Blog Post

PSPDFKit for Board Meetings

Illustration: PSPDFKit for Board Meetings

PSPDFKit is used by thousands of apps and millions of end users across different industries like aviation, board meetings, construction, e-learning, e-readers, and magazines.

In this post, we’ll discuss how to configure PSPDFKit for a board meeting app to allow multiple attendees to collaborate on a document in real time during a meeting.

Real-Time Collaboration

During a board meeting, attendees often need to collaborate on the same document in real time. For our use case, we want to allow the attendees to annotate a document — a meeting agenda — as the meeting or call goes on.

In the video below, we initiate a meeting between two participants. In this demo, to emulate the collaboration on a PDF document between those participants, we’ll use the PSPDFKit Catalog app (on the left-hand side of the screen) and PDF Viewer, our app from the App Store (on the right-hand side of the screen). Both apps use an instance of the board meeting example.

ℹ Info: The board meeting example uses PSPDFKit’s Viewer, Annotations, and Instant components.

ℹ Info: You can build the PSPDFKit Catalog app on your iOS device or Simulator to explore the board meeting example, and you can find its source code in BoardMeetingExample.swift. You can also install PDF Viewer from the App Store on your iOS device and open the board meeting example via Settings > PSPDFKit Catalog.

In the video above, we started the new meeting in the Catalog app (left), and the PDF Viewer participant (right) joined in a separate instance of the board meeting example.

Notice how the same document is visible for both participants and how the annotation changes are synced instantaneously between the two participants.

PSPDFKit Instant

The board meeting example is powered by PSPDFKit Instant, our multi-user data synchronization engine.

Instant is a collaboration between four components: your server, the instance of PSPDFKit Server that you host, your app, and the Instant framework embedded in your app.

We designed Instant to be fully functional while a device is offline or the connection is unreliable.

PSPDFKit for iOS, Android, and Web all support Instant. Just connect your app to an Instant server, and document management and syncing will be taken care of.


To learn more about how PSPDFKit can help you improve your board meeting app, take our Catalog app for a spin, head over to our iOS and Instant overview guides, or reach out to us on support.

If you’re curious about how PSPDFKit is used in other industries, please take a look at our other blog posts from this series:

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