Aquaforest OCR products are designed with a number of time out settings. These time out settings are designed to enable the system to abort a specific step of the OCR process on a single page. This enables the OCR process to continue with the remainder of the pages/document(s) which need to be processed rather than wait indefinitely. The following time out settings are located in the Properties.xml file and should not be modified without recommendation from the Support team. The values held in these settings are in milliseconds, Also note that time out settings listed below are page specific.
PipeClientConnectionTimeout The MRCTimeout setting holds the time out value for when MRC compression is being applied to the page. OcrProcessSetupTimeout holds the time out value for the process which sets up the OCR process. This will attempt to launch the OCR process in the allowable period 5 consecutive times before the page times out. The OcrTimeout setting holds the time out value for the actual OCR process being performed on the page. PipeClientConnectionTimeout holds the time out value for the time the Pipe Server should wait for a client connection. Below are examples of the messages which will be reported when the OcrTimeout or OcrProcessSetupTimeout are reached by a page.
Controller: OCR Process Comms Timeout
Controller : OCR Process Launch Timeout The first message usually indicates that the page has not been OCRed, this is usually page specific and can usually be addressed after examining the source image. The second message is generally caused when the host system is under heavy load, it can be useful to view the resources through Task Manager to see what other processes are running when this message is reported.