Nutrient Web SDK is a JavaScript PDF library for viewing, annotating, and editing PDFs directly in the browser. Use it to add PDF capabilities to any web app.
This guide walks you through the steps to integrate Nutrient Web SDK into your project. By the end, you'll be able to render a PDF document in the UI.
You can load Nutrient Web SDK directly from Nutrient's content delivery network (CDN). Nutrient maintains the CDN for customers and it's a good way to get started. For more control and flexibility, you can use local installation.
Add the following
tag in yourapp.html
:app.html <!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><link rel="icon" href="%sveltekit.assets%/favicon.png" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />%sveltekit.head%</head><body data-sveltekit-preload-data="hover"><div style="display: contents">%sveltekit.body%</div></body></html>You're now ready to use the Nutrient Web SDK and reference
in the client side code.
Add the Nutrient Web SDK (
) dependency:Terminal window npm i @nutrient-sdk/viewerTerminal window pnpm add @nutrient-sdk/viewerTerminal window yarn add @nutrient-sdk/viewerIf you tried CDN installation first, make sure to remove the script tag:
app.html <!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><link rel="icon" href="%sveltekit.assets%/favicon.png" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />%sveltekit.head%</head><body data-sveltekit-preload-data="hover"><div style="display: contents">%sveltekit.body%</div></body></html>We'll add a config in Vite to copy the SDK assets to the
directory. Install therollup-plugin-copy
package:Terminal window npm i -D rollup-plugin-copyTerminal window pnpm add -D rollup-plugin-copyTerminal window yarn add -D rollup-plugin-copyUpdate your Vite config:
vite.config.ts import { sveltekit } from "@sveltejs/kit/vite";import { defineConfig } from "vite";import copy from "rollup-plugin-copy";export default defineConfig({plugins: [copy({targets: [{src: "node_modules/@nutrient-sdk/viewer/dist/nutrient-viewer-lib",dest: "static/",},],hook: "buildStart",}),sveltekit(),],});You can include the SDK assets
in your.gitignore
file to avoid committing them to your repository.Update
to referenceNutrientViewer
locally:+page.svelte <script lang="ts">import { onDestroy, onMount } from "svelte";let container: HTMLDivElement | null = null;let NutrientViewer: typeof import("@nutrient-sdk/viewer").default | undefined;onMount(async () => {NutrientViewer = (await import("@nutrient-sdk/viewer")).default;if (container && NutrientViewer) {NutrientViewer.load({container,// you may also specify a file in public directory e.g. /document.pdfdocument: "",// baseUrl tells the SDK where to load the assets frombaseUrl: `${window.location.protocol}//${}/${import.meta.env.PUBLIC_URL ?? ""}`,});}});onDestroy(() => {NutrientViewer?.unload(container);});</script><div class="container" bind:this={container}></div><style>/* we also need to set the container height and width */.container {height: 100vh;width: 100%;}</style>You're now ready to use the Nutrient Web SDK locally in your Svelte app.
Render a PDF
Load the PDF file into a component (for example,
) usingNutrientViewer
:+page.svelte <script lang="ts">import { onMount } from "svelte";let container: HTMLDivElement | null = null;onMount(() => {const { NutrientViewer } = window;if (container && NutrientViewer) {NutrientViewer.load({container,// you may also specify a file in static directory e.g. /document.pdfdocument: "",});}return () => {NutrientViewer?.unload(container);};});</script><div class="container" bind:this={container}></div><style>/* we also need to set the container height and width */.container {height: 100vh;width: 100%;}</style>Start the development server:
Terminal window npm run devTerminal window pnpm run devTerminal window yarn run devYou should see the PDF rendered in the Nutrient Web SDK UI.
Next steps
Further steps to set up your project.
TypeScript with CDN installation
Nutrient Web SDK comes with built-in support for TypeScript. This should work out of the box for local installation. For the CDN installation follow these steps:
Add the Nutrient Web SDK dependency, if not done previously:
Terminal window npm i @nutrient-sdk/viewerTerminal window pnpm add @nutrient-sdk/viewerTerminal window yarn add @nutrient-sdk/viewerAdd reference for built-in types for the SDK in
:app.d.ts import NutrientViewer from "@nutrient-sdk/viewer";// See for information about these interfacesdeclare global {namespace App {// interface Error {}// interface Locals {}// interface PageData {}// interface PageState {}// interface Platform {}}interface Window {// Nutrient Web SDK will be available on window.NutrientViewer once loadedNutrientViewer?: typeof NutrientViewer;}}export {};Restart the TS server or your editor if needed.
Optimize CDN installation
If you use the CDN installation approach in production, Nutrient recommends considering optimizations such as prefetching.