Document Authoring SDK

Experience the next generation of document authoring

Our Document Authoring SDK is an easy-to-use WYSIWYG editor, similar to Google Docs, that lets you open, edit, and export complex documents, ensuring perfect fidelity across browsers and in PDFs.


See Document Authoring in action

Experience unmatched document creation and management with a web SDK that adapts to your workflow and goes beyond what’s possible with other rich text libraries. To get started, edit a sample document or import a DOCX file.


Bright green grass on rock symbolizes simplicity and efficiency, reflecting how our PDF SDK streamlines document manipulation and software development. Years of research and customer collaboration drive innovative solutions, empowering developers to reduce time spent on tasks and stay ahead of the competition.

Deliver a familiar WYSIWYG editing experience

Build a trusted user experience with a page-based layout for rich text editing, reminiscent of the interfaces of Google Docs and Microsoft Word.

Bright green grass on rock symbolizes simplicity and efficiency, reflecting how our PDF SDK streamlines document manipulation and software development. Years of research and customer collaboration drive innovative solutions, empowering developers to reduce time spent on tasks and stay ahead of the competition.

Experience perfect fidelity and unique precision

Streamline document workflows by seamlessly opening DOCX files and exporting edited documents to DOCX or PDF with industry-leading fidelity.

Bright green grass on rock symbolizes simplicity and efficiency, reflecting how our PDF SDK streamlines document manipulation and software development. Years of research and customer collaboration drive innovative solutions, empowering developers to reduce time spent on tasks and stay ahead of the competition.

Maintain a consistent and focused user experience

Maintain a consistent experience within your platform with a fully customizable SDK designed to effortlessly integrate into any application.

Trusted by industry leaders

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Which one is for you?

Document Authoring SDK


Create and edit documents from scratch, or modify existing DOCX files, akin to Google Docs.

View, annotate, sign, and edit PDF and image files; create and fill out forms within web applications.

Move paragraphs between pages, and format text, styling, and layouts.

Edit and reposition text on individual pages.

Features browser-based document editing that maintains fidelity when exported to PDF.

Ensures 100 percent preservation of the original layout and design of PDFs.

Open, view, and edit DOCX files.

Open, view, and annotate Office files, including DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX (Office Files component needed).

Used in:

  • Document drafting
  • Report generation
  • Content creation
  • Publishing

Used in:

  • Embedding PDFs in web applications
  • Filling forms
  • Signing documents