
- createFromParcel(android.os.Parcel) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.DigitalSignatureMetadata.CREATOR
- createFromParcel(android.os.Parcel) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.timestamp.TimestampData.CREATOR
- createGoToEmbeddedAction(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Boolean,java.util.List) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ActionAccessors.Companion
- Framework private constructor for creating GoToEmbeddedAction.
- createGroupItem(int,com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem.Position,boolean,java.util.List,com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem
- Creates a contextual toolbar menu group item with the provided properties.
- createHideAction(java.util.List,java.lang.Boolean,java.util.List) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ActionAccessors.Companion
- Framework private constructor for creating HideAction.
- createImportDataAction(java.util.List) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ActionAccessors.Companion
- Framework private constructor for creating ImportDataAction.
- createInkSignature(java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Float,java.util.List,com.pspdfkit.signatures.BiometricSignatureData,java.lang.Float) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature.Companion
- Helper method to create an ink signature.
- createLinkAboveSelectedText() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.special_mode.controller.TextSelectionController
- Creates link above the selected text.
- createPdfRectUnion(java.util.List) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.PdfUtils
- Creates a union of a list of
. - createPrintOptions(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.printing.PrintOptionsProvider
- Creates the PrintOptions.
- createRenditionAction(com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.RenditionAction.RenditionActionType,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String,java.util.List) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ActionAccessors.Companion
- Framework private constructor for creating RenditionAction.
- createRichMediaExecuteAction(com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.RichMediaExecuteAction.RichMediaExecuteActionType,java.lang.Integer,java.util.List) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.ActionAccessors.Companion
- Framework private constructor for creating RichMediaExecuteAction.
- createSearchView() - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.search.PdfSearchViewLazy
- Factory method called when the search view is being prepared for display.
- createSharingOptions(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,int) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.SharingOptionsProvider
- Creates and returns the SharingOptions.
- createSingleItem(android.content.Context,int,android.graphics.drawable.Drawable,java.lang.String,int,int,com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem.Position,boolean) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem
- Creates a contextual toolbar menu single item with the provided properties.
- createSingleTextItem(android.content.Context,int,com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem.Position) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.toolbar.ContextualToolbarMenuItem
- Creates a contextual toolbar menu single ite, with the provided properties.
- createStampAnnotation(int) - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.StampPickerItem
- Creates stamp annotation from picker item data.
- createStampSignature(android.graphics.Bitmap,android.graphics.RectF,com.pspdfkit.signatures.BiometricSignatureData,java.lang.Float) - function in com.pspdfkit.signatures.Signature.Companion
- Helper method to create a stamp signature.
- createTemporaryFile(android.content.Context,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) - function in com.pspdfkit.document.sharing.DocumentSharingProvider
- Creates temporary file and returns its Uri.
- createTextBlock(com.pspdfkit.annotations.Annotation,com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,com.pspdfkit.datastructures.Range) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.TextBlockHelpersKt
- Creates TextBlock from textual annotation.
- createTextBlock(com.pspdfkit.document.PdfDocument,java.lang.Integer,com.pspdfkit.datastructures.Range) - function in com.pspdfkit.utils.TextBlockHelpersKt
- Creates a TextBlock from the given page.
- CROATIAN - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ocr.OcrLanguage
Croatian language (en) selector for OCR processing. Use this value with performOcrOnPages when performing text detection for Croatian documents. When using this value, make sure you have the Croatian OCR language pack added to your app, by adding the
dependency inside yourbuild.gradle
file:final String pspdfkit_version = {@value com.pspdfkit.Nutrient#VERSION}; dependencies { implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr:$pspdfkit_version" implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr-croatian:$pspdfkit_version" }
- CROP_BOX - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.PdfBox
The crop box defines the region to which the contents of the page shall be clipped (cropped) when displayed or printed. Unlike the other boxes, the crop box has no defined meaning in terms of physical page geometry or intended use; it merely imposes clipping on the page contents. However, in the absence of additional information (such as imposition instructions specified in a JDF or PJTF job ticket), the crop box determines how the page’s contents shall be positioned on the output medium (including PSPDFKit itself). The default value is the page’s media box.
- CROSS_DOCUMENT_COPY_PASTE - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.configuration.annotations.CopyPasteFeatures
Allows the user to copy annotations from one document to the other.
- CrossPlatformTechnology - class in com.pspdfkit.initialization
- Types of Hybrid/cross-platform technologies that can be used with the Android SDK.
- currentPage(java.lang.Integer) - function in com.pspdfkit.ui.dialog.DocumentSharingDialogConfiguration.Builder
- Sets currently displayed page.
- CURSOR_ENTERS - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.AnnotationTriggerEvent
Triggered when cursor enters annotation area. (Unsupported)
- CURSOR_EXITS - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.actions.AnnotationTriggerEvent
Triggered when cursor exits annotation area. (Unsupported)
- CUSTOM - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps.PredefinedStampType
- customColorPickerEnabled() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationColorConfiguration
- Whether or not the custom color picker is used.
- customColorPickerEnabled() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationFillColorConfiguration
- Whether or not the custom color picker is used.
- customColorPickerEnabled() - function in com.pspdfkit.annotations.configuration.AnnotationOutlineColorConfiguration
- Whether or not the custom color picker is used.
- customColorPickerEnabled() - function in com.pspdfkit.contentediting.ContentEditingFillColorConfiguration
- Whether or not the custom color picker is used.
- CustomColorPickerInspectorDetailView - class in com.pspdfkit.ui.inspector.views
- Detail view for the ColorPickerInspectorView that provides options for the user to set custom colors.
- CustomStampAppearanceStreamGenerator - class in com.pspdfkit.annotations.stamps
- Collection of AppearanceStreamGenerator that can be registered via addAppearanceStreamGenerator to generate appearance streams for stamps with custom subjects.
- CZECH - enum entry in com.pspdfkit.document.processor.ocr.OcrLanguage
Czech language (en) selector for OCR processing. Use this value with performOcrOnPages when performing text detection for Czech documents. When using this value, make sure you have the Czech OCR language pack added to your app, by adding the
dependency inside yourbuild.gradle
file:final String pspdfkit_version = {@value com.pspdfkit.Nutrient#VERSION}; dependencies { implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr:$pspdfkit_version" implementation "com.pspdfkit:pspdfkit-ocr-czech:$pspdfkit_version" }