2018 has been quite the year with GDPR coming into action making find-ability more important than ever within organisations.
With the conference itself we always enjoy the Search related sessions and were especially interested to attend the session by Donald Hessing on “Using AI and Cognitive Search to Enrich, Index and Search your Enterprise” data. This and other sessions relating to AI and Cognitive sessions made it clear that there are some exciting opportunities for building on Microsoft’s AI investments.
This year’s expo was bustling with many people. There was a variety of stands from SharePoint plugins to OCR tools. As is becoming a tradition for us we had our own stand at the expo running our find-ability challenge. We had many happy winners that walked away with a variety of prizes ranging from Lego to their very own find it.
This time around we’ve been focusing on showing off our searchlight products from OCR to Tagger. We also announced our new product searchlight 365, which is our subscription-based model for the OCR process.
Altogether this year’s ESPC was a massive success with many people coming to our stand and the many things that we can take away from the sessions. But most of all we can take away that its easier to find the coin than it is to find that document hidden away in our SharePoint Library.
Make sure to check out our products below if you want to make your job that bit easier: