In this article, we’ll explore how to add advanced PDF features to your Elm app using PSPDFKit for Web. It builds upon our Open a PDF in Elm blog post, so be sure to check that out first.
To get started, we’ll need a free PSPDFKit for Web demo license. Follow the trial signup steps, and then make a note of your NPM_KEY
, which we’ll need shortly.
ℹ️ Note: If you don’t want to follow along, you can see the finished code in our PSPDFKit for Web Elm example project, along with examples for several other popular languages and frameworks.
To set up our project, let’s first create the initial structure for our app:
mkdir pspdfkit-web-example-elm cd pspdfkit-web-example-elm mkdir src assets touch src/index.js src/Main.elm
Then we’ll install our dependencies:
npm init -y npm install -D elm elm-webpack-loader html-webpack-plugin webpack webpack-dev-server npm install -D https://my.pspdfkit.com/npm/YOUR_NPM_KEY_GOES_HERE/latest.tar.gz
Note that we’re using webpack to automate some of the grunt work, along with elm-webpack-loader to tell webpack how to handle Elm files. The webpack setup is not that relevant here, so we’ll skip over the details, but you can see the full webpack configuration in the finished example project.
First Iteration: Rendering
As in the previous article, our initial goal is simply to render a PDF in the browser. Here’s an example PDF to use if you don’t have one handy. Be sure to place it in the assets
folder we created previously.
On the Elm side (in src/Main.elm
), we’ll start simple and just create a div
with an id
of PSPDFKitContainer
to contain our PSPDFKit
module Main exposing (init, main, update, view) import Browser import Html exposing (div) import Html.Attributes exposing (id, style) -- MODEL init = {} -- UPDATE update msg model = model -- VIEW view model = div [ id "PSPDFKitContainer", style "height" "100vh" ] [] -- PROGRAM main = Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view }
On the JavaScript side (in src/index.js
), we just need to tell PSPDFKit
to render into the PSPDFKitContainer
created by Elm and pass in both the license key we obtained earlier and the path to our PDF document:
import { Elm } from "./Main"; import PSPDFKit from "pspdfkit"; Elm.Main.init({ node: document.body }); PSPDFKit.load({ document: "example.pdf", container: "#PSPDFKitContainer", licenseKey: YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_GOES_HERE });
With that, our PDF is now shown in the browser:
Second Iteration: Configuration
PSPDFKit for Web has a rich set of configuration options. In this second iteration, our aim is to specify these in Elm and pass them over to JS using Ports
On the Elm side, we create a configure
port which we can use to send our data to JS. We also define some data types that tell Elm the shape and format of our configuration object.
Finally, in the init
function, we send the desired configuration to the configure
port. Here we’re specifying that we want to jump straight to page 2 of the document and show thumbnails of the document pages in the sidebar.
ℹ️ Note: In a production app, rather than sidebarMode : String
, you’d instead define a custom type (i.e. type SidebarMode = Thumbnails | Annotations | ...
) and encode it before passing it to the port
port module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Html exposing (div) import Html.Attributes exposing (id, style) -- MODEL type alias Model = { pdf : String , container : String , licenseKey : String , viewState : ViewState } type alias ViewState = { currentPageIndex : Int , sidebarMode : String } type alias Flags = { licenseKey : String } init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = let model = { pdf = "example.pdf" , container = "#PSPDFKitContainer" , licenseKey = flags.licenseKey , annotations = [] , viewState = { currentPageIndex = 1 , sidebarMode = "THUMBNAILS" } } in ( model, configure model ) -- UPDATE type Msg = Model update msg model = ( model, load model ) -- PORT port configure : Model -> Cmd msg -- VIEW view model = div [ id "PSPDFKitContainer", style "height" "100vh" ] [] -- PROGRAM main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none }
On the JS side, we subscribe to the configure
port, which receives the configuration object and uses it to initialize PSPDFKit
const app = Elm.Main.init({ node: document.body, flags: { licenseKey: YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_GOES_HERE } }); app.ports.configure.subscribe(data => { const initialViewState = new PSPDFKit.ViewState(data.viewState); const config = { ...data, initialViewState }; PSPDFKit.load(config); });
Here’s how our second iteration looks in the browser:
Third Iteration: Interaction
For our third and final iteration, our aim is to be able to add annotations to the document using Elm.
To do this, we’ll add a button with an onClick
handler that calls our update
function. If it receives the CreateAnnotation
message, our update function creates a new Annotation
and updates our Model
. Finally, it dispatches our updated model to a new annotate
port module Main exposing (..) import Browser import Html exposing (Html, button, div, footer, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (id, style) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) -- MODEL type alias Model = { pdf : String , container : String , licenseKey : String , viewState : ViewState , annotations : List Annotation } type alias ViewState = { currentPageIndex : Int , sidebarMode : String } type alias Annotation = { pageIndex : Int , text : String , fontSize : Int , isBold : Bool , fontColor : String , backgroundColor : String , horizontalAlign : String , verticalAlign : String , boundingBox : Rect } type alias Rect = { left : Int , top : Int , width : Int , height : Int } type alias Flags = { licenseKey : String } init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags = let model = { pdf = "example.pdf" , container = "#PSPDFKitContainer" , licenseKey = flags.licenseKey , annotations = [] , viewState = { currentPageIndex = 1 , sidebarMode = "THUMBNAILS" } } in ( model, configure model ) -- UPDATE type Msg = SetConfig | CreateAnnotation update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of SetConfig -> ( model, configure model ) CreateAnnotation -> let annotation = { pageIndex = 1 , text = "Hello from Elm 🌳" , fontSize = 50 , isBold = True , fontColor = "WHITE" , backgroundColor = "GREEN" , horizontalAlign = "center" , verticalAlign = "center" , boundingBox = { left = 100 , top = 100 , width = 500 , height = 200 } } in ( model, annotate { model | annotations = [ annotation ] } ) -- PORT port configure : Model -> Cmd msg port annotate : Model -> Cmd msg -- VIEW view model = div [] [ div [ id "PSPDFKitContainer", style "height" "90vh" ] [] , footer [ style "text-align" "center", style "line-height" "10vh" ] [ button [ onClick CreateAnnotation ] [ text "Create Annotation" ] ] ] -- PROGRAM main = Browser.element { init = init , update = update , view = view , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none }
The only significant change on the JS side is that we now need to subscribe to the annotate
port to receive the updated model. There we simply loop through the annotations and coerce their attributes into the types that PSPDFKit
is expecting:
import { Elm } from "./Main"; import PSPDFKit from "pspdfkit"; let instance; const app = Elm.Main.init({ node: document.body, flags: { licenseKey: YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_GOES_HERE } }); app.ports.configure.subscribe(data => { const initialViewState = new PSPDFKit.ViewState(data.viewState); const config = { ...data, initialViewState }; PSPDFKit.load(config).then(async pspdfkit => { instance = pspdfkit; }); }); app.ports.annotate.subscribe(data => { data.annotations.forEach(a => { const annotation = new PSPDFKit.Annotations.TextAnnotation({ ...a, fontColor: new PSPDFKit.Color(PSPDFKit.Color[a.fontColor]), backgroundColor: new PSPDFKit.Color(PSPDFKit.Color[a.backgroundColor]), boundingBox: new PSPDFKit.Geometry.Rect(a.boundingBox) }); instance.createAnnotation(annotation); }); });
Here’s how our third iteration looks in the browser:
I hope this post has given you further insight into how JS interop works in Elm. These principles can be applied to working with any JavaScript library, and the basic pattern is the same: We define explicitly what and how data flows between Elm and the browser via ports
, which gives us access to the things we need from JS while allowing us to keep the core of our application logic in Elm.
This might seem like a lot of overhead, but in many ways, it is not that different from talking to an API or delegating to some native code, and the beauty of the Elm language, architecture, and compiler really make it worth exploring.