Although our developers have been working hard on the SharePoint Online version of the Muhimbi PDF Converter for SharePoint, that doesn’t mean we have forgotten about the on-premise version, after all it is used on thousands of SharePoint 2007, 2010 and 2013 servers.
Today we are announcing the release of version 7.3, which - in addition to support for K2 blackpearl workflows and a fancy Table Of Content Generator - also includes a number of bug fixes and major performance improvements when merging large files.
The following blog posts provide more detail
For those not familiar with the product, the PDF Converter for SharePoint is a lightweight solution that allows end-users to merge, split, watermark, secure, OCR and convert common document types - including InfoPath, AutoCAD, MSG (email) MS-Office, HTML and images - to PDF as well as other formats from within SharePoint using a friendly user interface, workflows or a web service call without the need to install any client side software or Adobe Acrobat. It integrates at a deep level with SharePoint and leverages facilities such as the Audit log, Nintex Workflow, K2 blackpearl, localisation, security and tracing. It runs on SharePoint 2007, 2010 & 2013 and is available in English, German, Dutch, French, Traditional Chinese and Japanese. For detailed information check out the product page .
Use K2 SmartObjects to Convert, Merge, Watermark and OCR files.
In addition to the changes listed above, some of the main changes and additions in the new version are as follows:
2264 EMLFixEML to PDF - Accessing content stream of non-leaf entities is not supported.
2237 EMLFixEML to PDF - Attachments present in an attached EML file show as attachments of the main file
2275 K2 New Add support for K2 blackpearl workflow integration
2245 MergingFixSystem.ArgumentOutOfRangeException when merging AnyDWG PDF Files.
2247 MergingFixNullReferenceException while merging
225 5MergingFixNullRefException when merging certain PDF files
2243 MergingFixObject reference not set to an instance of an object when merging certain files
2168 MergingFixMerge Operations reset the security settings
1978 MergingFixError in ‘PdfLoadedPageCollection.GetPage’ while merging certain files
2232 MergingImprovementLoading some existing PDF files is slow (e.g. for merge operations)
2240 MergingImprovementMerging certain existing PDF files is very slow
2263 MergingNewImplement Table of Content (TOC) Facility
1950 MSGFixMSG to PDF - some formatting is incorrect when HTML email contains inline images
2258 MSGFixMSG to PDF - Attachment Recursion Problem2228MSGFixMSG to PDF - The German Word ‘täglich’ is displayed as ‘tälich’ by the time it makes it into the PDF.
2315 OCRFixOCR Tasks are not always aborted after timeout
2304 OCRFixOCRed Text is placed off-screen in some cases
2281 OCRFixOCR - Some files are not processed at all
2269 OCRFixTIFF not extracted correctly during OCR
2266 OCRFixOCR - Error when OCRing PDF files that contain no images
2278 OtherFixUnexpected token loading certain Acrobat 1.3 files
2260 OtherFixCan’t reregister an object when loading PDF
2246 OtherImprovementOpening 3rd party PDF files takes a long time / Never finishes
2256 OtherNewDocument the use of the conversion service with SSL
2176 OtherNewCreate sample code for adding Digital Signature to PDF
2239 PowerPointFixPowerPoint converter may fail under load on Office 2013 systems
2312 WatermarkingFixReal-time watermarking history entries always returns the latest file
For more information check out the following resources:
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Download your free trial here (49MB). .