CSS: Sidebar



The main sidebar container.


Can also be: .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Annotations .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Bookmarks .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Outline
Added when the sidebar is empty i.e. there aren't items.


Can also be: .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Annotations .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Bookmarks .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Outline
Added when the sidebar content is loading.


Can also be: .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Thumbnails-Page-Selected
A page in the sidebar.


Is also: .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Thumbnails-Page
The selected page in the sidebar.


The thumbnail image container. Contains an `img` tag that is the actual image.


The thumbnail label. Usually it is the page number.


Can also be: .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Empty
The Annotations sidebar container.


The title for the group of annotations for a given page.


The annotations container for a give page.


The container for an annotation in the sidebar.


The icon for an annotation type in the sidebar.

Contains metadata such as creator name and update time for an annotation.


The delete button for an annotation in the sidebar.


Can also be: .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Empty .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Loading
The Bookmarks sidebar container.


Can also be: .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Bookmarks-Bookmark-Selected .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Bookmarks-Bookmark-Editing
The container for a bookmark in the sidebar.


Is also: .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Bookmarks-Bookmark
A selected bookmark.


Is also: .PSPDFKit-Sidebar-Bookmarks-Bookmark
A bookmark that is in edit mode.


The title and label for the Bookmarks sidebar and editor.


The bookmark icon used in the sidebar heading.


The page number associated with the current bookmark.


The bookmark name/description.


The button to create a new bookmark.


The bookmarks editor.


The button to delete a bookmark.


The button to discard changes when editing a bookmark.


The button to save changes when editing a bookmark.